

"And if we used the emotion anger on any dormant ore with energy, we can magnify its power and make it turn into some sort of explosive ores that you like."

The more she spoke the more Arthur understood her point. He realized what she was thinking of, and he had to admit that she had an excellent idea.

"So we'll first try to turn the ores into docile and dormant state," Arthur started to speak about what he understood so far regarding the plan, "and then we'll melt them and purify the ores, right?"

"We can also use the natural powers of purification to help us," Sara added, "and about the Gruben ore, we can also add more tricks to it. Like adding the emotion of admiration or even intimidation. Things like these will add more beauty and value to our currency."

"That's… Terrific!" Arthur couldn't help but nod in agreement, "let's start then."
