
The News Came At Last

Despite this act of theirs, the situation only kept falling fast towards the darkest abyss. Arthur watched many of his mechas get smashed by those elite forces of the lycans without being able to do anything.

With each time they bypassed a blockade, they had to leave behind a group of elites. After many rounds of doing so, the small numbers grew to form a small army, one that started to cause big troubles at the back.

And things at the front weren't looking as good either.

"We need to split up," Doaf finally said, "we can't preserve the rear like this."

"We have to worry about the front," Amera said, "the rear doesn't matter that much."

"It does," Doaf didn't agree with her, "if what we are looking for is up ahead, we will need their help to regain our strength."
