
Happy New Year: Causing A Massive Devastation Using Arrow of Destruction Arrays!

They both had wounds, but nothing severe yet, luckily. He glanced at the whole world before smiling, standing off the back of Tina before jumping, letting his body fall while turning into a dragon.

Many attacks fell upon his body, he was injured, slightly, but not too much.

"Come forth, all of you," he shouted, and the next moment as he waved his hands, the whole place got suddenly crowded with hundreds of thousands of warriors appearing out of nowhere.

As the enemies were using the defensive arrays, these warriors appeared to fill the spaces between them. their appearance came as a surprise to their enemies, even to Tina and Sara, but to Arthur's warriors they were ready.

The next moment they used their array, forming the defensive shields around them, making them in a position just equal to their enemies.

And among them, his scorpion queen was there, summoned finally to have fun.
