
Taking All the Warehouses

He moved with Tina towards the nearby buildings. The central area was formed entirely of large buildings, five to seven stories tall, numbering around fifty, with the size of the large warehouses he was now quite familiar with.

Once reached a building, he entered it. huge war tools were lined in complete form, one after another, to fill the area of this spacious warehouse.

"They are huge!" Tina remarked while Arthur was just grinning from ear to ear. "We need to take them all," he said before thinking about the time and effort needed to do so. "Didn't I take a warehouse before?" he thought to himself, recalling the supply tent he had once acquired from the small military camp in the mountains.

"Let's go," he said to Tina as both headed to the outside. "No harm in trying," he encouraged himself to get over the bitter potential loss of all things inside if he didn't manage to pull this trick.
