

        Malory quickly runs towards her mother but just like everyone else in the room, she's no longer breathing. She took a look around: the servant, Mary, and her mother- they are all dead. The only ones alive is her and Marcus, why did it come to this?

She promised! Amber promised her that the poison wasn't fatal, but she lied. She played Malory and she fell right into Amber's traps. She was foolish, how could she trust her- a dead person.

She held her mother close to her chest, tears flowing from her eyes.

 A scream of pain emitted from her lips, No! No! Please someone- anyone, wake me up from this nightmare, she thought inside her head.

All eyes were shifted towards Malory- her agony echoed in every corner of the room.

"Oh please Malory, shut up" Amber told her causing the other to glance over her stepsister.

Standing up Malory's eyes are filled with fury "You lied! You said it wasn't fatal! You said you'll only kill Marcus!" she shouted before gritting her teeth.

"Did I?" Amber tilted her head as if thinking, "Sorry, my bad" she added with a smile.

"But you can't really blame me, Malory, whether you admit it or not you're an accomplice. So let me phrase what you just said 'WE suppose to only kill Marcus'- accept it- you're a murder, Malory. You're the one who poured the poison in the food after all" Amber chuckled before looking away, redirecting her red eyes to Marcus.

"See? Nobody likes you" she said- shaking her head disapprovingly.

"You're greedy, you're deceitful, you're evil, and you will die tonight. Knowing that no one has ever loved you- neither of your wives and none of your daughters" she coldly stated with her burning red eyes.

Marcus finally fell to the ground- the poison had taken its toll, now the only thing left. Is for Amber to claim her prize and end her father's life.

In the middle of the chaos, Robbie stared in Amber's back- confusion and disbelief occupied his eyes, Amber lied to Malory and him. Everything is not what it's supposed to be.

"Robbie" her cold voice brought Robbie back to reality.

"The knife" she said before, taking it from his hand.

He was unable to think- he did say he's ready, however, this is different. All this time, Amber has been planning to kill everyone and she didn't bother to tell him.

The man watched as his beloved kneeled next to her father- with the knife ready to take a life.

And without any hesitation, Amber raised the knife over her head before bringing it back down- straight to the man's chest. With a satisfying groan from Marcus, Amber pulled the knife before raising it again for another strike. She continued doing this over and over and over again- blood splattering everywhere.

She was like a maniac on the loose, yet her face is calm with a subtle smile on her lips and eyes gleaming with happiness.

Robbie was unable to see it, but Malory did- her monster of a sister, have killed so many in cold blood.

Taking the opportunity- while all attention is on Marcus, Malory stood up and left the room. She passed Robbie and they lock eyes but he just turns to the other side. He could never leave Amber behind but he can at least let Malory run away unharmed.

Malory walked along the hall- smoke building up in the manor and she knows that she needed to hurry. She wanted to run but unable to do so, her legs feel weak that she has to use the wall to support herself. Why she thought, she didn't drink or ate anything. She can't be poisoned so why?

Looking down, her face went pale. Blood had stained her dress- Marcus's final rage had taken away her young.

"No…No…" she cried as she placed her free hand in her stomach, slowly sitting down the floor- the blood continued to pour out endlessly. Running down her thighs- the blood had created a puddle on the ground.

 Right there she remained- crying hysterically and vision fading. For the last time, she thought of her lover- his bright smile shining towards her 'Let's run away' he told her.

 To live a normal life with her beloved and her child is all that she has ever wanted- is that too much to ask? To wake up in a small house and spend the day with the people she loves, to smile genuinely, to feel loved and treasured by a single man. What did she ever do to deserve this? Was she evil in her previous life? Did she murder people?

Why is the heaven punishing her like this?

She should have defied the odds, she should've just held his hand and run away from this place, she should have just abandoned everything. If only she was just brave enough- but what is there to mourn for? This is the end of her- she can't turn back time, she can't undo it all.

All she wishes now is to hear his voice one last time, to see his smile before she closed her eyes, to hold his hand in her numb ones, to feel his warmth against her chilling body.

And most importantly,

To say …


Before she let out her final breath.

    Amber held a victorious smile on her face, as she watched the light in Marcus' eyes fade- his semi-dismembered body lay on the floor, blood flowed towards Amber- soaking her knees.

She did it! She killed him!

Letting out a loud laugh, she celebrated her victory.

Everything went according to plan, her revenge is a success.

Robbie stood on the other side of the room- helplessly staring at Amber.

He's still denying it but in his heart, he knew- that the person he's looking at is no longer the woman he once loved and cherished.

Thick dark smoke started filling the dining hall and the fire from upstairs is spreading quickly.

"We need to go now" Amber spoke as she abruptly stood.

Running towards Robbie, Amber grabbed him by the hand.

"We need to go! Where's Malory?" she said pulling Robbie along, but he was unresponsive.

"Y-you…" he started.

She already knows where this is going, "I'll explain everything later, I promise" she assured him.

Looking away Robbie, just went along.

He loves Amber but what's next? What lie will she tell him next time? What else did she even lie about before?

Finding their way out, they saw a sitting figure in the hall- blood flowing on the floor.

It was Malory and she's already dead from losing too much blood.

That's less work for them then- Amber thought, the only thing she needs to worry about is Robbie and the possibility that other servants might have gotten away.

The couple entered the kitchen, where the nearest exit is located- bodies lingered everywhere.

 Maybe it's just Robbie that she needs to take care of, after all.

Malory did well on killing everyone, she poured the poison in all the right places.

As the couple exited the manor, Robbie pulled his hand away from Amber's hold.

At this very moment, he's angry, confused, and lost.

He has so many questions that needed answers, but he knew that now is not the time.

So, he will set these feelings aside for the time being.

And confront her later.

Hello Everyone!

I won't be saying much today LOL

Just that I have to work on my Spanish module.

Have a good day!

See ya.


princess_nincreators' thoughts