


        When I finally regained consciousness it was already midday, some light pass through the leaves of the tree and hit my face. As I stood up, my whole body is screaming in pain while I was covered in filth. Then I remembered last night's events, Amber! I need to find her immediately.

I started to walk my way out of the forest despite my limp leg, it probably broke from the fight.

Reaching the edge of the forest, I could hear my name being called.

It was my mother, she was looking for me. Her soft and gentle voice is filled with worry.

"Mum" I said weakly.

Looking my way, she came to me running tears running down her red cheeks.

"Robert! His here I found him!" she screamed trying to call my father.

Almost immediately my father came running his brown hair is messy and his eyes looked tired, they are slightly red and have bags beneath them.

Both of them embraced me with their warmth.

Slowly everything faded away.

        Suddenly, I was taken into a different scenario but this time it's not my memory. I was standing in the aisle and Amber is walking towards me. She looked beautiful as she walked closer, the white gown she's wearing hugs her body and perfectly showing off her figures. In a closer look however she looked awful, her eyes are red. And despite the effort to hide it under makeup, I can still see the bruise forming in her left cheek it was obviously bigger than before. I trembled in anger as I see her poor form clearly, she has been abused by her father.

Amber reached my position but she walked past me.

She walked towards another man, an older man.

To see her get married to another man breaks my heart then this is what happened after she was gone.

I stared blankly at them.

Reaching the altar the priest started the ceremony... oh how badly I wanted to interfere but I was unable to do so.

My ears seemed to lose their ability to hear, everything was silent… until.

"I, Amber Stone take the duke Henry Smith as my truthfully wedded husband" my ears started ringing.

I covered my ears in an attempt to silence my surrounding I don't want to hear more of this nonsense.

Gradually the scene shifted again, I was in a bedroom.

"Stop, Please I'm begging you!" a woman screamed.

I looked up only to Amber she was sitting on the floor her top was torn as tears run down her pale cheeks.

In front of her was the old man, holding some fabric from the torn blouse of Amber.

I wanted to run towards the old man and slaughter him but I couldn't move, I seemed to be rooted in the ground.

I could only watch helplessly as he grabbed Amber by the hair, she flailed her arms trying to stop him.

But it was fruitless the man tossed her in the bed like a ragged doll.

My heart burned in fury as I watch him forced his way into Amber.

She screamed for help and mercy but no one came.

"Robbie…" that was the last word she said before passing out.

As I look at Amber I could feel the warm tears running down my own cheeks.

If only I was there if only I have power, none of this would've happened.

There was a sudden booming thunder, without a warning I was once again in a different place.

It was a dark night and it's raining heavily. There are occasional thunders and rumbling from the sky.

In the distance, I could see a figure of a woman she was sitting on the side of a tree.

I walk closely, as expected it was Amber.

She had her hand over her abdomen, there was a knife and she was bleeding out.

I crouched down hoping I could do something to help.

I tried to pick her up but I can't even touch her.

Shivering she spoke "Robbie where are you? You promised me that you will always be there for me, you said you love me, you said you will never abandon me. Was it all a lie?"

��NO! Those words are not lies! I do love you! Do you hear me?! So please you have to live" I screamed as my tears poured down just like rain, I try to hold her but just like before it was fruitless.

"Please Amber…I love you…I love you with all my heart!" my tears kept on pouring.

My heart seems to shatter into a million pieces.

"R-Robbie... I l-love y-you… so much I w-wish I could s-see you again one last time" those were her last words before drawing her last breath.

I remained in silence, my anger boiling from the deepest part of my body.

This will not do.

Retribution must be paid.

        I woke up in cold sweat and heavy breathing. I just had a very long dream, it was a painful one too and also enlightening. I stared at the ceiling determined, of what I'm to do.

As of this moment, I no longer believe in God, his grace, or anything of the sort. From this point on all, I care about is revenge.

I will make sure they all pay for what they have done to me and Amber.

"So, by that look in your eyes. I take it that you've changed our mind?" a familiar voice spoke.

"Yes, I have been blinded that I didn't realize your pain. But worry not I will make sure that they all pay" I told her as I get up.

"Amber I hope you could forgive me" I said as I tried to reach for her hand only for my hand to pass through hers.

"I may have doubted you but I could never hate you Robbie" she said as she draws so close that our noses seemed to touch, however all I could feel is a tingling cold sensation.

She smiled at me "I already have a sacrifice in mind" her eyes glimmer with a dangerous light as she spoke those words.

"Which one was it? Just say the word and it's yours" I said with a grim smile on my lips.

"Do you remember the French maid that walked inside the room that day? She's still alive" Amber told me as she moved her head away.

"How did you know?" I asked her.

Amber tilted her head "I have been roaming around town for ten years now, I know everything" she said bluntly with bored and dull eyes.

"Then it's settled I will kill her for you and use her as a sacrifice, but for the time being, we need to collect the materials we will need for the ritual" told her as I stood up from the bed.

"No need to worry, that one won't take long I already know where to find them" she said coldly.

I nodded as I tried to look for the journal.


I felt cold.

"I love you Robbie and I missed you so much" Amber said as her ghostly body hug me.

"I love you too Amber" I answered as we both cherish our sweet reunion.

Hello everyone,

So, I've finished updating the previous chapter and let's just say...I'm quite embarrassed. I can't believe how many errors each chapter has.

I would like to take this moment to Thank you for reading my story even with so many grammatical errors.

Also, I should warn you. Some of the future chapters would be bloody that I'm considering to change a tag into GORE.

I already changed the warning notice though.

Well, this is it for now, I suppose.

See ya!

princess_nincreators' thoughts