


"That's it! I'm so punching your ear!" Rachelle said, her voice becoming louder indicting her anger. In all honesty, I never expected her to have this side. She seems so nice and timid but now she's so… well… different.

"I'd like to see you try" Alexander said clearly provoking Rachelle. What is wrong with him today he was never nice to new people sure but something's different usually, he would just send them away or just walk away then slam his doors but… his…acting a bit childlike. I wonder why?

I stepped over before the fight started getting worse "Alright enough you two, just please calm down." I said hoping they'll listen. And as I looked at Rachelle her brows are still crossed, eyes filled with irritation and a deep scowl is present on her pink lips. Even though she's angry right now I can't help but think how beautiful she is…but then I remembered HER. A sudden feeling of dread took over me as I think of HER bright smile and beautiful brown eyes, if only she's still here then I…

Alexander's voice snapped me back in reality "Fine since Robbie seems to adore you I'll try to help but don't expect to be treated like royalty" he said ever so calmly. Ah finally he decided to become a little decent, seriously he had always been "be like this, like that, be a gentleman" yet now his acting so rude.

"Wonderful we should all go inside then" I said flashing an apologetic smile to Rachelle and turn to look at Alexander awaiting his approval.

Alexander scoffed before answering "Fine come on in"

I could only sigh in relief this man is as difficult as ever.


Robbie just sighed in relief as the man finally decided to let us in. As the man whom I am yet to learn the name of opened the doors for us I felt a cold breeze hitting my face, it was pleasant but also chilling as if someone had run a finger along my spine despite this I still walked in.

As I enter the mansion the first thing that I saw are the two staircases each one is curved in a semicircle, together forming a circular grand staircase leading to the second-floor hallway. And as I continued to look up I saw a huge chandelier, which is made out of crystals or maybe glass I'm not really sure but it shines ever so brightly as specks of light hit the surface of its materials giving life to the dull interior of the house. While in the middle of the room are a wooden center table, a set of sofas, and a few wooden coffee tables, all of which are squeaky clean and well varnished.

The mansion was beautiful no doubt however, it was also dull very dull. There are no paintings in frames, no fresh flowers in vases, and no figurines whatsoever it almost looks barren.

I continued to look around until I heard a ringing.

It was from a bell, which is held and being shaken by the blond man. He's probably calling for the servants how fancy, but then again so as the mansion. As he stopped ringing the bell a girl walked in, she's at least a few centimeters taller than me with porcelain-like skin, pink lips, and dull black eyes. Her straight black hair is loose covering her shoulders and her upper chest, while her outfit is consist of a black skirt reaching at least four inches below the knee, a long-sleeved black buttoned-up blouse, and a white apron starting from her waist reaching all the way to the end of her shirt. She looked beautiful but just like everything else in the mansion she looked so dull that she seems… well … dead.

"How may I serve you Master?" she asked her voice is soothing but deprived of emotions.

"We would like some beverages and bring a pastry tower" the man said

"Understood" the girl answered, then bowed a little before she walked away silently.

"Feel free to sit down Rachelle, no one's going to kill you if you did" the man said as he looked t me with a bored expression.

"How did you know my name?" I asked him a bit cautious

I remained silent for a moment "Well as you can see I have ears, don't be so paranoid" he said as he pointed at his left ear.

Did either Kristy or Robbie mention my name earlier?

I continued to look at him with doubt until the sound of footsteps resounded in the room.

Then the same maid walked in holding a shiny silver tray topped with porcelain teacups and a teapot with flower patterns on the side, in toe was another maid holding a pastry tower filled with cookies, brownies, muffins, and sandwiches. The new maid is wearing the same outfit and had the same features as the first one but has brown hair tied neatly in the bun. It's quite terrifying how both are wearing the same blank expression on those seemingly identical faces.

Both of the maids put the goods atop the center table before they both bowed slightly and made a beeline towards the doors behind the grand staircase leading to what seems to be the kitchen.

"Please, help yourselves" the man said as he gestured a hand towards the goods.

"Ah! but before that I would like for the two of you to be officially introduced." Robbie said before Kristy got the chance to grab a cookie from the pastry tower.

Everyone remained in silence which he took as a sign to continue.

"Alright, Rachelle this is Alexander Kirkland he's a good friend of mine and now Alex this is Rachelle she's also a friend of mine" Robbie said as he looked at us with those glittering eyes hoping for the best.

I looked away trying not to be mesmerized and instead redirected my gaze to the man named Alexander.

I smiled a little not wanting to disappoint Robbie and held out a hand, but he only looked at it.

"Nice knowing you then Rachelle, but I don't shake hands" he said scrunching his nose a bit.

I smiled awkwardly then retrieved my hand.

In my mind I'm imagining myself slapping the sh!t out of him with the very same hand I previously extended.

Because of this, there was a moment of silence. Thanks to his oh so wonderful attitude, seriously how can someone be this rude.

Thankfully Robbie saved us all once more he really is starting to become a hero every passing moment.

Robbie cleared his throat and said "Alex may I talk to you for a moment"

Both of them looked at each other for a few seconds until Alexander stood up.

"Come with me then" he said as he walked off, Robbie following right behind him

And just like that, I was alone with Kristy.

How disappointing we haven't even talked about my situation.

Frustrated I picked up a cup of tea and took a sniff, the scent of freshly brewed herbs hit my nostrils.

It smelled wonderful so I decided to take a sip, the freshly brewed earl grey reached my mouth and it immediately lifted my deteriorating mood.

Well then, If those two would take their time I might as well enjoy some tea.

I finally decided which days I will be uploading and they would be Saturdays and Sundays.

Rachelle is still clueless about the events that occurred, will she ever get home?

princess_nincreators' thoughts