
Leave. Her. Alone.

For the next 1 week, Christian has been my drive to school. Trish was still angry at me and she was not even talking to me. I haven't seen Dave nor Lily since the party incident. Christian and I had become closer this past week. From fast food places to lunch buddies. And my nightmare?

     Don't let me even get started on that.

  My nightmares have become more frequent lately. From Lucy crying after the accident happened or her eyes wide open staring at me or sometimes instead of Lucy it would be my mom repeating it's all my fault.

     I was currently getting my books from my locker for first period when I heard his voice. His voice that I used to love but now I hate. His voice that always made me have butterflies in my stomach,  now makes me sick in the stomach. His voice that made me want his presence, even now I do want his presence, but far, far, far away. 

     His voice that belongs to Dave.

     " Ash."

     "What do you want Dave?" I asked with hate as I turned to look at him.

     "I tried calling your number but it didn't go through."

     "Yeah because I blocked yours." He looked as if he hadn't slept for days and his hair looked like he had been running his hand through it a lot.

     "Look Ash I'm sorry." He said taking a step forward while I took a step back.

     "Don't come near me." I said holding a finger up.

     "Ash it was a mistake..." He started but I interrupted him.

     "Save it. I don't want to hear anything from you." I said and I tried to walk away but he held my wrist. The bell rang and the hallway was starting to get empty.

     "Get your filthy hands off me Dave." I said as I tried to free my wrist but his grip was firm.

     "Ash babe...."

     "I am not your babe." I said through gritted teeth.

     "Ashley please let me explain." He begged.

     "I have nothing to hear from you so now let me go."  I tried again to free my hand but his firm grip on my hand had become tighter.

  The hallway was now empty with no single soul left apart from me and Dave.

     "Leave me alone Dave." I tried again as tears began to fill my eyes but he was just staring at me.

     It hurts.

    "Leave. Her. Alone." Came a deep angry voice and Dave's grip on my wrist loosened but it was still firm.

    "And you are?" Dave asked looking at Christian whose jaw ticked, his grey eyes dark with anger, fist clenched to his sides and was looking at Dave's grip on my wrist.

     Even when he's angry he looks hot!!!

     Oh my god did I just think Christian Lockwood as hot???

     What is wrong with me?

  "The person who is going to fuck up your life if you don't let her go now." He said with anger and it made butterflies appear in my stomach.

     Oh my god I must be sick.

     "And if I don't, what will you do huh?" Dave said with hint of fear in his eyes but he was still holding me.

     "Like I said fuck.you.up." He took a step forward with each word and Dave moved back with his hand up in surrender.

    "Hey, hey, hey easy man." Dave said still moving backwards but as soon as Christian turned towards me, Dave tried to take a swing at him but Christian was fast enough to dodge it.

     "Oh man, you just fucked with the wrong person." Christian said and he punched his jaw and I swear I heard a bone snap.

  Ouch. That's gonna hurt.

  A lot.

     Dave fell to the floor with a thud and Christian came to meet me.

     "Hey are you okay?" He asked softly as he inspected my wrist.

    "Yeah sure just hurts a little." I said still looking at Dave on the floor who was groaning.

     "Wow, you do know how to throw a punch." I said trying to lighten the mood.

    "Yeah but that fucker deserves much worse." He said looking at Dave.

    "Hey I'm fine." I said turning his head to look at me with my other hand and as I looked into his eyes, the thundercloud grey eyes softened and I saw different emotions running in his eyes and a particular emotion I couldn't put a name on. We stared at each other for a while before Dave broke the silence.

     "Hey are you guys dating or what?" He asked still on the floor groaning.

    "You can think it that way." Christian answered still looking at me.

     "C'mon let's get you to the nurse's office." He said grabbing my other hand and turning me towards the direction if the nurse's office before he stopped and turned to look at Dave.

     "Oh and David, don't you ever touch Ashley again, nor you go near her, nor you look at her, and don't you ever even think about her or else I'm going to do much worse than punching you." He finished and he walked me to nurse's office leaving jaw broken and I quote 'David' on the floor.
