
One Blood

Gina ran with feet that were already soaked with blood, she ignored the pain that pierced her soles in order to avoid the crazy man who had made her powerless. There was no one in the dark alley, only Gina herself who kept trying to save her pride by continuing to run as her final defense.

In the pitch darkness Gina kept running trying to keep as much distance as possible from the savage predators chasing her behind, her throat hurting right now from screaming too much. 

Gina's steps fell when suddenly her feet tripped over a hard object across the road, Gina's body hit the hard floor very hard. It was very difficult for her to wake up at this time, her whole body ached from the lashes that oozed blood all over her body. The only thing she could hope for right now was to die, dying was her last hope rather than having to lose her pride as a woman.

"You can't run away from me, Gina. you are mine…"

