
Rank Up

Infernape was ranking up to tier 2 king rank. Axel just could not believe it. He knew that it was close to ranking up and he wanted to help it reach tier 2 king rank but he never expected that it would be able to pull it off.

Meanwhile, Mia was surprised by seeing the new nature of Infernape. She also heard what Charizard had said and then Infernape changed its battle style and after some time, it was ranking up to tier 2 king rank. She knew that it was due to the grace of Charizard and Axel and now she had to join the team of Axel.

"Damn it!! I have to join now.", said Mia with frustration. She could not just return this favor with some money and Axel had proved what he had said. She was also curious about Axel and his secrets.

Meanwhile, Charizard was waiting for Infernape to rank up to tier 2 so that it could fight it again.

"This is getting interesting. I can finally get lost a little bit.", said Charizard to itself.


"I just could not believe it. Infernape is ranking up during the battle. I have been anchoring for decades and there have only been a handful of times when I saw any Pokemon rank up or evolve during the and I am just surprised to see it again.

Remember ladies and gentlemen, this a rare sight. So try to remember this moment as much as you can. Now, coming to the bigger question. Before Charizard was tier 2 king rank while Infernape was only tier 1. Now, both of them are going to be tier 2 and Infernape is going to heal all of its previous wounds. So, who is going to win this battle?", said the announcer.

The announcer was doing his best to make the match interesting but Axel knew that there was no way that Charizard was going to lose this battle. Charizard was not a simple Pokemon. It was very powerful and Infernape had just ranked up to tier 2 while Charizard had been tier 2 for a long time.

The process of rank up took around 5 minutes…


Infernape was now ready for round 2. Its eyes showed determination to win this battle and it was ready to go.

But something shocking happened.

Mia raised her hand and said, "I surrender!!!"

The announcement was so sudden that even the announcer said, "What the fuck??? So, sorry for my language but Mia, the finalist of this tournament had just surrendered the whole battle. Does that mean that Axel won?"

 "I know that your Charizard is far more powerful and even though Enma ranked up, it would not be able to defeat it. Even by some miracle it did, then it would have to face another Pokemon of yours which is impossible.

Also, you helped me rank up my Pokemon and this is the least I can do.", said Mia with a soft smile. She was not going to win this battle anyway, so surrendering was the best choice.

"Does that mean you are going to join my team?"

"I would like to hear your proposal first."

"Then I will be waiting for you in the waiting room.", said Axel.

Mia then went to see the condition of Gengar and Luxray. They were injured and Gengar was heavily injured. She was still worried about them.

Meanwhile, Axel had to remain on stage as the announcer announced his win.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. We finally have our winner, Axel Blaze. This had been a very exciting tournament. Even though there was only one winner, I would like to say that everybody did their best and they were also very capable trainers..."

The announcer went on and on for quite some time and finally, it was time for reward.

"The reward for winning this Rising Star Tournament is something every trainer would love. First, Axel will be awarded with 2 billion Poke dollars and a lot of resources. He would also have the chance to have an audience with the King."

Audience with the king was not something everyone could get. This was a very big reward as the trainer could now have a personal relationship with the king if he or she played their cards right.

The award ceremony went on for some time as the king personally awarded him with a badge of honor. This badge had many functions but most of all, this gave Axel freedom. He could now go to any government establishment without any problem. He would be highly valued throughout the Kanto region. However, Axel didn't care much about it. He wanted to meet the King and he had already fulfilled one of his mission in coming here.

One of the main reasons for his coming here was to recruit capable trainers to his team. Axel had realized now that he alone could not do all the things and he needed the backing of a powerful organization if he wanted to make any changes in this world. When the tide hit his home city, it was his team that did all the work and due to them, Axel could still have his home and city intact.

He had the backing of the Venu family, Red and Oak but all of them came with restrictions and conditions as these organizations or influential people were not under him. They were just in a friendly relationship with him. So, he needed his own backing.

He had capable trainers in his team like Hector, Troy, Sam, and Alon but they were still growing and they still needed time. People like Mia and Jin would make a good addition to the team and make his team stronger.


"So, what is your proposal?"

"You have already heard it. You will be joining as a part of my team. You will get monthly income, income from tide raids and I will help you make you and your Pokemon stronger."

"But these are so vague. I want specific details."

"You will be getting those details when you join my team."

Mia didn't know what to do. She already had an organization backing her up and she didn't want to betray them. But if she were to go with Axel, she would be gaining a lot.

"I have already told you, I don't want to betray my organization.", said Mia.

"First of all, can you tell me about your organization? If the objective of your organization doesn't crash with mine, then you can be a member of both sides."

Mia thought long and hard about this proposal. Axel didn't look very strict and she could get the best of both worlds.

"The organization that is supporting me is the Nape family."

"Nape family? One of the starter families of the Sinnoh region?"

"Yes. Actually, my mother was from the Nape family. The family had very strict rules for marrying the family members but my mother didn't do it. She married an outsider and she was cast out.

But after some years, my father died while doing a mission and since my mother had already given her trainer career, we had nothing to do. So, the Nape family accepted us again but we could not use the name of the Nape family.

The leader gave me a Chimchar and they also supported me with resources. It was not for free. Even though I was not a Nape, I could perform missions of the family and earn from them. My mother also got a job from them and after that, the problem of money was solved.

So, the family supported me when we needed them. I could not just back away."

"That is true. But do the family expect something from you?"

"No, they actually don't expect me to do some regular things on a daily basis."

"Then why don't you talk to the leader and tell them that you are going to join my team and if they need some help in the future, you and I will support them."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, but you have to promise me that you will not divulge any secret and important information to them or anyone.", said Axel.

"Yes, I can do that. Then I will talk to them and reply to you tomorrow.", said Mia.

Both of them were in a restaurant and after talking about the business they had a hearty meal. They talked for some time and Axel told Mia a little about his team and what they were capable of.

After talking and eating for an hour, they went to their own ways.


"Axel, this is not the right get up to meet with the king. I think we should buy something."

"Really? But I am not going there to ask something. I am just going there to meet him. I don't think I have to dress up for that."

"No, you must dress up. Why are you complaining about it? Come on, I will buy something for you myself."

"Ok, Ok, we will go somewhere and buy something decent.", sighed Axel.

Frank and Axel were having a discussion on what Axel should wear when he meet the king tomorrow. Axel never cared for good and shiny clothes but Frank knew that while meeting with the king and the royal family, there were some things that people would have to follow.

One of them was a good dress. Not clothes that Axel normally wore. So, he pestered Axel to get some good clothes.

After shopping for an hour, they finally found some decent clothes and Axel was happy that he didn't have to shop again. He never liked to shop. It was just very boring.

At night, Frank trained Axel on how to talk to the king and how to address the king.

"You will only be meeting the king. So when you first meet him, you will address him as 'Your Majesty' and after that, you will call him 'Your grace'. Your way of talking and your position should be different...."

Frank went on and on about these matters which Axel felt was just nonsense. Why would he have to spend a whole night training on how to talk to the king? If it were for him, he would not have attended tomorrow's meeting but even Axel knew that it would be rude.

Frank had been raised in a very influential family, so he knew about these things. They practiced for the whole night till midnight and finally, they slept.


The next day,

Axel went to the king's residence to meet with the king. The meeting time was 10 a.m. and he arrived half an hour earlier to meet with the king. The guards did a thorough check of his identity and finally let him in. He was then let into a waiting room which was as big as a hall.

This was the main palace of the king and this was also not the capital city of the Kanto region. But since the King and Queen would come here to watch the battle and the tournament, a king's residence was built which was very big.

Finally, the guard came and told him to follow him to the main chamber where the king was waiting for Axel.

Axel followed him and after walking for 5 minutes, they reached the gate of the main chamber. The guard opened the door and said, "You may go in."

Axel took a deep breath and then went inside.




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