
Training Plans for Young Pokemons

For Riolu, it didn't need to learn any new moves. It would be training on martial arts called, 'Dark arts'. The name of this martial art was very creepy but its concept was very profound. Axel had bought it from the Venu family at a high price. 

'Dark arts' would train the user in its sensing ability during the basic stage. In the latter stage, the martial arts would branch out from hand-to-hand combat to another type of combat like swords or spears. This was perfect for Riolu as it knew 'Detect' and 'Mind reader'. As of right now, both of the moves didn't have any good effect but it would help Riolu a lot during the later stages.


Primeape didn't need to learn any new moves right now as it had learned a lot of moves already. Axel was thinking it to teach a completely new move but that would depend on its performance. Axel wanted it to teach 'Detect' too as this would be a valuable move for Primeape but he learned that even if 'Detect' was a fighting-type move, Primeape could not learn it. 

Axel thought that Primeape must master its 'Vital spirit' before it learned this move and it would take some time. 


Now, before deciding the moves of others, Axel decided to know their hidden power typing.

After going through with it, he was pleasantly surprised.

1. Togetic- Fairy

2. Shelgon- Fire

3. Aerodactyl- Flying

4. Primeape- Electric

5. Riolu- Water

6. Croconaw- Ice

7. Slowemperor- Water


Axel believed that everyone had a perfect hidden power typing. Fairy typing for Togetic was ideal. There were very few fairy type moves and Togetic could learn most of them. With Fairy type being its hidden power typing, it could learn a lot of fairy type moves.

Shelgon was a dragon type Pokemon, so having a fire type as hidden power typing was also good. Aerodactyl would have rock core first, then dragon core then it ranks up and evolves. So, it having a flying typing was excellent as it was very fast.

Electric typing would increase the speed of Primeape. For some reason, the water type looked the best for Riolu. Water could be turned into anything. It could defend, attack, and do a lot of stuff. 

Ice was good for Croconaw as it could learn a lot of ice type moves and water type for Slowemperor was perfect as it knew many water type moves.


Primeape didn't need to learn any new moves. Axel thought to get it a completely new move if it made some progress in existing moves. It needed to learn hand-to-hand combat. Axel had also gotten a martial arts training manual for Primeape. It was different from Riolu. 

Primeape and Riolu had different natures. Primeape was bold, angry, and a berserker. So, it needed a different training manual that fit its nature. Axel was not the master of hand-to-hand combat, so he could only give it some tips after reading the manual himself. So, the progress was a bit slow.


Togetic was an oddball. Among the new Pokemons, Togetic might be the most talented and hardworking Pokemon in his team. It was also able to learn a new move when it had not even evolved. Shelgon was also able to achieve this feat but it had just gotten off its baby period, so he had to analyze it more.

When Axel read the book 'Fairy theory' in the library of Violet city, he started to think about it every day and it finally came to a decision that the theory might be correct.

As per the book, there were 6 ways a fairy type Pokemon could develop.

1. Light magic like 'Dazzling gleam'

2. Flower magic like 'Floral healing' and 'Flower shield'.

3. Moon magic like 'Moon blast' and 'Moon light'.

4. Taking the power from separate fairy realm.

5. Vampire or succubus magic like 'Charm' and 'Sweet kiss'.

6. And finally nature magic 'Geomancy' and 'Nature madness'.


Now, it didn't have any talent in flower magic. The nature of Togetic was too bold and proud to use vampire or succubus magic. The theory about the separate fairy realm was very controversial and he didn't want Togetic to waste its time on it.

So, only 3 of them remained.

1. Light magic

2. Moon magic

3. Nature magic.


When it came to light magic, only 3 things came to his mind. Healing, high speed, and illusion. There were many things light could do but these were the fundamentals of light magic. Axel didn't know if Togetic could do such a thing. Light magic from fairy-type Pokemon was a long stretch. 

Healing could also be done through nature magic. Togetic was also a flying type Pokemon, so it could have a good speed in the future. However, the speed of air and light were very different.

Axel could not get a lot of application of Moon magic. There were stories of werewolves and many applications of moon magic but these were just fantasies from his previous world. He didn't know if moon magic had such power in this world.

Finally, Nature magic. Axel felt that Togetic was very suitable for this category. As much as Axel had seen, nature magic from fairy type was basically to change and manipulate the nature or surroundings around it. It could also power up the user in different ways like 'Geomancy' and 'Nature's madness' but these were the moves of mythical Pokemons.

Yet, Axel felt that Togetic would excel in nature magic. He had seen it use moves like 'Sunny day' and 'Flamethrower' and other moves. Even though it was not a fire type Pokemon, it was very proficient in using these moves. So, he felt that he should first go with nature magic.

However, Togetic was not going to train it right now. Axel was going to teach it some existing fairy type moves but he also wanted it to focus on flying type moves.

Togetic had now finally become flying type Pokemon and Axel had been eagerly waiting for it for a long time. As of right now, it could glide and fly a bit but its flying powers had not been heightened. It could only do that after it evolved again to Togekiss. 

However, it would take some time to become Togekiss. So, Axel wanted to lay a good foundation for Togetic right now.

As of right now, the moves that Togetic would be learning would be:

1. Thunder wave

2. Crafty Shield

3. Moonlight

4. Play rough

5. Fairy wind

6. Aerial ace

7. Ancient power.


Axel didn't know if it could learn 'Crafty shield', and 'Moonlight' cause Togetic didn't learn these moves normally. However, he felt that with fairy type being the hidden power typing, it would be able to do it. 

Axel was not going to teach fairy type and flying type moves with TMs. Over the period of time, Axel realized that, after his Pokemons learned the move from TMs, it took a longer time to master them or level them up. This was the deficiency of using TMs. 

Axel was in a pinch here and he wanted his Pokemons to grow faster but he was not going to risk the potential of his Pokemons in the future. 

'Thunder wave' was a must for Togetic and it was due to its nature and hidden ability. Togetic was a Pokemon that was loved by nature and it was very lucky. That was also one of the reasons why Axel felt that it would be good in nature magic.

Axel also had 'Fairy dew' with him. He got it in Aeus island but he thought that he would only use it after Togetic's hidden ability 'Super luck' reached a good level of mastery.

Gardevoir did say that it would be ideal to use 'Fairy dew' as early as possible cause 'Fairy dew' took some time to have an effect and it was also considered good to use it before when fairy type Pokemon were in their young stage, they were more innocent and pure and at that time, 'Fairy dew' would have a good effect.

However, Axel also wanted to have maximum benefit. He felt that if its hidden ability 'Super luck' reached a good mastery level, then Togetic would have good effects after using 'Fairy dew'. 

'Super luck' was a passive type ability and its mastery would rise when Togetic battles a lot of Pokemons. Togetic now had a golden chance to increase the mastery of 'Super luck' cause it was literally going to battle a lot of Pokemon in the tide.


Croconaw was an interesting Pokemon. Axel wanted to fully utilize its ability and hidden ability. Its ability 'Torrent' would increase the power of its water type moves when its Hp decreases and 'Sheer force' would have greater attack power of those moves that had secondary effect. However, there would be no secondary effect of these moves.

However, 'Sheer force' was a passive type move, and even with 100% mastery, there was no sure chance that it would have 100% effect. However, Axel believed that if the move is mastered and then evolved, it would not only be an active ability but it would also have 100% probability.

So, the moves that he chose for it were:

1. Dragon dance- This would increase its speed and attack power. Croconaw needed to have a good speed type buff.

2. Ice fang- This had a secondary effect and its power might be heightened due to 'Sheer force'. It was also a bite type attack and Croconaw was known for its bite force. It also had an ice type hidden power typing, so this would be an ideal move for it.

3. Crunch- A cruel bite move. Axel believed that it was now ready to learn this move.

4. Water fall- Same as 'Ice fang' a physical type move with secondary effect.

5. Hydro pump- Because it needed to have some special type moves.

6. Ancient power- Cause why not.

Croconaw chose attack stats as its main stat. So, most of the moves chosen by Axel were physical type moves. 


Just like Togetic, Aerodactyl had just become a flying type Pokemon. It took some time to get used to it. When Axel saw Aerodactyl, he felt that it would not be a good flying type Pokemon due to its thin wings and large body. However, he was proven wrong. 

Even with its thin wings, it could easily support its huge body. It could fly at a high speed. Among the new Pokemon, except for Slowemperor, it was the fastest Pokemon.

So, Axel was going to teach it some flying type moves, some dragon type moves, and some rock type moves. The moves that it was going to learn were:

1. Wing attack: A strong flying type move

2. Tail wind: To increase its speed

3. Rock slide: A good rock type physical move.

4. Crunch: It had a good bite force

5. Fire fang: Another bite type move.

6. Meteor beam: One of the strongest rock type moves

7. Dragon pulse: A good dragon type move

8. Ancient power: Cause why not.


Since it was going to learn so many moves, Axel didn't want it to learn all the moves in 3 weeks. The same was true for Togetic and Croconaw. He was going to choose those moves that would help them most in the coming tide.


Finally, it was time for Shelgon. Shelgon had just gotten off its baby stage. But since they were on the island, Axel was not able to teach it new moves. It severely lacked new moves and it needed to learn a lot of them for good coverage. 

Axel first looked at its status page so have a good view of its capability.


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