
Pocket spaces

When the family meeting ended they heard the news that Garchomp would now be disabled. All of them were shocked. Most of them thought that they were attacked by some criminal organization. 

They knew that the kids would have a bout and battle. But they never thought that Garchomp would be seriously injured. Forget about being seriously injured, they didn't even expect it to even lose. 

Sam came over and told them that everything was okay now. Volo went to his granddaughter to see how she was. After spending some time with her and giving her some encouragement, he went to the family meeting again. 

Another family meeting was held that night to talk about Axel and his Pokemon Charizard. Sam narrated the entire story in detail. 

Some of them asked questions about the details of the battle and Sam explained it to them.

"Sam, what was the power level of that Charizard when it used that move?", asked Volo

"It was very fast so I may be incorrect but the power level of that Charizard had touched pseudo-champion rank. Not a genuine pseudo-champion rank but it was far higher than a tier 3 king rank Pokemon."

Sam was right in his observations. Garchomp was a dragon-type pseudo-legendary Pokemon. So, it had incredible defense and health. It was personally trained by Cynthia, so it was even more powerful than normal Garchomp.

Cynthia Garchomp had the defense of a normal tier 3 king-rank Pokemon. That was why it was not hurt so much until Charizard used 'Transform'. For Charizard to injure it to that degree, Charizard's power level must have been around pseudo-champion rank.

"So, what do you plan to do now Volo?", asked Dragon.

"I want to crush that kid. How could he bring tears to my grand daughter eyes.", said Volo with anger and authority.

"I hope that you don't do that. First of all, Axel didn't do anything wrong. They had a battle and it is normal for a Pokemon to be injured in battle. Sam also said that he was trying to apologize to Cynthia. So, he is a good kid.

And you must have forgotten who is above him.", said Gordon.

"You think that I care about Oak? I don't give a Rattata's ass about Oak. If Oak wants war, then I will give him WAR!!", shouted Volo.

"Volo, you might want to dig your grave but we don't. So stay out of this issue. If you still want to pursue it, then leave us out of it. You would be fired from the family meeting and we would have contact or any relation with you.", said Gordon.

Oak was strong and he was really crazy. The younger generation might not have seen the might of Oak and his Pokemons but the older generation knew about it and they had still not forgotten. 

Seeing that none of them were supporting Volo, he gave up the idea to crush Axel.


Tring.. Tring.. Tring.. Tring.. 



"Hello, Nurse Daisy. How are you today?"

"Oh hey, Axel. All good here."


"Pidgeot is still in a coma Axel. You know that I would call you the second it wakes up."

"I know. I just wanted to make sure."

"Don't worry. We are taking full care of it. You are a good trainer Axel. Have a nice day."

Axel cut his phone in disappointment. 

When the tide ended, Oak visited and cured all the soldiers and the Pokemons who were in coma. Oak was also going to cure Pidgeot but Mew intervened. 

"Axel, I think that you should let Pidgeot wake up by itself.", said Mew.

"Why? Is it not in pain?"

"No, it is not. Believe me. You have fed me a miracle dish. I am doing you a favor. When it wakes up and it will, it will be more powerful."

"Well, you are Mew. So I will trust you. But why was Tauros able to wake up but Pidgeot is still not."

"When Gengar used that move, you were on the verge of calling Tauros back. So, it was not affected so much but Pidgeot took the full burn. Pidgeot is also only an elemental rank Pokemon while Tauros is a pseudo-king rank Pokemon.", said Mew.

That was why he left Pidgeot in the hospital bed of the Kanto League city. 


After Mew got the taste of the miracle dish, it would always go to the restaurant and order food from his mother. His mother also knew that it was Mew. Of course, Mew would not be paying a dime. For his mother, it was an honor to serve food to the mother of all the Pokemons.

Mew would then visit and check Pidgeot's conditions and also go to meet Axel. 

Right now, Mew was with Axel in the form of Eevee. When Lance asked if it was his Pokemon, Axel just said that it was not. It always followed him. That was a good reply.

Lance also didn't care about the Eevee cause it was very weak. It was not even an uncommon rank Pokemon. If he had known that it was Mew then he would have been sitting his pants.

When Charizard fought with Garchomp, Mew was also watching the battle. 2 days were left before he went to get his own Togepi. He asked Lance, why was he not informed about it before, to which Lance replied, "You were not going to get it anyway, so I didn't."

However, now he was going to get one. Axel asked about the process of how to get a Togepi to Lance.

"Even I don't know about it. Uncle Sam never said anything. He only told me that there would be a test and if you pass the test, you will get a Togepi. However, the passing rate is very low."

"Let's wait and see. I think we will be able to get one of those."

Togekiss was a fairy/flying type Pokemon. It was one of the most powerful fairy-type Pokemon and it was very rare. The birth rate of fairy types, dragon types and pseudo-legendary types was very low. However, Togekiss also had some good psychic abilities.

As of right now, Axel had 14 Pokemons with him

1. Nidoking- Ground and Poison core

2. Beedrill- Bug core

3. Shedinja- Ghost core

4. Charizard- Fire core

5. Alakazam- Psychic core

6. Steelix- Ground core

7. Tauros- Normal core

8. Gogoat- Grass core

9. Venusaur- Grass core

10. Slowbro- Psychic core

11. Gyarados- Water core

12. Mamoswine- Ice core

13. Absol- Darkcore

14. Pidgeot- Flying core

Now he needed Pokemons who had Electric, fighting, Steel, rock, dragon, and fairy cores. Red had once told him to get Pokemon with all types of cores and make all of them to at least pseudo-champion rank. He didn't tell the reason to Axel but he was serious about it. So, Axel decided to do it. 

After catching Togepi, he could cross fairy-type cores. Togepi was also very powerful. Its final evolution, Togekiss was very bulky and it was one of the rare fairy type Pokemons.

After hearing that Axel was going to meet with Togepi and their family, Mew also wanted to go with Axel. It was very excited to meet them.

"I also want to meet them. Count me in!!", it said with determination.

Axel could not say no to Mew, so he agreed without hesitation. 


2 days had passed. 

Cynthia was still in the hospital bed looking at her Pokemon. Garchomp had woken up but it was still recovering. She didn't want to leave Garchomp but she knew that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and she should not miss it. 

So, she got ready to meet Uncle Sam and the team on the same beach and they were going there in a ship. A big ass ship. 


Axel arrived with Lance, Lorelai, and Ryker. All of the youngsters had also arrived including Cynthia. Uncle Sam was standing on a beach and behind him was a big ship. 

"So, are we going now?", asked Elesa.

"No. The test has already started. Each of you would be judged and only some of you may enter the ship.", said Sam.

"And how are you going to judge us?"

"Simple…", he said and waved his hand.

Suddenly a Pokemon appeared. It was an avian Pokemon with an ovoid body. While its feet were small and situated closely together, its wings were broad and triangular. Red and blue triangular markings over its underside, and it had a short tail consisting of three feathers. On the back of its head were three spikes: a red-tipped one on the right, a blue-tipped one on the left, and a pure white one in the middle. It had a relatively flat face and small, black eyes. 

It was Togekiss.

Axel could tell that it was a powerful Togekiss. It must have been a champion-rank Pokemon. 

"You, you, you, you and you. You guys can enter the ship, the rest of you have failed the first test.", said the Togekiss.

It had pointed out to Cynthia, Axel, Steven, Wallace, and Lance. All of them were dumbfounded. So, they had failed the test and were not going to get a Togepi. How did that even make sense?

"Hey, how is that fair? Why did we fail the test?", asked Volkner with an irritated voice.

"Shut up. If it says that you cannot come then you cannot come. Know your place and be thankful that you are not dead right now.", shouted Sam and Volkner immediately kept quiet. 

He didn't know much about Sam but he did know that Sam was a powerful trainer. 

There was silence. The Togekiss also disappeared and all 6 of them went inside the ship. 

"Ok, can you tell me what happened? Why did we get selected but they didn't?", asked Lance. 

Only 6 of them were on the ship. There was no captain on the ship. Sam was the captain. 

"Togekiss care not stupid. They are fairy-type Pokemons and can see the hearts of the trainers. I don't know how they eliminated others but they are very powerful and intelligent. 

That was why I told Volkner to shut up. If Togekiss got angry, he might have lost his life."

"So, where are we going?", asked Axel.

"Oh you will know when you reach there.", said Sam with a smile. 

"So, that is also a secret?", asked Cynthia.

"In a way it is."

"Can you tell us what kind of test we would be facing?" This time it was Steven. 

"Yes I know, but I cannot tell you anything about it."

"Well, there are lots of secrets in this journey."

"Yes, and it is there for a reason. Togekiss are the species that love to live in secret. They love peaceful lives. So, I am responsible for taking care of it. I can only tell you that the test would not be so dangerous. You guys would be okay.", said Sam.

The ship was going at an impressive speed. Within 20 minutes, they reached a small island. The island was so small that Axel could see the end of it with his own eyes.

When all of them landed on the island, Wallace asked, "Are these Topegi far away from here or something?"

They could see any Togepi or Togekiss on this island. Togekiss were flying-type Pokemons too so they would not be underground. So where were they?

"Don't tell me they are in some hidden space?", asked Axel.

"So you have heard of it.", replied Sam with a smile.

"I have read some books. It was said that Palkia could create some pocket space. So I thought that some very powerful Pokemons must have similar abilities. They must have hidden themselves inside these pocket spaces."

"What are these pocket spaces that you speak of?", asked Cynthia. She was also interested to know about these new dimensions. 

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