
Hell Training Plans

First was Gyarados. He had bought a TM for 'Aqua Tail' and told it to learn. There was only one reason as to why he told it to do it. He had his suspicion. Kent's Gyarados had 'Thrash,' which was much more powerful than 'Aqua Tail.' So, why did he instruct his Gyarados to use 'Aqua Tail' instead of 'Thrash'? This thing had been eating his brain for some time.

When Gyarados was a Magikarp, it had continuously trained on two moves, 'Splash' and 'Tackle.' However, it had focused more on 'Splash.' 'Splash' was a move that allowed it to strike its tail in the air and jump. At the end of its pre-evolved form, Magikarp could crumble the ground when it struck it with its tail and jump up to 5 meters. 'Aqua Tail' was also a move that focused on its tail.

Since Magikarp had trained so much in its tail powers, did it mean that the power of 'Aqua Tail' would also be higher? He didn't know about it, but he wanted to test it out. After 10 minutes, it was able to learn the attack.

"Gyarados, now use 'Aqua Tail' on the lake. Use your full power."


It shouted, and the tail started to glow in blue light. It extended its tail towards the lake and...


A huge wave of water came pouring down on Axel, and he was drenched now.

Gyarados looked at the lake and then at its tail. It could not believe that it had done that. It knew its power levels, so it was surprised that the attack power of 'Aqua Tail' was so high.



Gyarados's Aqua Tail has leveled up to 5


With just a single attack, it directly leveled up to 5. That was huge progress. This theory of Magikarp training its tail to the limit and its tail becoming abnormally strong after its evolution had created many possibilities in Axel's head. There were still some Pokémon left to evolve. Pidgeotto, Nidorino, and many more would be added in the future. If he could use the same strategy, it would be amazing.

He gave Gyarados its training plan.

"First, in the morning, at 6 am, you would train 'Aqua Tail' for 2 hours. You would only stop after you could divide the lake water into perfectly 2 halves."

He not only wanted 'Aqua Tail' to have power but also good control. Dividing the lake's water into 2 halves was not an easy task.

"Then, you would rest for 1 hour. In the afternoon, you would train in 'Rain Dance' and 'Sky Walk.' You should master 'Sky Walk' in such a way that you could freely fly in the sky during the rain without stopping."

As of right now, it could only fly in the sky during heavy rainfall, and it could only do it for 10 seconds. Instead of 'Sky Walk,' it looked like 'Sky Jump.' Gyarados was not only a Water-type Pokemon but also a Flying-type Pokemon. Axel believed that Gyarados could do it with enough training.

"After doing this, you would rest for another hour. Then you would practice other moves. You can also practice with your teammates and have sparring sessions. You should also focus on training your ability and hidden ability. You would take a 30-minute break every 2 hours. You would do this until 7 pm.

After that, you would rest for 1 hour. From 8 pm to 11 pm, I would personally train you in a new move and see your progress too."

This was the training plan for Gyarados. Unlike humans, Pokemon could handle harsh training. Axel's team flourished with his talent 'Overgrowth,' so they didn't have to train so harshly.


He then turned towards Steelix. It had been some time since it was added to the team. Steelix was a tank. It was weak to Water-type attacks, so he didn't use it during the fight, but it was a powerful Pokemon. It took Shedinja a lot of effort to defeat it. It knew 2 new moves, one was called 'Sand Trap' and 'Resistance.'

He looked at its stats for the first time after it was caught:


Pokemon's name: Steelix (50 years old)

Pokemon Nickname: NA

Pokemon rank: Pseudo-king rank

Ability: Sturdy (100%)

Hidden ability: Sheer Force (60%)

Potential: Brown

Health: 5500/5500 Attack: A++

Agility: C+ Defense: S++

Sp. Atk: D++ Sp. Def: A++

Moves: Active Move: Heavy Slam (G) (Lvl 32), Iron Tail (G) (Lvl 36), Earthquake(C) (Lvl 28), Rock Slide (C) (Lvl 29), Crunch (G) (Lvl 35), Stealth Rock (G) (Lvl 39), Stone Edge (G) (Lvl 39), Screech (G) (Lvl 37), Head Smash (C) (Lvl 28), Wide Guard (G) (Lv 36), Hyper Beam (G) (Lvl 39), Rock Polish (G) (Lvl 36), Sand Tomb (G) (Lvl 39), Sand Trap (G) (Lvl 39), Iron Defense (G) (Lvl 32), Dig (G) (Lvl 33), Sand Hardening (Lvl 1)

Passive move: Resistance (Stage I)

Core: Ground (Mastered)


'Sand Trap' did exactly what it sounded like. It trapped the enemy in sand and also hurt them. Axel had already expected it when the group was fighting with Steelix. 'Resistance' was a bit different than he imagined.


Resistance (Stage I) Status moves would be resisted 100% of the time if the enemy is in a lower rank, 95% in the same rank, and the percentage would decrease by 10% in every higher rank.


There were probabilities for resistance. It may seem slightly better than a normal move, but that was not the case. 100% resistance if the enemy was in lower ranks. What did that mean? It meant that Steelix had no opponent in lower ranks. It may come as a surprise, but lower rank Pokemons could defeat higher ranks. If there were multiple lower rank Pokemons, the chances would be even higher.

However, the only way lower rank could win against higher rank would be due to status moves. They would not have enough attack power or defense power to win against higher ranks. However, due to Steelix's passive, it would be immune to lower ranks. Steelix was a Steel/Ground-type Pokemon. It would have been better if it had core mastery of the Steel type. However, the Ground type was also not bad. Axel also realized that none of its moves were at level 40.

So, how did it rank up to pseudo-king rank? Wasn't that one of the conditions for rank up?



Leveling up to 40 is not the absolute condition. It would just be faster to rank up with moves leveling to 40.


"Didn't you say that it was one of the conditions?"



This is just a condition that the system had put on the host.


There were a lot of things to do and train. Leveling one of the moves to 40, creating a new move for Steelix, learning 'Autotomize,' 'Magnet Rise,' 'Sand Storm,' and 'Ancient Power,' training ability from 100% to mastered. Looking at the stats, Steelix was the closest to rank up to king rank. However, it needed to learn a fighting style and train much more. Since it was a wild Pokemon, its way of fighting was very different. It didn't fight to win but to survive. That may be good for Pokemon tide but not for winning battles in the gym and league.

One of the rank up conditions for king rank was to train the ability as much as you could. Axel realized that there was a huge difference between 100% and mastered. He needed Steelix to have mastery in ability. The training plan was similar to Gyarados. Train on moves like 'Autotomize' and 'Magnet Rise' for 4 hours. Rest for 30 minutes. Then train with others, focusing on 'Sand Trap' as he wanted it to level that move to 40 up to 7 p.m. with repeated breaks of 30 minutes every 2 hours. Finally, it would train in new moves with Axel's guidance.

He had made plans for 2 of his Pokemon. 11 of them were left. He was determined to do it for all of his Pokemon. Axel also realized that training periods like this were very important. Normally, he would just make a new training plan for a Pokemon when they reached their milestones, but now he thought differently.

Doing things like this would let him spend more time with his Pokemon. He realized that he had been ignoring this aspect. Pidgeotto just wanted his attention. The same was true for Tauros and Absol. They were just kids. After thinking for some time, he turned towards Gogoat and Venusaur.


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