
Noah's New Pokemon

Viridian City gym was the second strongest gym in the Kanto region after the Cerulean City gym. This was due to the city's gym leader. The name of the leader was Giovanni. Yes, the future head of Team rocket was the current gym leader of Viridian city gym. He was still the gym leader in the anime and game timeline. However, right now he was young and had recently been elected as the gym leader just 2 years ago.

Axel didn't know if Team Rocket existed in this timeline or not but he could confirm that they had not gone public. No news of Team Rocket had come up till right now. Axel had only heard of Pride and Greed till now.

Viridian City was far from Hakone City. It would take 12 hours on a flight just to reach there. Axel had already contacted Oak to book a battle with Giovanni.

"Kid, do you think that I am your servant? Go book it yourself."

This was the response that he had got. So, he had to book it himself. That was 7 days ago and his turn would come after 2 days. Axel had booked the flight for tomorrow.

Axel was having a farewell party with his family. Mark had already gone to the Venu family to do further research on the topic.

"Axel, I must say that you have grown a lot. But you must remember to be careful at all times.", said his father. His father already had 4 pegs of whiskey. That meant he was already drunk.

Axel nodded his head and took his juice glass to drink. He was with his family right now. He could not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. His mother would literally kill him.

"We are a middle-class family. We may not have much to give you since you are so popular now. But remember that we are your family and you can share your pain.", said Noah.

Noah knew that being a Pokemon master was not an easy journey. It would take a lot out of Axel. He just wanted to support him and fulfill his dream of becoming one.

Noah once dreamed of being a Pokemon master himself. But his injuries didn't let him be one.

Axel nodded his head again. Agnes was already asleep with her Dratini. It was late at night. He never had the warmth of the family in his previous world. His current family had done everything for him and he was grateful.

There was also a secret burden on him to be the best that he could ever be.

"Uncle, before going I want to give you a gift.", said Axel, and Alakazam teleported near him with a small Pokemon.

It was a pink Pokémon. It had vacant eyes that never seem focused, curled ears, and a rounded, tan muzzle. It had four legs, each of which ends in a single white claw. Its long, tapering tail had a white tip. This tail drip was a sweet, sappy substance that was attractive to many species of fish.

It was Slowpoke.

"What is a Slowpoke doing here?"

"Uncle, I want to gift it to you. I want you to train it."

"Are you serious? How did you get it? It must have cost a lot?", Noah started to ask a round of questions.

Axel knew that his uncle wanted to be a powerful Pokemon trainer but his dream came to halt due to Axel. Axel just wanted to make up for it. His uncle only had Scizor with him. That was his only Pokemon. It must be noted that raising a Pokemon for battle was very costly. His uncle and father were very poor growing up.

It was already a hassle to raise a battle-oriented Pokemon in the family. With Slowpoke he would have 2 Pokemons and Axel could support him with the money issue.

Axel then explained the deal that he had with Pokemon of the east and west side forest. They knew that he had bought the forest but didn't know the secret deal.

"So, we could get 25 new Pokemons per year?", asked her mother.

"Yes, but those are just for selling purposes. We would sell those Pokemons to the trainers of Hakone City. Of course, we could also get those Pokemon for ourselves if we needed them. But If you guys want a new Pokemon I want you to consult me first. I have a knack for choosing a Pokemon with good potential.", said Axel.

Axel also gave his uncle the recipe of Slowpoke and said, "Before you tried to evolve it into Slowbro by battling with Shellder call me first. I may have a way to make it more powerful."

The world already knew how to evolve Slowpoke to Slowbro. It was with battling with a Shellder and then attaching with it. However, they didn't know about Slowking and kings rock. Axel felt that Slowking was more powerful than Slowbro. It was his uncle's decision but he wanted him to give him choices.

"Also I don't want you to catch Slowpoke in a Pokeball. I can't say the reason but it would gain more if it wasn't inside the Pokeball", said Axel.

If Slowpoke was not inside a Pokeball it would be counted as a Pokemon of the east and west side of the forest and it would also enjoy the talent of Axel.

After a round of discussion, they came up to a conclusion. Noah would handle the forest business for Axel. He would deal with the Pokemons and also 50% of the resources of the forest. They would set up a joint account where Axel, his uncle, mother, and father could get access.

After talking all night, they went to sleep.

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