
System Secret

Absol was called a 'disaster Pokemon'. It could sharply sense an impending natural disaster. It had a sort of 'spidey sense'.

It also had the ability 'super luck' which would boost the critical-hit ratio of its moves. So, it could sense the danger and could boost the critical hit ratio. If Axel could capitalize on this, every attack of Absol could be a critical hit.

Like Tauros, Axel wanted to know about the 'Hidden power' potential of Absol before deciding the moves.



Congratulations! Absol had learned the move Hidden power.

Hidden power- Rock]


Rock was a good type. It had a strong defense and good offense. Most of its moves were physical type with was good cause Absol would be a physical attacker.

But first, like Tauros, Axel wanted it to get familiar with dark-type moves. Dark-type moves were mysterious and had various effects. The moves that Axel wanted to Absol to learn were:

1. Me first: Frankly it should have been a dark type move cause of its effects. The user would steal the move of the attacker and use it with much greater effect.

2. Payback: the power of it doubles if the user is attacked first. It was the dark type version of the counter.

3. Night slash: It had an increased critical hit ratio.

4. Hone claws: It raised the attack and accuracy of the user.

5. Assurance: The power doubles if the target has already taken any damage before.

6. Feint Attack: It ignores accuracy and evasion stats. The user would draw up close to the foe without notice and hit without fail.

7. Stealth rock: Invisible sharp rock that would damage the target

8. Stone edge: A powerful stab move.

"Absol, first I want you to learn 'Night slash.' Just close your eyes and feel your power in your horn and slash it. Before you do that..."

Axel started to teach it 'Night slash'. Since it had just started to train, it may be detrimental for it to directly learn from a TM. Axel was not sure about it. Oak did tell him that there were no side effects. But Axel didn't want to take any risk.

Axel had seen the video of a trainer training 'Night slash' to his Pokemon. He started to teach Absol on the same principle.

Absol started to practice 'Night slash'. Learning a new move takes time. Axel assumed that it would learn it at the end of the day. Absol was told to target the next tree.

He then turned towards Tauros.

"Today you will learn a new move 'Thrash'."

"For this, only concentrate on power, nothing else. You are to hit the same tree. Do it until you get tired. Don't worry about the injury, I will heal you."

For this move to work, the user had to attack violently until they got confused. It was a double-edge move.

Tauros started to increase its speed and attack the tree as instructed by Axel. It would rampage and hit the tree. It was violent.

When it would be injured, Axel would heal it and it would try again. This move was perfect for a Pokemon like Tauros who would like to rampage. Due to its nature, Tauros learned this move after 3 hours of practice.

That was fast.



Tauros has learned Thrash]


Trash is a powerful move with 120 attack power. The only bad thing about this move was the user would be confused after hitting it 2-5 times. But if this move is mastered, the target would not be confused. But it would take a lot of time to master a move.

"Tauros, now you will practice 'Tharsh' for 2 hours and then 'Horn attack' for the next 2 hours. Then you would rest for today"

After 3 hours, Absol finally learned 'Night slash'. Axel told it to rest for today. It has not as resilient as Tauros. It needed rest.

However, Tauros was still going on practicing 'Horn attack'. It loved to train.

The other Pokemons in Axel's team had also started to take rest except for Alakazam. It was also a training freak. Shedinja also trained at night so it would stop its training quite early.

It was a satisfying day for Axel. He also told her sister the way to train Dratini. The move he wanted it to learn first was 'Dragon breath'. It was a breath attack. Since it was a dragon type move, Axel expected it to learn quicker.

But even after a full day of practicing, it had not learned it. Why was that? He had seen how diligent the young Dratini was. It only took short breaks before starting the training. It didn't even learn the move from a whole day of practicing while Tauros learned it in 3 hours?

Absol also learned it in 5 hours. Dratini had the same potential as them. How why was that? Is it because of the system?

'I am pretty sure that my system would make it easier for Pokemon to learn moves', thought Axel.



The host is right. As said before, every system has its own special power.

The system power gives the host the advantage to create new moves faster. The host could let his Pokemon learn new moves even in rare rank.]


'I already know that', said Axel in his mind.



The host's Pokemon could also learn any move faster than a normal Pokemon. They could also master a move more quickly than normal Pokemon]


'How much time does it take for a normal Pokemon to learn a new move?'

Depends on the move and its potential. But for a normal Pokemon, it would take a week to learn 'Dragon breath'. For a genius Pokemon like Dratini, it would take 2-3 days to learn a new move.

'Damn! Doesn't that make me overpowered?'

Yes host. But with such advantages also comes a lot of challenges

'What type of challenges?'

Host is advised to figure it out himself.

Axel didn't ask again. He knew no matter how much he asked, the system would never budge.

But it was a pleasant surprise. Axel didn't know that a normal Pokemon would take a week to learn a move. That was why a trainer could hardly become a Pokemon champion.

"Axel, a guy called Mark is outside the gate. Do you know him?", asked his mother.

"Ohh yes. Let me go pick him up.", said Axel and hurried to pick Mark up. He had completely forgotten to tell his family about Mark's arrival.
