

"What in tarnation is happening here?!" one of the scavenging cultivators uttered, completely stupefied by the fact that someone was actually fighting the Heavens.

"This is absurd, its completely unbelievable, how can a man fight the heavens? Should he just quietly take the Tribulation and wait for its passing?" his question was rhetorical in sense. But it was still a question that was worthy of an answer.

A cultivator next to him replied, "That's what the norm is, but, do you think, that what we're seeing is normal? Do you think that you can survive one thunderbolt from that Tribulation?"

"Only if I have ten lives, and even then, I don't think I'll make it," he replied.

"That's what's probably going on in the mind of that cultivator fighting the Tribulation, if he were to cower and droop his head, his life will be taken, so he's fighting against it, to prove that he deserves to survive…"
