
The Second Step

The group of cultivators went up and flew outside the planet, where suddenly the sound of booming thunder echoed in space itself as the Thunder Bull carriage arrived to meet them.

A bull of golden fur arrived to them, its horns were wider than a giant eagle's wingspans and his whole build was sturdy and powerful looking. The bull snorted in derision as it struck its hooves several times on empty space causing ripples to spread as thunderous booms echoed with every step.

The carriage it carried behind it was mighty big indeed, decorated in all sorts of sculptured decorations of dragons and phoenixes, reminiscing of the golden age of the Imperial Family.

"A mighty beast," Spoke Zhang Tian.

"Indeed, and it seems that it hadn't reached full adulthood yet, it's still not able to exert its full potential," Master Rain replied.

"What about Lu, is he not coming?" Meng Hao asked.
