
The Monolith

"Don't be absurd," I said as I answered back.

"I know when I'm dead, and I know when I'm alive, right now… I feel like I'm neither," I said as I pressed two of my fingers on my wrist. Trying to make sure that it wasn't just some visual thing.

But no, no pulse, nothing.

This place is getting more and more annoying and confusing. I can't seem to think up a way to solve this stupid riddle we're in.

Why is everything… dead. No, not everything, the prism, the monolith, it's now rotating slowly. It's not releasing any energy, nor does it seem to be applying any laws.

"What are you thinking?" Lin said.

"A way out," I said.

"No way out, we searched and looked, been doing that for a month now, it's not like you came and things will change, we're trapped here, and from the sound of our heartbeats, we're dead." Someone spoke.
