
Ch. 51 A Talk

The room was filled with tension, as Dumbledore stared at me in disbelief. He couldn't understand how I could have known about his doubts or about his relationship with Voldemort himself. No one should know until next year at least.

"What do you know my boy?" He finally managed to get out, trying to keep his grandfatherly tone.

"You know you can talk to me like an intelligent person right? You aren't the only one capable of thinking things through and investigating things one is curious about. I get why you'd think that honestly, with pretty much all adult wizards being completely useless and the ministry being stuck up it's own ass since the war." I tell the man.

"My apologies then, I shall call you Aedan from now on alright?" He replied calmly to my slightly aggressive tone.

"That's fine then, I also apologies for losing my temper a bit Headmaster." I say back, calming my mind to prepare for the talk ahead.

"Why don't you sit down and we will start this meeting properly this time." He gestured with a calm smile on his face instead of his grandfatherly expression.

"Let's." I answer as I take my seat once again.

"Now if you could tell me how you can to this conclusion of yours Aedan." He started off politely.

"You know about pretty much everything I went through before His fall right?" I ask to make sure.

"Yes, Alastor informed me about you and your experiences. I am sorry you had to go through so much, at such a young age. But I must ask how you knew he would tell me?" Asked Dumbledore with sadness showing on his aged face.

"That part is pretty simple. After I'd regained some freedom at my aunts, I decided to learn more about why my parents had been killed and to understand why I had to go through what I did. My search led me to a certain order my parents were part of, alongside many prominent witches and wizards who believed in fighting against the encroaching darkness. Your order Headmaster. And in my search, I found that the Auror Alastor 'mad-eye' Moody was a member of said order. As well as James Potter and Lily Evans, Harry's parents, and the now insane Longbottom's, Neville's parents. But I knew for sure you were informed when I received the glasses, pretty big clue that one." I start off by explaining.

"Hm. Yes I do believe it would be. And I assume that is why you were also very open about your ownership of a Phoenix in my office as well." He said understanding my actions and reactions so far.

"Exactly. I knew you knew, so what's the point of hiding it?" I responded with a shrug.

"But now I still wish to know how you deduced my own worries about you Aedan." He pressed on.

"Well that one has a bit of a build up to." I say while scratching the back of my head a bit.

"Please. We have plenty of time Aedan." He gestured for me to begin my tale.

"Alright. Since you know what happened to me, you know that I was forced to be a part of two rituals." To which he nods." Well I wanted to learn about those responsible and the one they served, so I investigated. I hunted for clues, for stories, hints and evidence. And then I found out a few facts. Voldemort, obviously being a fake name, but I tried to track his past anyway and finding nothing before the 60's, when I could find traces of him building up his following before the war. But I couldn't find any mention of a man claiming himself to be the heir of Slytherin himself before then. This led to a study on any and all mention of the Salazar himself, letting me find a peculiar passage about a secret chamber built in our very school, which happened to have supposedly been opened by one Rubeus Hagrid 50 years ago." I say as I weave my tale. Can't straight up say I read about the both of you in a book during my previous life now could I? I've also actually had this stuff investigated and I have a very securely sealed journal recording everything.

These are all actually things that can be investigated if one has the drive and ability. And I have both. Making Dumbledore very contemplative, thinking about my train of thought.

"But you obviously didn't believe in that accusation I assume." Stated the headmaster, urging me to continue.

"Of course not. Anyone who knows the man wouldn't believe that Hagrid, a half-giant who loves animals a bit too much, would ever harm another person unless provoked. He's basically the archetype of the lovable giant. But I was curious about the other party involved. About a student who convinced everyone that a man raising a spider and wasn't even a pureblood, would want to be or even knew what the heir of Slytherin was. It was simply moronic and it was only because too much attention was put on Hogwarts after the death of Myrtle that the incidents stopped." I reply with a scoff, which actually got me a smile from Dumbledore.

"Yes, poor Hagrid has had a hard life, which is why I offered him his current position. You see, I also believe the man to have been innocent, but unfortunately I wasn't the Headmaster in those days and couldn't protect him." He said with a sigh.

"Yeah, but the debacle pointed me to the one who supposedly caught Hagrid. The most intelligent, charismatic and skilled wizard of his generation. A man who should be known for his great abilities and could have very well ended up becoming the next minister, but actually vanished. I found some evidence he tried to become a professor, but was rejected and since then no one has held the position for more than a year. Then he, for some reason, worked at Borgin and Burkes for a while, but then disappeared after the then famous murder of Hepzibah Smith, who claimed to be a descendant of Helga Hufflepuff. His age seemed to match my approximate estimate of Voldemort's own, with his disappearance and His own sudden appearance matching up almost perfectly, leading to growing suspicion. So I investigated Tom Marvolo Riddle. He displayed perfection at school, but was raised in a orphanage in London itself, where it was reported at the time of his childhood that strange events were happening around the boy and others being traumatized. I hunted down the name Riddle, finding a few pieces of interest. A muggle of the same name, was murdered and one Morfin Gaunt being incarcerated for the crime. A family who would just so happened to claim to be the heirs of Slytherin, with a gift for parseltongue running in the family and three of them being alive at the time: Marvolo, Morfin and Merope Gaunt. One died in Azkaban, the other has his name being carried on in Tom Marvolo Riddle and the last seemed to have died around the same time he was born. Forming a picture of the early life of one Dark Lord, the son of a muggle and a squib. Ironic isn't it?" I finished my dialogue off.

"Extraordinary Aedan, simply a marvelous bit of investigation and deduction. It is exactly as you've said. You're missing a few key reasons and motives, as well as backstory elements to events. But you've correctly answered a questions so many have not even bothered to really ask themselves. Who is Voldemort? No one cared enough after his fall and everyone was too frightened by him to find out when he was alive." Clapped Dumbledore in delight. "But why would you believe that I would see you as a person who could become like him?" He then asked, very curious at how I would answer.

"A few key similarities in all honesty. I am undeniably brilliant. This isn't a fact or up for discussion. I could have taken my NEWTS in my second year and aced them all. I am only staying here because I like being with my friends, like helping others, the professors give me to advice based on experience and I have plenty of time to work on my projects. I am very popular amongst the student body, showing great willingness increase my reputation. I've experienced the dark side of magic and have gained much from it, probably making you believe i could be tempted by it. I hold a good deal of ambition, but it's in almost the complete opposite direction from Tom's. I've also lost my parents, but I have a loving family and don't really care for that one. And finally, I am very powerful, not just amongst my peers, but in the wizarding world itself. I am the image Riddle tried to present of himself for the entirety of his school years." I summarized very efficiently.

"So you understand the similarities between the two of you and do not shy away from them. You seem to be proud of yourself for being as such. Why?" He asked directly this time.

"That's actually the problem I have with you Headmaster." I then said to his surprise.

"What do you mean?" He asked seriously due to the direction the conversation was now going in.

"Because I've also investigated you." I answer calmly.

"And with the same fervor you've investigated Tom I presume." He then sighed in realization.

"Yes headmaster. I've investigated pretty much all people I've deemed important. I had to prepare myself and did not want myself or the people I care for to get hurt again." I reply seriously.

"At least you are very different from Tom in that aspect. You know and feel love. Something he could never understand. But back to your previous statement. Why has your investigation led to you having a problem with me and my point of view?" He finally asked.

"Because you believe certain things are your mistakes and that you should bear the burden for them and atone. Your thoughts regarding people have been heavily skewed by that belief headmaster." I answer with some sympathy.

"And by that you mean...?" He said, hoping for clarification.

"Because of your special relationship and bond with Grindelwald, an event I am sorry to remind you of and the subsequent conflict that emerged from its result, your view of the world was twisted. You'd hoped to stop another from losing themselves along their journeys as he did. But then you experienced Tom Riddles growth into adulthood and following rise as the new Dark Lord, making you feel immense guilt at the naive hope that you could have stopped it and that everyone of his crimes are somehow your fault. But this strengthened your viewpoint. Making you believe that you are responsible for the decisions of these men, and those who followed them. That you are the one who must stop them or fix them somehow. That you must prevent the rise of another at any cost and could not 'fail' again. You've made yourself look so far ahead of any potential problem, that you have forgotten to look at the present Headmaster." I finally answer the now weary looking old man's question fully.

"You've truly investigated in depth Aedan." He stated sadly as his memories were triggered by my answer.

"I know it isn't pleasant to hear sir. I am sorry for reminding you of such unfortunate events. But you have forgotten that for all your strength and knowledge, it is still their own decisions. You can try to guide them onto the path you believe is right but, at the end of the day, they may not see that path as the one right for them. It is both the greatness and horror of free will. But each person choses the path they take. Others can only show them another one and attempt to convince them to take it, but it must ultimately fall to each individual to chose and live with the rewards and consequences of that choice. Others can feel bad, guilty and accountable for it, but it is never truly their fault. And the reason I disagree with your statements is because of the path I want to take is so different." I explain to a very tired, but now thoughtful man.

"And your path is?" He asked.

"I want to help develop our stagnating world." I state with confidence.

"You must forgive me Aedan, but that goal is very similar to the two you've mentioned, making me worry." He responded.

"Yeah, but the difference is that I don't want to be like them and my meaning is different." I answer.

"What is your definition of help then?" He followed up with.

"I want to give a new direction for magic to develop. I want to make new solutions for diseases and injuries thought impossible to cure. I want to push our understanding of muggles to a new age and integrate their increasingly evolving technology into our world. I want to ignite a passion into the hearts of witches and wizards, to make them want to improve themselves, learn about the world and even make it better. I want to learn and discover. I want to help our country recover from the damages the last wars have inflicted upon us. I hope to spark a renaissance within the magical world and want to fill it with wonders for the next generation!" I declare with fire in my eyes at my dream. My hopes. And my goals.

My dream truly stunned Dumbledore. But a few minutes later he smiled.

"That is why you are hiring werewolves for your business?"

I nod.

"That is why you've created your exchange?"

I nod.

"That is why you wanted to open the dueling club last year?"

I nod.

"That is also why you help others and display your brilliance?"

I nod.

The Headmaster then begins to think. I wait patiently in silence for the man to finish. And as each passing minute elapses, I can feel the change in him. He gradually changes from the weary old man, beaten by time and guilt, back to the man deemed to be the next Merlin.

"Thank you for your time Aedan. I am very thankful you've been willing to speak to me today. It has been most illuminating. Please do not worry about me and return to your classes." He finally says with a kind smile as he excuses me.

I stand up, give the man a short bow and leave.

I know there is a lot of talking about canon backstory, but I don’t care. I actually am feeling quite proud of myself for this bit. I wanted to make Dumbledore realize how different Aedan is and point out his twisted views regarding some events around him.

I’m not sure if I’m going to make it change a lot of things, but it’ll at least make him accept my OC.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts