
Father! I'm Back!

Seeing the boy in front of her, Yu Feng began to lower the dagger in her hand. She narrowed her eyes and stared at him for a long time. "Who are you? Why are you watching us?"

The boy watched both Yu Feng and Orange alternately. "Sorry. I did not mean to startle you. It was just that…" He hesitated as he looked at the meat jerky in Yu Feng's hand. The sight of food made him salivated and he started to swallow.

Yu Feng followed his gaze and knew what the boy wanted. 

"You're hungry?" Yu Feng asked. Her gaze softened as she saw the way the boy was staring at the food in her hand. 

The boy did not answer her question and instead, continued to stare at the food in her hand.

Not too long ago, that was the same way Yu Feng would stare at food. She could understand the boy's feelings more or less.

To see someone in front of you eating delicious food while you haven't been eating for days was definitely not a good feeling.
