

May 20, 2012 – Thursday 3 pm – Sorrento, Italy

"Hey, any news about Isaac yet?" a man asked another. "F*ck no. Is he even here?" The other man asked back. "I think so. I heard some people spotted him." The man replied. "So, they got us beat?" The other man sighed. "I don't know. IF someone got him, they'd be bragging about it by now." The man said.

Tayaw, while having his second lunch for the day, heard two men talk about him. From what he gathered, the two men are acquisition agents from two different film distribution companies in the US.

Since the festival began a few days ago, many people were attracted by 'September Ninth' because of the nominations attached to its name. After seeing the film, the festival attendees, especially the industry professionals basically went crazy and now, they're on a headhunt for Tayaw.
