
Conquest of the baronies of Dungannon and Ardee 2/2

After conquering the castle, Ansgar ordered the corpses to be gathered outside the castle so that they could be burned.

Since if they were left where they were, they could cause disease.

After this, Ansgar sat on a chair while he watched the corpses burn outside the castle 'Now that we have finished with this barony, I can advance to the city of Dun Dealgan.

Although I am somewhat concerned about whether the army is going to be large enough to be able to lay siege to that city.

If the descriptions are correct, then it is a city as big as Dublin. I just hope there are no people there.

I would hate to have to kill such good slaves, but looking at the state of this place, I have no doubt that there are only warriors in that city.

It is also a real problem that it cannot use special weapons to destroy the defenders, because being such a large city it has too high a strategic value for the nation. '


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