
Einar the coroner

Eskol, after performing the action that Einar had requested, left the mortuary and went to the place where the woman had been found.

Stepping out into the cold night, he could only sigh as he made his way to Asgard city.

On the way, examine any kind of person who was outside, because before he left, Einar told him.

'A murderer who enjoys killing his victim will always be in the area where he left the body.


It can be very subtle, so pay attention, but I think once you check the crime scene, you should see the little girl.


Ask Aila to check her body for injuries or anything that could show that she suffered any harm. '

Eskol took a deep breath and reached the alley where the body had been found, following Einar's advice.

He began checking the snow for possible clues as to who had been there.


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