
Beginning of the siege in Paris

On the outskirts of the city of Parisii, a large army was assembled, all of them had siege weapons and were ready to take the city in the course of months.


Bald Luis who was sitting on his horse looked with pride at the great army of more than 70,000 soldiers that he had in front of him.


'You can hide behind the walls of Parissi my sister, but you will not be able to escape the fury that I have against my father and against you for having betrayed me and allowing my father to have influence in the north.


If it weren't for you now, I would be sitting in the great city of Parisii, enjoying my reign, and you might be alive and enjoying all the privileges I had in store for you.


But now you have no privileges or anything, let's see how long those walls can last. '



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