
Testing furnaces with fire bricks

In a somewhat remote part of the tribe Einar was gathered with his father and his wives, while on the left side the Inuit warriors were guests and on the right side were the members of the Thing and other members of the tribe.


Due to the danger that could exist if any of the fire brick furnaces exploded or could not withstand the heat, they all had a safe distance. Even the forge bellows were joined with iron pipes so that Gerd could use it without endangering himself.


When everything was ready, Einar chose the first forge that would be used, which was the one with the molten mineral.


Approaching the forge he opened with his silver dagger a sack of coal which had gleaming coal which was anthracite which was obtained from an open-pit mine near the tribe.


After finishing filling the forge with charcoal, he put in a stone container, sand, caustic soda obtained from the ashes of the salicornia, and lime.



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