
Insider information

In the barracks of the guard of the capital of the duchy, a young man was looking at a pile of papyrus that had some stamps of the duchy.


"Adrien, by order of the bishop you were chosen for the divine duty to bring this information to the emperor, but you will have to follow the route we marked.


For this, you will be accompanied by two soldiers who are in charge of supervising that you follow the Bishop's orders in case you fail your mission or you dare to disobey the orders.


Family is going to be sold as slaves, and I will personally see to it that they cannot get their freedom.


Are you understanding what I am saying Adrien or do I need to repeat all this to you with the use of violence that the Bishop and duke Dean have allowed me to use? "


Adrien, who was quite depressed by the words he had heard, could only take the sealed papyri and placed them on his leather bag.



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