
The first book

On the outskirts of Seren's house, the members of the tribe were walking near the house.


They were shocked when they heard malicious laughter coming out of the house, so they looked at the house with horror and continued on their way.


Hoping to report Seren's strange behavior to Jarl Sven.


Einar who was laughing with joy could not contain the volume of his voice because he had been locked up together with his father-in-law Asgot for five days.


While working on a small book that would function as the tribe's first Nordic, Latin dictionary.


This was done by Einar with the intention of training the children of the tribe so that they could learn Latin with the use of runes.


Mainly because at this time Latin was the main language of the Christian nations so that in the future there could be fluid communication.



This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
