
Thieves Guild (2)

Thieves Guild... those words seemed to echo endlessly inside Jack head.

"Wait so you mean I'm a member of the guild now?"

Annalise smiled and simply responded "Yes"

"What, no ritual?"


"No test?"


"No screening?"


"No pricking my thumb and giving you a drop of blood?"

"God no! Do you think were some kind of cult?"

"Like, not even we each spit on our hands then do a handshake?"

Annalise looked confused. "Why would we do that?"



Jack was at a loss for words. His thoughts rushing through his head, (Did I just fuck up again, I didn't even stop to think if they do that in this world. I mean there's no harm in it this time, but if it were about something actually important I could get killed. I really need to start thinking before I speak, actually every time I've done something impulsive it's worked. Maybe I have a superpower? Yeah people who transmitigate usually get some sort of cheat ability maybe this is mine! Wait I can't just blindly rely on that if I do I'll probably just wind up dead in a ditch....)

*Cough* *Cough* "Uhh.. it's symbolic" Shark said, breaking the awkward silence.

Jack breaking away from his internal ranting smiled in relief.

"See Shark gets it"

Annalise frowned and looked between the to before shaking her head.

"To answer your questions Jack there isn't any sort of test or ritual. We do have some screening but that has already been taken care of by Shark. We call ourselves the thieves guild, but in reality were just some petty rebels who happen to be good at stealing."

"Shouldn't you at least make an oath to not tell anyone about the guild or something?" Jack still wasn't completely convinced.

Annalise smiled lightly before saying, "No, either way if your caught you'll die. What would be the point of revealing everything? We don't assign missions we don't know where each other live unless we expressly say so. And let's be honest if you were to tell someone about the guild before you die an oath isn't going to mean anything."

Jack didn't say anything more, looking at the plaques on the wall behind Annalise Jack was about ask another question.

Following Jacks gaze Annalise spoke up. "Those are the members who were caught, we can't do much but at least we can give them a grave of sorts I suppose."

Looking at the wall Annalise's gaze seemed to be filled with sorrow and reminiscence.

Jack swallowed before simply nodding, "So now what?"

Annalise looked at Jack, standing up she started walking back toward the door that the came in from.

"Now I'll give the tour of our base"

Over the next half hour or so Jack followed Annalise as she opened rooms and explained to Jack what their purposes were. As the tour came to completion Jack realized that Annalise wasn't exaggerating when she said that they were simply just some rebels who were good at petty theft.

The city of Forgemire's punishment for thieves was extremely harsh after all. It's said that one of the mantras of the police force was "The only good thief is a dead one". Most people got by with what they had in Forgemire, very few people were actually pushed to thievery as it was most likely certain death if they were caught. Becoming a thief was considered only as a last resort, only some one who had nothing to live for would be able to throw their lives away in the chance of becoming a successful thief.

So anyone who managed to join the guild were just people who are stealing to survive and hate Forgemire for it. The guild was more like a safe place for these thieves to stay the night, and maybe trade some of their 'goods'. Jack was only as successful as he was because of his Aura.

Before Jack left Annalise paused seemingly wanting to say something before shaking her head and watched Jack go.


That morning Jack woke up early and made himself a cup of black tea, looking out the window he watched the streets start to come alive. It was still dark out as the sun wouldn't rise for another 20 minutes.

Sipping lightly Jack pondered over what he knew about the thieves guild from his trip last night. Seeing the sun slowly come up from the horizon jack stood up, put on his jacket and left for the temple of Mayaht.

Jack actually met Celine on the way there, "Oh, good morning Celine"

Celine turned obliviously startled before she realized it was just Jack. "Ah, yes good morning Jack, I wasn't expecting to see you out here I would've thought you would be in the church."

"Yes well, the becoming of an acolyte has been delayed due to some changes in the Cast business structure. Young Mr. Cast is currently swamped and he decided to take one thing off his plate until further notice."

Jack had already prepared an excuse, and it wasn't a complete lie either. Jack knew that currently the Cast business was undergoing a change in preparation to expand out of Foirgemire, curtesy of Shark.

"So that is the case, I see well thank you for finding me early, I wouldn't want to ruin your operation by asking about you before you had joined."

"Yes I was worried about that, (I didn't even think of that! thank god I left early) but on the bright side I am now fully open to help you with you studies."

Celine smiled warmly before nodding and turning around. "Yes I suppose that is good news, come follow me I have a large selections of artifacts but I can't identify some of them."

Celine took quick strides leading Jack to an unknown place as she continued to explain.

"You see I have made a contract with the archaeological museum of Forgmire that I would produce 4 artifacts of the Zulteine empire. I was able to discern 3 from the current ones but I was at a loss for the rest of them. I need to produce the last one by the end of tomorrow, so I am hoping that you will be able to discern if there is any others. If there are not then I will have to figure something out..."

"Celine if there is none I will help you search for one to submit by the end of tomorrow."

Jack cut off Celine before she could continue, to give himself and out on why he wouldn't be able to discern if the artifacts were Zulteine or not. He could just say that they were not part of the Zulteine empire and then just help her find one instead. While also gaining Celine's favor, this means he would have a strong ally to attest his innocence if he were ever suspected in his thievery.

Celine blinked before blushing and quietly saying "Thank You".



As Celine had nothing more to explain, and Jack did not want to talk about scholarly matters as much as possible to keep up his façade they fell into an awkward silence.

"We're here"

Celine stopped in front of a large house, some would call it a mansion but compared to the upper and noble district it was not even worth batting an eye. It had a small lawn with a dark metal fence with beautiful floral murals on them. It stood three stories tall with surprisingly clear windows with curtains drawn behind them.

But there was something that made Jack raise his eyebrows.

"Miss Sharlet's residence?"

That's right the house that they were standing in front of was none other than the mysterious Miss Sharlet's. One of the 3 people Jack was debating whether or not to ask to become his sponsor.


Walking forward Celine casually opened the gate and started walking toward the front door. Jack not wanting to be left standing out on the street gawking, quickly trotted forward to catch up with Celine.

Celine walked up and pulled on the chain by the front door, a gentle bell tolled in response. A maid opened the door and bowed.

"Welcome back Miss Celine"

"Yes, this his Mr. Jack Axter a fellow scholar, he has come today to help me discern if there are any Zulteine artifacts left within my current collection"

"Of course Miss"

Jack was struck dumb at the sight, not because he didn't think Celine had an affluent background no that was to be expected. Scholars were not exactly poor in this world, but what was surprising to Jack was that this was Miss Sharlet's home. He still could not wrap his mind around this, and so he just mutely nodded at the maid and followed Celine.

Celine stopped at a door and opened it revealing a empty room except for the copious amounts of artifacts placed out in and orderly manner on the floor.

"Well Jack let's get work"
