
Kiss and bite

Samantha bit her lip, unable to meet the young King in the eye. When she had first brought up her desire to speak to him, she had mustered all her confidence and courage to approach him. She was filled with curiosity and spirits and wanted to clarify her feelings for him. After having her heartfelt talk with Saorsa, Samantha was not sure if she wanted to go ahead now. She was uncertain if she wanted to divulge how confused she was until Saorsa guided her the path.

Alastair's lips raised into a smirk, and his eyes darkened when Samantha bit her lip. He waited for her to start speaking. But moments passed, and the girl stayed quiet. She had not stopped assaulting her lips until they turned red. Alastair had controlled himself, for he was more curious about what the girl had wanted to speak to him. Her actions were making him lose control, and soon his hold on himself snapped.
