
Beer cans

"Stop it Sid. I am tired of you and your so-called assumptions. . Your stupid judgements, possesiveness, jealousy and your stupid ego, keep it to yourself. For God sake, you could have at least left your own friend. You are even jealous of him, forget about my friends who took better care of me. You just don't deserve any love. I loved you with all my heart but even so you didn't care about me. And now you talk about those stupid things called trust and honesty. "

She stopped for a while as she wiped her tears that made her eyes go blurry. 

And she continued "All I wanted was your time. And you were unable to give me what I needed. The biggest thing is that you don't even know what you did wrong. You just wasted every effort I had put on our relationship. This was never mutual. So stop and don't ever make drama like this. At least when you are a guest.We are never getting back together, never." 
