

There was nothing Hao Xuan could do to stop him so in his mind, there was no point putting it off.

He moved to the side, took off his shirt, and turned his back towards Sumeet.

"Get to it, and make it quick. I don't have all day."

Sumeet could hardly contain himself. He licked his lips as his perverse imagination ran free.

"Hehehe...this is it! This is the mark of a real man, am I right? Hehe..."

He flexed the whip before swinging it around a couple of times to make cracking sounds in the air around Hao Xuan, trying to agitate him as much as possible. And to a degree- it did have an effect.

Kneeling on the hot sand waiting for the whip to fall on his skin brought up a host of memories from the countless other lives where he had to go through something similar at least once or twice.
