
But up.

"Not for you? Then who? YOU have a master?!"

Hao Xuan knew better than to trust the words of a demon like Ba'al but suffice to say, his curiosity had been piqued.

Jax, or rather Ba'al stepped back and closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath of fresh air that created a torrent of billowing wind around him.

It felt like all the heat, scents, and smells were sucked out of the world leaving a kind of emptiness that Hao Xuan had not felt in a very long time.

Then a second later all the sounds ceased to exist, forcing Hao Xuan to look around and notice that everything around him had stopped moving, including the clouds.

Every blade of grass was frozen in its place and every little creature from the smallest insect to the larger birds of prey were unable to move.

Hao Xuan's heart sunk. Thinking that this was a trap, he stepped back cautiously trying to put some distance between them but the next moment Jax opened his eyes and Hao Xuan saw Ba'al staring back at him.
