
Duties of a Master

Emily turned to face her opponent, her hands raised, her breath coming in short gasps because of all the training she had been doing for the past two hours.

Compared to her, the man standing in front of her seemed like he was there for a picnic or probably a stroll in the park. While she was covered in sweat from top to bottom, he looked totally refreshed. Her braided hair was a mass of loose curls falling around her face and his hair was perfectly combed.

Her clothes were covered in dirt, grass, or even some leaves that were sticking to them, and he... well, he was wearing very less, to begin with, and even the trouser that he was wearing didn't have a single speck of dirt on it.

And that smile on his lips... it did things to her, horrible things, making her grit her teeth as she once again pictured tackling that stupid fae and burying him in the ground in a single move, knowing fully well that her imagination won't be coming to life... not yet.
