
Loves me? Loves me not?

Charlie made his way into the restaurant.

He smiled seeing his date stand up and pull out a chair for him.

"Did you wait for too long?"

"No, i ordered for you"

"Thank you"

They smiled at each other, if no one knew them you could say they were just father and son but once you get to know them, you'd know that their relationship was more than that.

Wesley looked at his fading bruise and sighed sadly.

"I'm sorry again for that, i get carried away sometimes"

"It's okay....i...i liked it"

He chuckled, their food arrived and they ate as they exchanged a few words here and there.

Jackson watched from outside, this man looked a little familiar. He sighed and went away, atleast Charlie was happy.


He looked up ahead and saw Ethan.


"Waiting for Ian?" Ethan asked. Jackson shook his head.

"Charlie is on a date so i tailed him"

Ethan chuckled, Jackson is very overprotective of his brother.

"He'll be fine, walk with me?"

