
Section 131: Mini Doctors

"So what's the label name?" Ender asked me, snapping me out of my trance. "The serum".

"Oh, it's W-1980" I explained to the man who is sticking his hand inside the shelf. 

We're ignoring the dead bodies, for now, to search for the serum. Kallen raised his hand not long after and called my name. I approached him since he looked pretty happy about something, Kallen grimaced and showed me the bottle of the serum he had on his hand. The label on that serum is 'W-1980' like the one in the document.

After finding the serum, the only one that is left is the syringe to inject. Kallen and I are quite puzzled to find the syringe, we're not exactly medical students, to begin with. However, Ender just picked any syringe he saw and looked at us annoyed. He moved fast and cleaned the syringe with the alcohols and clean water from the tap.

"Come on now, we need to sedate her and bring her back to normal" Ender sighed. 
