
First Day of School

(Author- Hey, I hope you all enjoy! IF you do then please don't forget to send me your power stones and support me at PayPal.Me/YugiohGod)

'So let me get this straight, Itachi's ability is essentially the Demonic Illusion Nail Paralysis genjutsu, and Obito, yours is the body flicker?' I ask excitedly.

'That's right, awesome right?' Obito shouts mentally.

Itachi nods with a slight smirk. It's clear that he's trying to prevent himself from jumping in excitement. After all, who wouldn't be after realizing that you can use on of your favorite characters top jutsu?

Before we can continue the conversation, the doctor then steps into the room and closes the door behind him. He then heads over to the table before gesturing to us to sit. Filling up the remaining three chairs we all sit at the table and stare at the doctor.

He clears his throat before stating, "You three are all quite impressive, our quirks are unlike anything I've ever seen before. So, what would you like to name it?"

Itachi, Obito, and I all simply glance at each other before replying, "The Sharingan!"

--A few hours later--

While we sit in the car with mother driving home, she turns to us once she stops at a red light with a look of amusement, "You three know that you really scarred Nejire right? Your going to have to make it up to her."

The three of us just look at each other dreading what was coming, 'Oh gosh. We're not going to be able to leave her side for the entire rest of the day are we?' Obito groans.

Itachi and I shake our heads, 'Nope. Probably not.' The rest of the drive we just sat there in awkward silence. We would normally be thrilled and still talking about our quirks, but the thought of a crying Nejire kind of killed the mood.

Ever since we were adopted, Nejire has always been super loving and protective of us. She's always looked after us and always went out of her way to make sure we were happy. While we may be older than her mentally currently, she is still our older sister. Besides, in 8 more years she really will be our older sister both mentally and physically.

The fact that we made poor Nejire cry is weighing down heavily on us. I mean, of course it wasn't really our fault but still.

A short amount of time later we pull into the driveway of our villa home. While it wasn't massive, it was quite nice and well kept.

We just sit in the car and stare at the door. 'You ready bois?' I chuckle.

The other two just nod. Our mother on the other hand is now standing directly by the door with her arms crossed and is tapping her foot expectantly. We open the door to the car and all head to the front door of the house. Once we reach the door, mother then addresses us, "You three know what to do."

"Yes mam." We all reply in unison. With that, we open the door. Standing less than a foot away from the now opened door, with teary eyes puffed cheeks, is a clearly very worried and upset Nejire. She immediately run's over to us and cry talks, "Brwother's arwe yowu okway? I'm sorwy! I didwn't mwean to." Her words slurring together from obvious panicking and crying.

Seeing this, our hearts instantly melt. She was just to adorable! We instantly run into the house and hug her.

"It's okay Nejire! It's not your fault, it was just because of our quirks!"

"Yah you didn't do anything! We're okay we promise."

"Nejire, please don't cry everything's okay."

We simply stand there letting Nejire hold us as she slowly calms down. After around five minutes of this, Nejire finally let's us go, "Good. I'm glawd your owkay. You need rest now. Go to bed or you might get sick agwain. I'll twake care of you."

"To bed? But it's only Twelve fift..." I immediatly stop what I'm about to say as I see Nejire about to cry again.

'Shut up you idiot! Do you really wan her to cry again? We just calmed her down for Christ's sake.' Obito demands.

'Madara, you really need to shut up....' Itachi scoffs.

'Yah. For once you two are right.' I reply admitting defeat.

Itachi then steps foreword, "Madara didn't mean it, we'll all go to bed right now. Isn't that right Madara?'

Giving up, I simply nod my head before replying, "Yah, that's right."

Nejire immediately brightens up and proceeds to drag us up the stairs into our beds. After tucking us in she makes sure we won't move before heading downstairs to make some soup with mother. All of this is happening at, 12:15 PM.

--A Day Later--

"Nejire hunny, you really have to let them out of bed. They look perfectly fine and they have school today." Our mother states while crossing her arm's.

Nejire puffs out her cheeks as she also crosses her arms, "But they might not be okay yet! They should stay in bewd one more day."

"Hunny, I know your worried, but your brothers are strong are they not? They'll be fine. You guys are going to be in the same school for the next three years anyway so you'll be able to keep an eye on them." Our mother argues back.

Nejire finally drops her arms and huffs in defeat, "Fine." With that, Nejire, Obito, Itachi and I all get changed, grab our school bags, eat breakfast, then head to the to the bus stop.

--A Hour Later--

We are now standing outside our classroom and saying goodbye to Nejire.

"Bye Nejire!"

"See you at Lunch."

"Take care!"

Nejire nods, "Bye! Have fun! Be careful." Nejire says before heading off to her class.

I then turn to the other two, 'I wonder how long we'll have to wait to be introduced.'

Obito shrugs before replying, 'I don't know, hopefully it's soon though! I want to sot down and relish the fact that I won't have to study at all for the next few years.'

This brings a smile to my face, 'Yes thank god! I hate school with a burning passion. Studying was the worst part! Luckily now we'll have it easy so we can mostly focus on training.'

Itachi simply mutters telepathically, 'I don't know, school wasn't that bad.'

Obito and I just stare at him before simultaneously replying, "Nerd."

Before Itachi can reply, the door then opens and a tall elderly man with perfectly kept white hair and beard looks at us. He has impressively broad shoulders, and a intimidating aura, "Well? you kids gonna come on in?"

He then waves for us to follow him as he heads back into the classroom. After we enter, we can see the room is full of kids around our age as to be expected. In total their seems to be around 20 kids.

The kids then all stare at us intruded. It's not that strange, after all we are quite good looking for our ages. My black spikey hair has already reached the back of my shoulders with some strands of it covering my left eye. Itachi is, as our mother puts it, just a cute little cinnamon roll, and Obito has his scars.

These plus our mature and confident aura tends to leave an impression on most people. After all, most toddlers don't really have any sense of maturity. Even among kids of our own physical age it seems to draw some attention.

The man then sits at his desk and then leans his chair pack while resting his feet on the counter and biting onto an apple. We stand there in silence for a moment until the teacher swallows his bite.

He then states, "Hello kids, as most of you know my name is Sukana Izanami and I will be your teacher for this year. These kids here will be joining our school so treat them well. You three, introduce yourself. Something you like something you hate and your dreams if you need something to say."

I then step foreword first, "Hello everyone, My name is Uchiha Madara nice to meet you all. I like training and fighting with my brothers, I hate anyone who hurts those who are important to me and perverts, and my dream is to be the strongest Hero to ever exist and fight strong opponents."

This draws the attention of the class as they all look at me intrigued. Before they start rattling off questions the teacher declares, "You short kid with the scars, you next." He declares while nodding to Obito.

Obito then steps foreword as well, "Heya, my name's Uchiha Obito nice to meetcha. I like steamed buns and talking, I hate carrots and my dream is to be a hero. Unlike my brother here I don't care about being number one, I just want to be the best I can be and save those who are thrust into the worst kind of situations. That doesn't mean I'll be content with being weak though!"

The teacher then stops the students from trying to ask more questions before stating, "Ya'll keep your traps shut until they're done. At the end you can then ask all the questions you like got it?"

The students nod and then turn to Itachi. "You you, the last one, your up brat." The teacher chuckles.

Itachi then steps foreword, "Yo, I'm Itachi Uchiha, I like Dango, I dislike idiots and answering questions about myself, my dream is to protect as many people as I can."

The teacher then claps before declaring, "All right you lot of midgets, raise your hand if you've got a question."

Suddenly, around 10 hands raise into the air. The teacher glances around until he points at a girl with short brown hair and with a cute heart shaped face, "Uraraka, whatcha got?"

She then asks excitedly, "What's your quirks?" This question immediately excites the entire class.

Obito then replies while activating his 1 tome sharingan, "We all have the same quirk! Our eyes turn red like this and we become stronger. See?"

The entire class then excitedly starts whispering and giggling. Uraraka smiles excitedly, "That's so cool!"

With that, our elementary school days began. Obito ended up getting sat right next to Uraraka which he was pretty happy about. They quickly clicked and seemed to get along quite well.

Itachi and I on the other hand were sat on the left side of the room with me directly in front of him near the window. Hell yah the edgy seat!

The day flew by with talking to our classmates and sitting with Nejire and Uraraka during lunch. Nejire loved Uraraka as they're personalities seemed to be very similar.

After School we would spend most of our time practicing with our sharingan's trying to master our abilities. We decided not to start any physical training outside of light jogging or running until we turn thirteen. Currently, the worst thing we could do would be to damage our young bodies. (Please remember that without chakra to stop the stunted growth and stimulate their bodies natural healing then excessive exercise at a young age will still affect them. This has been added after comments saying this is stupid.)

Elementary school continued in this way for nearly three years later until Nejire finally had to go to middle school at this point. At this point things slowly began to change.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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DaoistShinobicreators' thoughts