
Chapter 652

Miguel smiled as he drove his car to Cedric's home, his wife was in the front seat, and his son sat at the back as he hummed a tune. The first time they heard Dominic hum and sing, the couple was quite surprised at how good their son's singing voice was.

Their home in the Mountain View community was not far from Cedric's mansion. As a matter of fact it only took them five minutes to drive between the two homes. 

As Miguel entered the gate, he noticed Dominic sit up and lean forward. The boy was very excited to see his cousin and his new friend, even if there was a significant age gap between them. The two other boys never treated him any differently, which he liked.

"Are you excited about dinner?" Miguel asked his son, who was practically bouncing in the back seat as Cedric's elegan home came into view.

"Yes!" Dominic said excitedly.

Next to Miguel, Veronica stifled a laugh as her husband gave her a glance.
