

"Wait, what?", said Kay as he couldn't believe what he heard.

Kay looked at little Belfast's face and he felt that this child was indeed the same as Belfast he knew. Although Kay thinks that Belfast receives high growth hormones somewhere.

"Is there something wrong, Onii-sama?", asked Bel-chan as she becomes confused.

Little Belfast's face looked worried when she saw Kay, who was suddenly shocked when she mentioned her name.

"Nah, don't worry about me, little one", said Kay. "It's just a headache."

Kay thought for a moment, was she dreaming? Or is this all reality? Or, most likely an illusion?

After a few moments of thinking, Kay stomped his foot to activate his element, creating a shock wave to analyze the area.

"Not a illusion", said Kay in mind. "And neither of this is a dream, which means, this is the reality. But the main question is how and why."

"I know that Wiseman sent me here, but why? And the question is, why did I meet the Belfast children's version?"

Kay thinks too much, ignoring Bel-chan who is still standing wondering. Bel-chan then approaches Kay and pulls on the sleeve of his shirt to attract his attention.

"Ano, Onii-sama, Are you alright? Do you need to meet our guardian in order to help you?", asked Bel-chan, trying to help Kay.

"Oops, sorry about that, little one", said Kay upon seeing Bel-chan. "My mind go away for a moment but don't worry."

"Wait ... your guardian? Who?"

"Yes, our guardian", said Bel-chan. "It's Ama…."


Their conversation was interrupted when they heard a noise coming from the bushes. Bel-chan wants to go to the bush to see where the sound came from but is stopped by Kay.

"Onii-sama?", asked Bel-chan.

Kay signals to Bel-chan not to make noise and remains silent. He then drew his sword and stood in front of Bel-chan to protect her from the threat.



There was a little girl who suddenly came out of the bushes which surprised Kay. It was not because the child surprised him, it was because she looked like Prinz Eugen, just small.

"Here you are apparently, Bel-chan", said the little girl. "Amagi-nee and the others are looking for ... you ..."

The little girl looks at Kay fascinatingly, seeing a human at this forest. Then, she walked around Kay very excitedly.

Kay lowers his weapon as he sees the little girl approaching him. He also rubbed his head as his brain can't take this nonsense anymore.

"I see little Belfast, now I'm seeing little Eugen?", said Kay in his mind. "What am I doing here actually? And where I've to deal with this problem?"

Then, Kay heard that little girl singing happily.

"I see a human here…I see a human here", sang the little girl.

"Ano…Eugen-chan, should you introduce yourself to this Onii-sama?", asked Bel-chan. "He seems to be lost."

Little Eugen suddenly jumped towards Kay and hugged her back. She then climbed up and forced Kay to carry her.

"My name is Prinz Eugen", said the little girl. "But, most of them called me, Eugen-chan."

"Ano…I don't think Onii-sama is very comfortable for you to that, Eugen-chan", said Bel-chan as she saw Kay carried Eugen-chan, touching his cheeks.

Kay had to be patient with Eugen who was like a naughty child. She just a child so there isn't need to be angry.

"So far, I saw two girls that I am very familiar with", Kay said in his heart. "Well, let's not think about that. Maybe I should ask ..."


"Oh, you got to be kidding me!", said Kay in his heart. "Please don't be that I thought!"


A little girl coming out from the bushes; however, Kay never saw this child nor familiar with her since coming here. A sign of relieved from Kay as he saw unfamiliar child.

The little girl is wearing red kimono, but the size is little big, has a black-haired that very long and red crimson eyes.

Upon seeing Kay, the little girl becomes embarrassed. She then hid back behind the tree, afraid of Kay.

"Taihou-chan! Taihou-chan! There is a human here!", Shouted Eugen-chan.

That little girl appears to be Taihou, however, it's true that Kay never met her. After being called several times by little Eugen, she then ventured out to approach Kay.

"So, Taihou-chan?", Said Kay as he saw Taihou approach him. However, it caused Taihou to hide again.

Kay sighed; it was too much for him to handle. He looks at Bel-chan, trying to ask her some question regarding this place.

"Can I ask you some question…", said Kay, however, he unable to finish his question as he heard some noise from the bush.


"Alright, what now this time!", said Kay angrily, running out of patience.


A wolf comes out from the bush, and the problem is, it's a wild one. That wolf seems to be infected by something, its almost liked dead creature and ready to attack them. When its saw Taihou, the wolf immediately wanted to pounce on her.

Little Taihou closes her eyes when seeing that creature and suddenly, the wolf went flying after it being struck by lightning knife.


Kay deftly throws a knife that being fused by his element toward the wolf. He acted so fast that little Belfast and little Eugen couldn't see him acts.

The wolf howled in pain before its died. Kay identifies that that wolf is already being infected by none other than his sole reason, the cell.

"Lesser cell", said Kay. "But it shouldn't be a huge problem since it will die in few days. I don't think this is the reason why I am sent here."

Kay approached Taihou-chan who was still scared, rubbing her head slowly. Eugen-chan shouted happily when he saw Kay's agility beat the wolf with one attack while Bel-chan headed towards Taihou to calm her down.

"Well, this is really pretty surprising…", said Kay.


"Alright, what now!!", shouted Kay. "How many times that I need to deal with these bushes?"

Several packs of wolves came out of the bushes, walking slowly in search of their prey. They then saw Kay and others, their saliva dripping with signs of hunger. The wolves already being infected by lesser cells.

The wolves growls at them and ready to attack.


Bel-chan and Taihou-chan go closer to Kay and hide behind him while Eugen-chan cheers happily, still being carried by Kay.

"Well, I guess I have to deal this in old fashion way", said Kay, as he ready to charge them. "Now, this is perfect time…"

"To run away…"

Since Eugen-chan had already hugged Kay from behind, Kay deftly held Bel-chan and Taihou-chan, running away quickly.

"Yeah, I'm not fighting those things in front of children", said Kay. "I don't want them to see blood scatter away, not my style."

Kay activates his element, running with high speed from the packs of wolves that continuing to pursuit them. Bel-chan and Taihou-chan unhappy and embarrassed to be carried that way while Eugen-chan seems to be happy.

"So fast! Go much faster, please!", shouted Eugen-chan.

"Ano…can you drop me, please?", asked Bel-chan politely.

"Yup, I don't know that childhood Eugen and Belfast have this kind of personality", said Kay. "But, sorry little girls, just be patience for a moment."


Kay attacks the wolves as several lightning strikes appear, activates his element while fleeing. He knew he could kill the infected wolves by himself but considering there were children with him, he extinguished his intentions.

"Alright, girls. Please don't look back", said Kay. "There is nothing back there."

"Ano…that's a lie, Onii-sama", said Bel-chan. "I see a lot of weird wolves are coming to eat us."



"Hiiiii!!", shouted Taihou-chan, feels scared.

"Well, there are nothing back there anymore", said Kay.

Kay constantly killing most the wolves that coming from them, relentless attacking them. Then suddenly, a wolf comes out of nowhere, jumps at them and wants to pounce on Kay.

"Tch…so troublesome", said Kay as he kicks the infected wolf. "I can't burn this forest, right?"


"Ano, we are getting closer to our gurdian, Onii-sama", said Belfast pointed out the way that they are running for. "Maybe they can help us."

"Well, that's pretty much will give me more trouble than I bargain for, little one", said Kay. "But I don't really have any choice, right?"

"Hold tight, everyone!"






Near the shore, there are several sirens battleships and aircraft carriers stranded due to being attacked by unknown shipgirls. However, there are still many who roam around the island they are occupying.

And not only that, the infected wolves also attacking the shipgirls, leaving them in dire situations.

"There seems to be no end to us", said Saint Louis as she released some shells towards the siren ships. "We also forced to deal with these wolves."

"Don't give up!", Shouted Monarch. "We will overcome them. Remember, humanity fates in our hands, if we die now, there will be no hope for them!"


Izumo deftly cut one by one the wolves that attacked them. Their quantity may be large, but they are simply nothing more than a weak creature alone.

"These wolves are weird", said Izumo calmly. "It's liked they are being infected by something."


Ibuki quickly slashed the wolves around them while Neptune, Monarch and Saint Louis deal with sirens just shy outside the beach. They were attacked repeatedly, both at sea and on land. However, their spirits never faded, they tried to retaliate and break their attacks.

These shipgirls are called priority ships, built to fight sirens and are the first technology developed for the sake of humanity. However, their strength is far from what they expected. They are still unstable and do not make full use of the strength they have.

"Please wakes up, Shinano-san!", shouted Ibuki as she saw Shinano is still sleeping, ignoring the fact that they are being attacked. "No! Please don't go back to sleep, Shinano-san."

The lady which seems to be a fox girl, looks at Ibuki and slowly opens her eyes. She is still sleepy and wants to continue sleeping despite being shouted at by Ibuki and the others.

"I'm still sleepy", said Shinano. "Please, wake up me when its finished…. zzz"

"No! Please wake up and help us, Shinano-san!", shouted Ibuki

"Zzzzz", Shinano fall asleep.




Elsewhere, close to the beach, there is a group of children and one adult. They are hiding from the threat of danger while other groups are trying to eradicate it.


The sound of explosions can still be heard even though they are already far from the shore. The sound of children crying was heard, afraid of the explosion. However, there are still a few of them who are still brave, refusing to be afraid of the sound of explosions.

"Are we gonna be find, Amagi-neesama", asked the little girl.

The adult who accompanies them is none other than the guardian herself, Amagi. She looked at the children's faces and signaled for them to calm down. Nothing will happen to them.

"Don't worry, Akagi", said Amagi. "The grownups knew what to do, not to mention, they are priority ships."

"However, it seems that they are too weak to handle them. Nonetheless, they are still trying to beat sirens."


Amagi tries to calm the children who are crying in fear, telling them, they will be safe. Suddenly, Amagi saw something far away from where they were. Several lightning strikes coming from far distances with wolves' sound that they have being attacked by unknown forces.


"What was that?", Asked Amagi as she saw it. "Is there anyone other than us here? But that impossible, not to mention that kind of power doesn't belong to someone that I knew."

Amagi tries to call the other children and according to her, she has no choice but to bring the children with her. Even if he knew, they would be in danger.




"Hey, little Belfast, may I know how far we need to go?", asked Kay while attacking the wolves and carrying them three. "And little Eugen, can please calm down a moment and stop shouting, pretty please?"

"Ano…we already reaching them", said Bel-chan. "However, we are in the wrong direction, Onii-sama. We can still reach them but this way to the cliff. We have to turn back, or we will fell"

"Hiii!! Nii-sama, please return back!", shouted Taihou-chan.

"Well, we still have other way", said Kay. "We have no choice but to jump."

Bel-chan and Taihou-chan completely disagree with Kay's proposal. They want Kay to go back and choose a safe path while Eugen-chan seems to be liked that idea.

"I don't know you have any choice, little girls", said Kay. "That wolves seem to see you as a delicious treat. Unless, you want to…"

"Hii! No! No!", shouted Taihou, screaming.


"There are a lot of them than I expected", Kay said in his mind. "I also need to deal with them, but I need to take these girls to safer place."

Kay activates his element upon seeing the cliff. He holds Bel-chan and Taihou-chan tightly, avoiding slipping out of his grip while Eugen-chan seems to fine with this.

"What the…", said Kay as he saw several siren ships just outside of this island. "Why there are sirens here?"

He is too busy fighting with infected wolves, ignoring the fact that the sirens are already attacking this island. However, Kay not only saw sirens, he also saw some shipgirls he had never met. They are being overwhelmed with the sirens and infected wolves.

"What is that?", asked Monarch as she saw Kay jumps toward their location.

His movement is too fast, when they tried to think, he already arrived with three little girls with him.

"Hey, fox lady, mind helping me with these little girls?", asked Kay to Shinano.

Shinano opens her eyes and looked at Kay, then to the children. She opens her arms, trying to embrace Bel-chan, Taihou-chan and Eugen-chan. Then, continue to sleep.

"Who are you? Reveal yourself?", shouted Monarch at Kay. Since she doesn't know that Kay is an enemy or ally, she is right to act careful.

Kay saw Monarch who was still careful around him. Then, Kay suddenly threw a knife towards her.


The knife which being fused with lightning pierced infected wolf that suddenly attacking Monarch from behind.

"No need to be cautious at me", said Kay as he drew Rakurai. "My target is that infected wolves and that sirens."

"Time, Zero"



In a moment, all the infected wolves that roamed near them died one by one. The shipgirls seems to surprise with Kay's attack. They were helpless to see Kay's speed against the wolves.

"What! What's going on?", asked Ibuki, confused.

"That speed, but he is human", said Izumo upon seeing Kay's movement.

"Well, this will do it", said Kay. "Now, the only left to do are these dumb sirens."

Kay looked at the Monarch, asking her a question before attacking the sirens that roamed the island.

"Is there anyone near that sirens, red-haired girl?", asked Kay to Monarch.

"Me? Well, there is nobody but us here", answered Monarch. "Why you even ask, human?"

"Alright, don't mind if I do", said Kay as he slowly walking towards the sirens.

Enormous power surrounds Kay as he tried to activate the lightning element. This moment is perfect for him and he will not waste any chance.




"Let me tell you"

"Enormous power come with huge responsibility"

"Yet people misused their powers to destroy each other"

"And, my Element can destroy the world"

Kay raised Rakurai towards the sky, emitting a single light from the tip of the sword.




"Liked Stars Fall to Earth"

Several meteors fall from the sky and stumble against the sirens, destroying them with a single hit. All of them are nothing but being sunk, relentlessly.

What they see is horror and nightmares on the part of opponents. Defeated by those who are impossible to defeat and whose strength is far stronger than theirs, is like heaven and earth.

After finding nothing that could threaten them, Kay lay down in exhaustion. He tried to rest for a moment, only for little Euegen to jump towards him.

"That was really awesome, nii-nii", shouted Euegen-chan happily.

Bel-chan and Taihou-chan also went near Kay.

"Ano…I don't think Onii-sama likes what you did to him, Eugen-chan", said Bel-chan.

"Thank you…nii-sama", said Taihou-chan, still scared at Kay.

Kay sighed; he got some idea of what was going on here. However, he wants a little more info to answer all the questions. However, the info sought appears in front of him.

"You got to be kidding me", said Kay as he saw the familiar faces in front of him.

The other group finally appears, Amagi and the other children come towards Kay. They are still in a daze and wondering.

"A human? That's rare", said Amagi as she saw Kay.

Behind Amagi's back, there are small version of Kay's acquaintance. There are Wales, Zuikaku, Shoukaku, Kaga, Akagi, Takao, Atago and many others. Most of them are left wandering as they saw Kay.

"Yup, this is probably several years ago", said Kay in his mind. "And, I can go home now?"

This is what happened at least fifteen years ago. From these girl's perspective, this is just a flashback. However, for Kay, this is a new for him. Only a party has that memories, while the one still trying to grasp. This is, Fox's Tails.
