

(A/N: AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH! I FORGOT TO WROTE FOR TWO WEEKS IN A ROW! AHAHAHAH! I'M SCREWED! If this goes on I really will lose my bet... ;-;

Time to go super sayian. Eight chapters in one day here I come)

"If it isn't Phantom? What's going on Phantom? Did you come here for Lifeguard duty again?" Yelled a guy wearing red swimming clothes.

Will shook his head with a smile and said, "Nah, not today. My shift starts next week. The adventurer guild received a lot of complaints from the last time when I camped out at the dungeon for a week straight due to lifeguard duty."

"Ahhh," said the man with an annoyed look. "Serves those bastards right. It's about time they learned that adventurers are not criminal slaves that are meant to be extorted for labor. Who filed the reports?"

"I'm not really certain about the specifics but i heard rumors of rampaging undead and a few adventurer guild outposts burning down."

"The crazy dragon bitch and miss necrophiliac I see... if that doesn't teach the guild a lesson then I don't know what will."

Will gave a hollow laugh. "So how is the sea today?"

The guy let out a sigh. "Not very good. We had a few breaches just the other hour. A couple of high ranked monsters came into the shallows. I was kinda hoping that you came to take over my shift to be honest. I'm nearly out of mana."

"Send a request for a replacement."

"Already did," said the guy with a sour look. "I think the boy I asked got lost or captured by a few high ranked adventurer girls."

"May that poor soul Rest In Peace."

"May he Rest In Peace. So what you up too if you ain't here to sub for me?" Asked the guy to Will.

Will pointed back towards Sarah and the others, "I'm here for my rank up quest. I need to help them catch some sea monsters?"

"Is it that bullshit one where you don't even get paid for manual labor that was posted earlier in the morning?"


"Fiona tried to wrangle me that quest this morning. I only managed to avoid accepting by saying I had lifeguard duty. Poor you."

"It's not really that big of an issue."

"It's ok Phantom, no need to be humble. We all know that you are a great guy." The guy paused before reaching into his pocket and threw something towards Will. Will caught it easily before looking at what had just been thrown at him. Will's eyes opened. A small mana stone was nestling brightly in his hand. "Is this-"

"It's a high quality mana stone. C ranked I think. I killed a sea monster earlier and it dropped it but sadly bunch of sea monsters swarmed it before I could collect it. Once I managed to fetch it out of the water, it was too late. I can't sell that anymore. You use it. Pity that it isn't water attributed."

"Thanks," said Will with gratitude, "this will make my job way easier."

"You better come and take my place next week Monday. I have a date planned with my girl and she will kill me if I am busy that day."

"No worries. I got you."

"May the sea goddess bless you with good fortune."

"May she bless you as well."

Will pocketed the mana stone into his pocket and waved at the guy before making his way to the seashore with Sarah and the three knights following him like confused sheep.

A small dock had been created on the rocky side of the beach and many boats were docked in a meat and orderly manner. Will immediately headed towards a medium sized boat that could fit at least ten people comfortably and got on it with a natural expression. After looking over the boat with an analytical gaze, Will turned around and gave the others a welcoming smile

"Alright, welcome to my boat. It might not be grand as the others in this dock but I assure you, it is sturdier than it looks."

"This boat is yours?" Asked Sarah with amazement. "Woah.... are all E ranked Adventurers this rich?"

"Of course not, milady," mumbled the head knight. "If all E ranked adventurers were this capable then I doubt that people would even bother to choose another way of life. This Phantom person is just an abnormal oddity."

"That's one way of saying it," laughed Will as he started preparing the ship. "Can't deny that I am abnormal. Anyways, will you guys hurry up and get on my boat so we can set sail?"

"Oh yes, I am sorry for making you wait," said Sarah in a flustered manner before boarding the ship with the three knights also boarding after her.

"Wait a minute, this ship has no sail. How are we going to leave the dock?" Asked the knight.

"You forget that I am a spiritualist with a water spirit, miss knight." Said Will as he snapped his fingers and called out to Rina. "Let's set sail Rina. All the way to the three hundred meter mark."

"Aye aye Will! Do we want to go there fast or slow?"

"Slow is much preferred. I still need to explain to these people about how they should fish."

"Sir yes sir!"

Rina started gather mana in her hands and the boat suddenly lurched forward at a decent speed. Will stared into the open sea with a nostalgic gaze as a small smile flitted across his lips.

He could never forget the salty taste of the majestic sea breeze and the sight of endless blue stretching as far as his eyes. Here he felt as if he was home.

"Excuse me sir phantom," interrupted one of the knights, "but what do you mean explain to us how we should fish? Didn't you already explain earlier?"

"Ah yes," said will as he snapped out of his trance. "You probably know how to fish already but my method will be a little bit different."

"Excuse me? Different?"

Will gave the knights an evil smile. "Have y'all ever heard of the expression... there is always a bigger fish in the pond?"
