
Jealousy makes you ugly! You should love yourself first.


The weather was getting colder but it wasn't freezing yet. One could tell it was almost winter. The autumn breeze bringing a harsh chill in the air.Leaves already yellow and red floated in the wind bringing an lively, playful atmosphere.

Most students were dressed in their school blazer, jerseys or even both. Song Xia was no exception. Even in her last life she had always been sensitive to the cold and right now she was was bundled up. Gloves, scarf,stockings , jersey and blazer .


" So , are you 'll going for Friday's Dance?The Senior Classes already started selling tickets." Shen Xue queried looking at Jin Yu and Song Xia. She really did want to attend the dance with her friends.

" I'm not going to make it. The photo shoot and commercial filming for the Sillux is this week. Aunt and I are leaving on Thursday Morning."

Song Xia told them a bit apologetically.

" Really? Sillux Hair products are the top brand in our country! I only use Sillux and Joeabra products! I'm so excited! Angel Xia is back in action! Xiao Xia, your little fans will be so happy when the photos come out!" Shen Xue beamed like the true president of a fan club.

Song Xia and Jin Yu smiled at Shen Xue 's enthusiasm.

Jin Yu chimed in ," It's your first commercial . How are feeling ,Xiao Xia ?"

" Excited and nervous but I'm looking forward to it!"Song Xia just hoped it would go well and that she managed to pick up on the acting classes.

Changing the topic Song Xia felt like she disappointed her friends so she encouraged them to go to the dance without her.

" Xue Er and Xiao Yu , why don't you'll go to the dance without me? I promise I won't feel bad or left out."Song Xia insisted.

Jin Yu spoke first, " How can we just go without you? You might not feel bad but I definitely will!"

Jin Yu huffed and looked like an angry rabbit.

" There will be other dances! It won't be fun unless all three of us are there!" Shen Xue added.

Song Xia felt touch to have so thoughtful friends. " Okay, okay it was my fault. I'm sorry. How about next week we go out for lunch and a movie? My treat..." Song Xia coaxed her friends . With her puppy dog eyes, radiant smile and beautiful face as if anyone could resist. It was like trying to win an uphill battle!

A cold breeze blew in the area bring autumn leaves and an icy wind. Song Xia shivered bringing her hands in her blazer pocket and hunching over trying to conserve heat. Yet, still she started shivering.

" Xiao Xia ! Are you really that cold?" Shen Xue teased before handing Song Xia a cup of hot chocolate .

" Thanks, Xue Er. I don't know why ever since I was a child I haven't handled the cold very well." She explained and rubbed her hands together trying to stimulate circulation.

They were currently sitting outside the cafeteria with the other students because the main cafeteria was closed .

The whole circuitry system suddenly burnt out and they needed to fix it. There were smaller cafeterias catering to students but unfortunately they had to sit outside or in their classrooms.

Jin Yu felt worried looking at Song Xia 's long , elegant fingers turn bluish red with the cold and pale palms .

" Xiao Xia, here use this heating pad." Jin Yu said taking Song Xia 's hands in her own before putting a small cat shaped heating pad in her hands.

" Thanks Xiao Yu." Song Xia gratefully excepted Jin Yi's kindness.

Shen Xue also felt a bit concerned now. Usually Song Xia was so cool and active but she forgot that every person has their own weaknesses.

"Let's go back and sit in the classroom. With the heater it should be warmer."


The three girls made their way to the classroom and met a few seniors along the way.They were carrying decorations to decorate the hall for the dance. Among them were Bai Luli and the other Qin Chunhua.It was coincidental that they had met but Bai Luli wanted to ask Song Xia to reject Mingli .Qin Chunhua on the other hand wanted to humiliate Song Xia.

Qin Chunhua eagerly nudged Bai Luli she wanted her to confront Song Xia right now.Bai Luli gathered up her courage and pushed down her insecurity. The girl in front of her was easily the most beautiful girl she had seen in person.At the back of her mind she marveled that she hadn't seen her before and could understand why Mingli was so taken with her.

"Urh, Um, Are you Song Xia?" She said looking at the tall girl who was maybe 2 cm taller than her 173 cm.

Song Xia paused and looked at Bai Luli in confusion and did not recognize her. The girl was around her height, with round gold- rimmed glasses , a sweet- pretty face and her long hair was braided elegantly.

" Yes,I'm Song Xia. " She nodded politely and waited for the girl to talk.

" I'm Bai Luli, I wanted to ask you something.Can we please talk outside?"She then glanced at Shen Xue and Jin Yu before adding " Alone."

Song Xia arched an eyebrow but in the end agreed.She had noticed the silent plea in a Si Luli so she told Jin Yu and Shen Xue that she'll catch up with them later.


In the hallway of the second year classrooms stood two two tall, elegant girls and another teenage girl with a snobbish expression on her face.

" Song Xia," started Bai Luli ," If you don't like ,Ma Mingli , can you please reject him?"

Now Song Xia was totally bewildered.Maybe not so much as the request but only had this thought.

' Who on earth is Ma Mingli? What does he have to do with me?'

Perhaps Song Xia was quiet for too long so Bai Luli became anxious and Qin Chunhua impatient.

" Song Xia! Don't tell me you plan to shameless steal Ma Mingli from Luli!" Chunhua screeched like a shrew at a fish market.

Bai Luli embarrassed tried to calm her down.

" Chunhua, that's enough."

Song Xia took a deep breathe and reminded herself that Chunhua was just a teenage girl and held back her anger but was a bit more firm when she spoke.

" Look, Bai Luli, I don't even know who Ma Mingli is..."

" You ! Your lying !He's the most popular guy in school how can you not know him?You just want to fool Bai Luli ! Who doesn't know that they are the perfect couple and the only reason that Luli previously kept him at arms length was his playboy ways."

Now Song Xia was irritated. " Bai Luli , I thought you wanted to talk to me. So why is your friend cutting in and insulting me at every turn?"

Looking into Song Xia 's cold gold eyes she couldn't help but feel nervous so she scolded Qin Chunhua more harshly.

" Chunhua, stop cutting in and keep quiet! Or go away!"

Chunhua felt resentful and aggrieved. She even gave Song Xia a hateful look before shutting up.

Song Xia ignored Qin Chunhua and got back to the business at hand.

" As I was saying, I have no interest in somebody named Ma Mingli. I will reject him if he confesses to me..."

Bai Luli overwhelmed and grateful grabbed Song Xia 's arm and gushed.

" Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Song Xia took back her arm and took a step back.

" Don't thank me. I did not decide to reject him for your sake but my own.I don't know him or like him so why would I accept him?"

She turned around and started walking away. Then Song Xia paused and looked over her shoulder.Her golden eyes a bit warmer, like honey and charming with a small smile on her lips.

" It's none of my business but since I somehow became involved can I say something? Why would you like a boy who would so easily be taken by someone else? Love somebody who doesn't truly love you?I think that you Bai Luli and I, Song Xia are worth so much more. You should love yourself first!"

Song Xia left Bai Luli and Qin Chunhua with stunned looks on their faces.
