
Chapter 79. Nurturing Zafran (3)

Dirga felt the same way, but he interpreted it differently.  Dirga thought because of his growing feelings for Winda.  Yes, it could be that it's pure what Dirga feels without being affected by the taste brought by a new heart.


 Winda was dropped into the water, wet all over her body, Zafran even clapped his hands happily, "Yeah ... Aunty is also playing with water," he chattered.

 "Ah, finally I saw you wet too," the smile etched on Dirga's face looked very ignorant.

 "You pervert," Winda threw water at Dirga because she was annoyed with Dirga's attitude that he liked himself.

 "Hahaha ... come on Zafran, help uncle. Aunty has started attacking."

 "Yes uncle, wait Zafran to help, hahaha."  Zafran is now also splashing water on Winda.

 Hahaha basic GB, it could change the atmosphere to be fun.  Dirga, your attitude is ignorant, but it can make other people happy.
