

She leans in the door frame, waving back at us. "Of course, as soon as he gets home. Take care."

I nodded and Pete opened the door for me, I climbed in and he closed the door. Before he stride towards his side of the car. He waves goodbye to Granny first. Then hops in and slid his keys, the engine roars then purrs to life. He glances at me. "You should put on your seatbelt." He says as he buckles his seatbelt.

"Oh yeah, thanks. I forgot." I say buckling my seatbelt. Then he eased the car toward the road, and sooner or later we were in the main road.

It's been a while and none of us uttered a single word. When all of a sudden he spoke.

"You know what," I immediate glance at him. "If you weren't Ashley's friend right now? I would totally ask you out on a date."

I snort at his remark. "Is it because I look like this? Well, there's a chance I would decline."

"What? How come?" he baffles. I glance at him and he's focuses on the road.
