
Jenny’s Choice


Jenny had a fairly normal life till she was 22; she was the only child graduated school finished college by age of 21.

Married Arthur her boyfriend from college the same year, the next year she had twins, Jake and Mary. Since she did not start working she started going to school, thus finishing her graduate school in next one year. Next 15 years went like a brisk. By the time she was 36, both her children were in high school, her husband was doing fairly well at work, so they moved from Kansas to Virginia near Manassas.

The family bought house so they could renovate the basement and first floor and rent it out to local college students.

This gave them a good monthly income, next two years went rather oddly, in Kansas their family was fairly social they knew a whole bunch of people and whole bunch of people them, in addition they had a good deal of family living fairly close by.

Since they moved to Virginia it became rather odd, though her kids soon developed their own group of friends, she became more and more secluded. Arthur had his work friends same could not be said about Jenny.

Jenny started breeding dogs just to keep herself busy. They had a one acre lot behind the house which provided her with a good enough space for her business.

At 38, her life took a sudden change Arthur her husband for sixteen years died in a car crash; suddenly she had three million dollars and no idea how to carry on. The very next year both her kids were off to college. Mary moved to California and Jake moved to Hawaii.

All of a sudden her house was empty, almost two thousand square feet. The money she received from her husband's death was enough to take care of all her needs in addition she was making good deal of money from her rental property and her dog breeding business.

This caused Jenny to get involved in local community development, she started going to gym and in addition she took a rather drastic step. Jenny went and had some very basic plastic surgery.

This drastically changed her appearance, now Jenny was a short woman at 5'2" and she was what you would consider petite.

But with a very minor tweak to her nose and chin, a little realignment to her waist and breast and a little breast augmentation Jenny looked like a whole other woman. When she realized the change the procedures had made to her appearance, she felt rather embarrassed and became shyer than she was ever before this made her even more appealing.

It was not that Jenny disliked all the male attention, sometime even female attention but she did not know how to handle all temptations/opportunities.

Jenny realized even a year back she could wear shorts and t-shirts to super market without getting much attention from anyone around her. Now she knew if her shorts were even a little tight there was a few guys staring at her ass (thanks to all her time at the gym). Jenny knew if her t-shirt was tight guys were paying attention to her breasts.

Since she was fairly short and had smooth skin (thanks to never drinking a sip of alcohol or smoking for that matter) Jenny appeared fairly young, in fact she appeared someone in her mid-twenties at the best rather than someone getting ready to celebrate her 40th birthday in a few months.

So imagine the surprise Mary and Jake got when they returned from their first year in college during summer, instead of being greeted by their slightly out of shape mom, instead they were greeted by the new Jenny at the airport, who slightly resembled Laura Linney. Jake could not believe his eyes, he kept looking back at her both Mary and Jake realized though very little cosmetic changes were made to her actual face it made Jenny look completely different.

Next two weeks were rather strange rather than ogling at girls at local colleges Jake kept trying to catch a glimpse of his own mother. Though Jake did not have perverse thought in his mind he simply could not reconcile the image he had of his mother with the new and improved Jenny. Mary, on the other hand had more challenging issues on hand, while at college she had met a local guy from Manassas who was studying in California with her. Mary had planned to invite Mark to her house during the summer break. Instead, now she felt like her mother could unintentionally pose some serious competition for her. Mary very much recalled Mark's desire to "bone a MILF" which he had expressed to Mary after a party where Mark had gotten seriously wasted.

Mary, in her mind was very well able to understand her mother's desire to look youthful but Mary could not dismiss the concern she had for her "boyfriend" Mark and what might happen if Mark found Jenny to be the "perfect MILF".

Mary was a very simple looking girl, she was a little taller than her mother, dark brown hair, in sunlight it would appear mild red from a distance, and she was slender all over everything was ordinary except for her posterior.

Mary's butt was nothing like her mother, in fact some kids at her high school called her "Black butt Mary".

Mary was so conscious of her buttocks that her entire wardrobe consisted of entire set of long ankle level skirts which helped her hide her most luscious assets. Mary rarely wore any jeans and when she did wear trousers she would find the most loose fitting ones.

Jenny herself became more aware of the effect her looks had on people since her kids came back for their summer break. When Jenny went out with Jake and Mary she would appear to be the kid in the family, Jake was six feet tall, and Mary with her long skirts and big butt appeared more mature than Jenny.

Jenny became very mindful of this family portrait when they went out as a family for a movie after the first week of summer vacation. Since her small SUV was in shop getting it's some work done they decided to take the two-sitter to the movie. Only that there were three people, Jake very calmly insisted Jenny sit on Mary's lap. Mary seconded it since it made sense to her; Mary was bigger and weighed more than Jenny. Sitting on her own daughters lap with the seat belt buckled while her son drove her two-sitter really turned her on.

It did not help half way through to the movie theatre it started to drizzle a little, which caused Jake to put up the top up on the two-sitter and turn on the A/C, which caused Jenny's nipple to stand erect, to top that Mary kept breathing her warm breath on her neck while Mary arm folded right on Jenny's lap causing her hands to brush against her nipple. Jenny could not imagine sitting on her daughter's lap was going to turn her on.

Jenny realized she had no physical contact with any human being since her husband's death, she was glad she was sitting on Mary's lap instead of Jake's lap. Had she been sitting on Jake's lap she may have experienced an orgasm by the time they reached the movie theatre. Jenny felt so naughty and dirty thinking about sitting on her son's lap.

As it would happen that very opportunity would present itself when they reached the movie theatre, the movie they had decided to watch was sold out so instead they grabbed a quick fast food dinner and decided to head back home and order something on-demand. But right after the quick fast food dinner Mary complained that her legs were a little cramped for another twenty five minute drive back in such quick succession.

Jenny shamelessly offered to sit on Jake's lap if Mary decided to drive, Mary was more than happy to drive, but Jake soon realized the challenges he would face if her mother did sit on his lap on their way back to home. Needless to within the first minute on the way back home Jake's fear/concern were realized. As soon as Jenny sat on his lap Jake started experiencing an erection, it did not help that both their clothes were slightly damp and the A/C was on full blast. Jake hand more than grazed Jenny's ample bosom. Being almost a foot taller than his mother his hands folded on her lap, her nipples protruded between the crack created of by his two arms resting on one over the other. The colder Jake felt the harder he would press his arms together inadvertently causing to squish her nipples.

Poor Jenny not only felt between her buttock cheeks from Jake erection, she got her nipples squeezed as well, five minutes into the ride Jenny started moving up and down Jake's lap to relieve herself, she could not bear all forms of stimulation she was experiencing. Although Jake was shocked to feel the movements her was not going to complain, and thank god for the heavy rain which kept Mary too busy driving.

In Jenny's dream she imagined stopping the car before they went any further, stripping completely naked yanking Jake's penis out of his pants and sit on his lap facing him while his penis was buried deep in her body, and then Mary could drive them around all over town while Jenny could bounce on Jake's penis for the rest of the night.

In reality she had an intense orgasm fifteen minutes into the drive and completely dozed off, while Jake came in his pants. After they reached home Jake decided not to wake up his mother and carried her all the way to her bed room.

But before Jake could leave her room he decided he had good reason to strip her down to her undergarments at least since they were a little too damp to sleep in.

And as soon as Jake finished stripping her off her blouse he could not keep his eyes off her beautiful perfect bosoms.

The more he felt he should leave the room, the more he was drawn to her body. Jake felt a strong attraction, and before he could think any further he had already stripped Jenny of her bra, by then Jenny was mildly awake at a subconscious level she knew what was going on but she kept telling herself that it was all part of a dream. That way she would not have the immoral nature of the actions taking place right in her bedroom.

Once Jenny's bra was off Jake felt compelled to take off her panties as well, needless to say the moment he started taking them off he realized it was very damp and soon Jake was able ti put two and two together and realized that his mother dozed off in the car not only because she was tired, but also because she had experienced an intense orgasm.

Now before all this realization there was a strong sense guilt working on Jake's mind but as soon as he realized what had happened in the car that very moment he got a raging hard on.

Jake could not help himself he yanked his cock out and plunged it into Jenny's pussy, till then Jenny kept telling herself it was all a dream but she could no longer keep doing that. Though Jenny kept her eyes closed her body started reacting to the natural motions of sexual intercourse.

This went for almost next seven minutes without a stop at which point Jake could not control himself any further and started to cum, not realizing that Jenny had not used any form of birth control in last eighteen years.

Needless to say Jenny was not thinking much either. That night Jake ended up spending the night in his mother's bed. Also, needless to say it was not the last time they had sex that night.

Actually, the summer became a huge sex marathon session between Jake and Jenny, since Mary would go out to meet her "boyfriend" Mark at different locations far away from her residence, it would give Jake and Jenny plenty of time during the day. This meant sex in all kind of positions in all the different rooms in the house. Even in his sister's room on more than once occasion. Sometimes it would carry into night, since Mary was too tired with all the traveling she would drop dead like a log and though Jake and Jenny should have similar level of exhaustion, it seemed when it came to having sex, both of them could find some inner strength no matter what.
