
A Cousin's Reunion


As a child one of my most favorite places in the world was my grandparents cottage. It was a rustic little place on the shore of a reservoir, set back in a large pine woods in Wisconsin. At night the wildlife fluttered around the cabin lights and by day the wildlife ran or flew from tree to tree in an unending ballet of wild motion. I cant begin to count the number of hours I spent sitting with my grandmother soaking a worm off the dock for bullheads and perch. It was a love of fishing that I just was never able to fully satisfy.

My cousins and we were there frequently in the summer, and while I didn't always get along well with my one brothers and sister, Julie, the closest in age of my four first cousins, and I got along well and when I wasn't fishing I was hanging out with her. We didn't see each other nearly as much in the colder months, since my dad's job seemed to move us farther and farther from them every few years. But summer was our chance to catch up and talk about all kinds of stupid stuff. I just enjoyed spending time with her... even if she was a "girl".

Over the years that closeness seemed to fade as we moved farther away and our families got together less frequently. From once every couple weeks it turned to once every couple months. Fall turned to winter and we would get to sled together or play some pool in their basement. Seemed like we did the traveling, but I didn't mind. I still enjoyed catching up with her when we got together.

The years didn't seem to change the cottage much though. It was still the same little cottage, the only amenities being running cold water and electricity. We had a flush toilet, but if you wanted hot water you had to make it on the stove. That meant that cleaning up at night wasn't a bath or shower, but a sponge bath out of the sink. I got very adept at washing my whole body in little more than a liter of water. The lake began to change though. Much of the timber that was flooded when they created the reservoir was being cut off by the feet thick ice in the winter and new fishing holes opened up, if you knew where the original channel was to get to them.

Time finally came when I finished high school and moved out on my own, starting work as an electricians apprentice. It was ok work and it gave me plenty of weekends off to drive the four hours up to the cottage for a weekend of relaxation with my grandparents. My grandfather taught me the routes to get to the good fishing and I loved going out in the old aluminum mirrocraft, the thirty five horse mercury engine making the light weight boat fly across the top of the waves with only me in it. I can't even begin to count the number of hours I spent slow trolling the mudflats for walleye and northern pike.

As the first winter came in Indiana, I continued to work as an electrician, doing industrial projects with other electricians of the company. I had a knack for it and quickly learned the methods and codes required. I was often assigned to some of the most complicated wiring projects because I could visualize in my mind how each of the components worked. However when work was slow I was often relegated to those kinds of tasks the more senior electricians didn't want, like changing lights in a parking lot in a snowstorm. Yeah, that was when I decided there had to be a better way to make a living and maybe, just maybe the idea of going to college wasn't such a bad idea.

Needless to say it wasn't too long before I was enrolled in a program at Purdue, which would unfortunately take me two more hours away from my favorite place in the world. But that was the cost of improving my options in life.

As my last summer came before school started I spent as much time as I could at the lake, knowing that I was not going to get many more chanced once it started. The amount of time I spent up there also meant I connected with Julie quite a few times as well, spending a lot of time talking about both of our upcoming school years. Even though she was a year behind me, because of my year out working we would end up as freshman at the same time. I could tell she was torn, her current boyfriend was going to go elsewhere, and as much as she cared for him, he seemed to think that his departure to an out of state school was the end of their relationship.

For myself... well I was between women, having recently broken off the engagement with the woman I had been going with for nearly a year. That in itself is another story, but the reality was, I was single and that was fine with me.

My last week at the cottage was going to be alone, my grandparents unable to be there because of their own jobs. I took the whole week off of work and went up to just relax one last time before moving down to West Lafayette. It was a great week with many hours of quiet fishing being spent. In the morning I would sit on the peer and watch the sun rise, the ripples of the lake making the morning sun dance on the trees. It was probably the most peaceful I could remember in a long time. It was Thursday, and I knew I had only one more day and I was determined to make the most of them. After a nice breakfast of eggs and sausage I put the boat in the water and headed out with a lunch packed, headed for farthest of my fishing spots, not expecting to be back till early afternoon.

It took nearly an hour of motoring to wind my way through the old channel, the trees sticking out of the water only feet from me at times, before I made my way around the last bend to where the upper dam was. As I had anticipated, it was flowing water to hold the reservoir I was on at level while the power company dumped water through the turbines in the lower dam to make power. I rigged my rods and spent the next few hours trolling back and forth across the humps and shoals in the channel and pool created by the water dumped from that upper reservoir. The trip had been worth it and I caught quite a few nice fish.

Of course the disadvantage was the distance I had to go. Now, with lunch well past, it was time to head back to the cottage. My arm was pretty tired of pushing and pulling the tiller when I finally made the last turn around the island and headed across the open water toward the cottage. As I approached the dock I throttled down, surprised to see someone laying out in the sun on the dock.

"Jules! What are you doing up here?" I asked as I eased the boat in next to the dock and shut down the engine.

"Decided to come up for one last trip before I had to start school." She said as she got up and grabbed one of the ropes from me to tie the boat to the dock.

Over the years I had watched her fill out and had to admit that there was a fair amount of sexual attraction on my end, being stopped only by the fact that she was my cousin and it was deemed....well...wrong for cousins to have sex. This was the first time I had ever seen her in a suit like this though. It was an incredibly skimpy white bikini, the bottoms barely big enough to cover her mound and definitely not large enough to cover much of her well tanned butt. As she bent over her easily C cup tits strained against the small triangles of cloth that made up the top, held in place only by several small strings. From my vantage point down in the boat the view was....spectacular!"

"Glad you came up. Wasn't expecting you though." I said as I looked up at her standing on the dock above me, a few whisps of blond hair peaking around the extremely tiny covering over her crotch. I could see there was a dark spot on the white material that had to be wetness from her pussy. The thinness of the suit allowed the outline her meaty outer pussy lips to stand out before the white material narrowed and disappeared between her legs.

The reaction in my shorts was immediate and distinct, with my hardon filling my shorts by the time I gathered my lunch cooler and other odds and ends. She held a hand out for me and I took it as I climbed onto the dock, standing nearly a half foot taller than she was. I looked down at her as she reached around me to give me a hug, noticing that her nipples were hard points jutting out of the front of the tiny white triangles of suit as she moved in against me for the hug.

"Glad we could connect one last time." She said as she pulled her body tightly to mine, her hips pressing against mine and my hardon pressing against her soft body.

"Me too." I said, trying not to let my cock override my brain as I felt her hard nipples press against my chest.

It seemed like forever before she finally released me, and keeping one arm hooked around my waist, walked next to me, her hip riding against mine as we walked back up to the cottage.

"So what are your plans for this afternoon?" she asked as we walked up the path through the trees to the cottage.

"Well, I was thinking about a swim." I told her as we approached the cottage. "It was getting a bit warm out there. Then I have to clean some fish."

"Oh, you got a few?" She asked.

"Yeah. I got three keepers." I answered as I pulled the screen door open and let her walk inside in front of me. It was almost gloomy inside after all the bright sunshine outside and I did my best to not fall on anything as I walked through the kitchen area.

"Sounds like a fish fry tonight then!" she answered cheerfully as she headed to one of the bedrooms.

I headed to mine and pulled the bamboo slat curtain closed behind me before digging for my swim suit. I started stripping off my clothes as I called to her. "SO you're not swimming with me?"

"Oh yeah, I am." She called back from her room.

"Oh. Just wondered. You already had a suit on and all. I thought you were changing out of it." I said as I pulled my underwear off and stood completely naked, my cock still rock hard.

"Oh, I couldn't swim in that one. It would show way too much if it got wet. It's just meant for tanning." She called back.

"Not too much for me." I mumbled as I stepped into my own trunks, my cock bobbing with each beat of my heart as I thought about how she looked in that white suit and how it might look wet.

"I heard that." She said with a giggle punctuated by the snapping of elastic.

"Ooops." I said quietly as I pulled my trunks up and tied the string around my waist.

"Are you trying to tell me that you want to see my body?" She called, her voice filled with tease.

"Any guy would want to." I answered back, feeling a bit self conscious as I heard the curtain to her bedroom, the one next to mine, slide back.

"Well, thank you for the compliment." She said as she slid the curtain to my bedroom back, not asking if I was dressed or not. "I think your body is pretty good looking too." Her eyes fixed on the huge boner I had in my trunks. She had changed out of the white bikini into a more modest two piece suit, this one more like a pair of low cut shorts and a halter top, the two large triangles covering her round tits tying around her neck and across her back. "Now are you ready to go?"

"Yeah." I answered, stepping into a pair of flip-flops and picking up my swim towel. She stepped back and let me out of the room before falling in behind me as we headed toward the door. Once outside she stepped next to me and wrapped her arm around me again, encouraging me to do the same, now that my hands were more free. I felt her hand rest on the waistband of my swim suit as she pulled herself tighter to me, reaching for my hand that was around her waist to pull it tighter. She held my hand against her body, slowly sliding it down as we walked, until it rested on her hip, practically pushing the material of the short shorts down as we made our way down the boat ramp to the lake.

"Come on. Last one in is a rotten egg!" she called, as she ran down the dock and launched herself off the edge into the deep water.

I was a bit more hesitant, not being a particularly strong swimmer and being a bit more leery of the deep water. The shoreline had a nice gentle slope to it for the first thirty feet or so before hitting the edge of the old river channel, dropping off to thirty feet deep in only a few feet horizontally. The channel curved around the small bay the cottage sat on, hooking back out and around the point only a little ways down. The dock stood on the edge of that underwater chasm, allowing the boats to float in the deep water without having to be placed in it itself. Just down the shore a few dozen yards was a nice sandy point that was much more fun to hang out on in my opinion.

Reluctantly I walked to the end of the dock and dove in, surfacing to follow her as she slowly stroked along the shore toward the sandy point. "This is nice. I was getting pretty hot." She called across the water as I did a slow breast stroke to follow her.

"Yeah, I was toasting. If you weren't on the dock when I got back I might have just jumped in then."

"Clothes and all?" she called.

"Oh probably not." I called back.

"Oh...Skinny dipping then! Naughty!"

"Maybe. But now you'll never know." I answered.

"Awww too bad." She said as she slowed and put her feet down, finding the soft bottom in about four feet of water. She stood up, her tits just above the water level, and waited for me to catch up.

"If you were so keen on skinny dipping, why didn't you just wear that white suit then?" I teased. "From what you said, it would be about the same."

"There you go again, trying to see my body. Someone might think you have a thing for your cousin." She said as she dropped back down into the water and floated as I approached.

"You know, you keep saying that, someone is going to think you want your cousin to be checking out your body." I answered as I stood up, wiping the water from my face.

"Ohhhhhh so now I'm the bad one?" She called as she rolled over and dove under the surface of the dark water. The visibility in the lake was never good, usually only a foot at best, and on some days much less than that. I could follow her by where the swirls of water kicked up, but wasn't able to see her per se. I lost track of her and turned around, expecting to find her pop up behind me. I felt her hands close around my legs and then she popped up behind me, in the same direction as he had started. "Gotcha!" she cried as she whipped the water from her face. "You're it!"

She dove back behind herself and kicked away as I tried to run through the water after her, my steps in seeming slow motion. "Slow poke!" she cried as she gave a few kicks and then floated just out of my reach. With a sudden lunge and dive I grabbed an ankle before she could escape and pulled her back to me, wrapping an arm around her and lifting her out of the water before tossing her, giggling and screeching several yards away.

"You're it!" I called, keeping the game of water tag we had played so many years ago, going.

"Ohhhh I'll get you for that!" She cried in mock anger as she tried to run in the water, knowing that the "rules" prevented her from swimming after her quarry. I tried to run toward shallower water when my long legs would give me an advantage, never being one to try to out swim her. She was after all, on the swim team in high school and could easily beat me in that contest.

I made it to shallower water and ran down the shoreline a short distance before turning to see how far behind me she was. That was a mistake because just as I turned back toward her, she launched herself at me, wrapping an arm around my waist and dragging me down into the knee deep water. I plopped into the water on my backside and soon found her standing at my feet, lifting one of them into the air to tip me backwards before she turned and took off, taking huge splashing jumps to put distance between us while I was still trying to right myself.

"You want me to toss you again?" I asked as I was getting my feet under me.

"Gotta catch me first!" she called with a laugh, easily ten yards down the shore by that time.

She tried to continue running, but the water got a bit deeper and her legs just couldn't clear as much, bringing her to a slow plod. My longer legs were now to my advantage and I quickly made up time on her as she turned toward deeper water where she could try to swim. I cut the corner off on her and dove for her, getting a handful of suit bottom as I flopped into the water.

"EEEEEE" she squealed as I went under, quickly trying to get my feet back under me. I popped up out of the water in time to see her pulling her bottoms back up, getting a quick glimpse of her blond curls before they were covered by the green material again. "So that's the way you want to play?" she said with a laugh. "Boy are you in trouble now!"

I took her at her word and tried to take off for the shore once again, only getting a few short yards before I felt more than heard her splashing behind me. I felt her hands close around the legs of my trunks and try to pull them down, the snugness of the drawstring keeping them from sliding more than a couple inches down my hips.

"No fair!" she cried as she pulled harder as she was drug along through the water. With her arms wrapped around my leg I had little chance of getting away, but I continued to struggle toward the shore as her hand reached around my waist, pulling herself up my body. Before long she managed to topple us backwards, both of us falling back into the thigh deep water. I twisted and turned to try and break her grip around me, both of us laughing like crazy as I tried to escape. I could feel her hand trying to find the drawstring to even up the odds as I tried to push her off my body. Finally I had done it, broken her grip and was free.

I stood up in the water and started to run, getting only a foot or two away before I felt her pulling on my red trunks again, only this time they didn't stay on my hips and quickly slid down my thighs to my knees, tripping me and making me flop face first into the water.

By the time I had recovered my suit was around my ankles and she was running the opposite direction, looking behind her and laughing hysterically. I stood up, my hard cock sticking out like a flag pole and pulled my suit up before taking off after her. This meant war!

She dove into the water and disappeared from site. I knew she would come up, but from where. I looked around for long seconds before spotting a swirl to my left. I turned and took off toward it, hoping to catch her as she came up for air, only she didn't come up. I waited, expecting her any second, only to be surprised as she came up behind me.

"Gotcha!" she cried, grabbing my suit and jerking on it again.

I whirled around, this time not bothering to fix my suit immediately, knowing that if I did she would get away again. I dove toward her, feeling my suit slide down my legs but trying to ignore it as I reached for her body. I wrapped an arm around her waist, planning on pulling her from the water, but instead, she pushed my arms down, trying to slip away.

She broke my grip and I grabbed for anything I could as she slithered out of my arm, getting a hand full of material. I felt her kick and squirm under water as she tried to get away, finally leaving me with a handful of cloth and nothing else.

I popped to the surface, realizing that I had her bottoms in my hand but not her. I held them high in the air as I stood in the waist deep water, waiting for her to come back for them.

"I win." I called as she came to the surface.

"AHHH You!" she cried as if angry, and launched herself back at me, giving me a quick glimpse of her creamy white ass as he dove under water. I waited for her to come up and try and get her bottoms, only to have her pop up behind me. She jumped in the air, wrapping an arm around my neck and trying to climb my body to reach her bottoms, which were well out of reach. Unable to get them, she tried to topple us over, finally knocking both of us into the water. I felt her slide down my body before rolling us over, ending up with her on top of me. I pushed off the surface and tried to get my legs under myself as she wrapped her legs around me. I felt her pull my arm and tried to extend it as her strong legs clamped around my body.

I shook the water from my face as she got hold of her panties and pulled, I felt a bare tit pressed against my face as she tried to get me to release them, her nipple pressed against my mouth. The sudden realization gave her the advantage and she pulled the material from my hand, sliding down my body and holding them out away from me so I couldn't grab her back. I felt her stop sliding when her pussy and ass came to rest against my rock hard and now totally exposed cock, her back arched and both tits showing from under her top, which had been pushed up in the struggle around her neck.

We both paused for a long second, realizing that we were for all practical purposes naked in front of each other. She looked into my eyes for my reaction as she slowly released her legs from around me sliding down my cock before she was standing again. She looked around and found my trunks floating a few feet away and took my hand, pulling me toward them. She scooped them out of the water and walked us to where the water was knee deep, handing them back to me.

"That was supposed to cool us down, but for some reason I'm really sweating." She said as she stepped back and bent over to put her bottoms back on. I tried to check out as much of her as I could while I pulled my own back on, noting that she was doing the same. I stood for several seconds, my hard cock pointing out at her, bouncing rhythmically with my heartbeat, while she slowly slid hers up her legs until she wiggled them over her butt. She took her time, letting me enjoy the view of her curly blond bush and her obviously aroused pussy, her full meaty lips fat and engorged. I waited, my hands holding my suit just below my cock while she adjusted her top, tucking each round firm tit into her top, her eyes never leaving my cock. Even after she had covered them, her hard erect nipples stuck out almost half a inch through her suit top, the image of her large pink areola burned into my brain. Only after she was completely covered did I pull my suit up, ending the first time we had seen each other naked in our nineteen years of knowing each other.

"I think I better clean those fish." I said, not sure that if we went back to swimming I could keep myself from trying to strip her again.

"Sounds like a good idea. It's almost dinner time anyway. I can get things started if you want to cook some for dinner."

"Sounds like a plan." I answered as we waded side by side down the shoreline to the dock. I stepped into the boat and picked up the fish bucket and lugged it up the hill, stopping twice to pull my slipping swim suit back up while she watched, a crooked smile on her face the whole time.

"Flasher." She said with a giggle as I stopped near the cleaning table, having to pull my suit up a third time since it had worked down my butt until it was held up only by my hard cock pressed against the fish bucket.

"I see, and you're not?" I asked a she walked toward the cottage door.

"Nope, not me." She called as she stopped on the cement stoop in front of the door. She reached up behind her neck and untied the top of her suit, letting the material fall, exposing her breasts as she reached behind her to undo the tie around her back. I watched as she took it completely off, her tits wiggling slightly as she turned to hang it on the clothes line right by the back door. Still facing away from me, she bent over, pushing her bottoms off, and sliding them down her legs, her cute tanned ass sticking out at me, the white triangle of her untanned skin acting as a billboard pointing toward her pussy lips which were sticking out at me from between her legs. She stood up and hung her bottoms over the line before stepping into the cottage, leaving me standing with my hardon tenting out my wet swim trunks.

"Damn." I muttered to myself as I turned to start cleaning fish. I had cleaned a lot of fish and it didn't take me too long to work them down to boneless filets and to bury the remains to keep the skunks from dragging them around.

"Don't wear your wet suit in here." Julie called from in front of the little gas stove in the kitchen, a towel wrapped around her body from her armpits to her knees.

"And how am I suppose to not do that with my hands full of fish?" I asked as I stood in the doorway with several pounds of fish filets cradled in my hands.

"Here, I'll help you." She said, stepping over to the door. Before I could protest, as if I would have, she pushed my swim suit down, exposing my cock which was quickly growing back to attention. I lifted each foot in turn to step out of it before she stood back up and stepped through the door to hang it on the line. "There." She said simply as he stepped back into the kitchen. "Now you won't drip all over the floor."

"Yeah, but I'm kind of naked." I objected as I walked to the sink and dropped the fish into the sink.

"You didn't seem bothered by that a little while ago. In fact it seemed like you wanted to be sure that I got to look at you the whole time I was putting my suit back on." She said with a grin as she moved back to the stove, pouring oil into the frypan on the front burner.

"Yeah, but we were both naked then." I complained.

"Fine!" she said with a huff, walking off and coming back a few moments later with a towel. She handed me the towel to wrap around myself before turning back to dropping the sliced potatoes into the hot oil.

I only half paid attention to what I was doing, washing the fish, as I watched her work realizing it was the first time I had ever seen her cooking before. I had lots of experience myself, having lived on my own for a while, but I had no idea she was as adept in the kitchen as she was demonstrating. I watched her work, the towel wrapped tight over the tops of her tits, the thin material of the beach towel allowing me to see them wiggle slightly as she moved. I idly wondered if she had put any underwear on under the towel and decided that she probably hadn't, making my cock grow even harder, tenting out the towel around my waist obscenely.

"Ready for the fish in a minute." She said, her eyes darting down to my hard cock but not saying anything about it. I dropped the fish into the bowl of breading that she held out, her hands quickly dredging them through the mix and dropping the filets into the hot oil. I stepped aside, but not too far, as she reached over to turn on the sink and rinse her hands of the batter, thinking that I had a perfect opportunity to feel her up with her hands occupied. She moved back before I could screw up the nerve to act on my thoughts, which were to slide my hands up under that towel and feel up her tits.

"Smells good." I finally said, feeling like I needed to do more than just stand there and think about screwing my own cousin.

"You could put some plates on the table. It'll be done in a couple minutes." She said sweetly, looking over her shoulder at me with a smile.

"Can do." I answered as I went to work setting out two places around one corner of the kitchen table. I got out some milk and filled our glasses while she scooped the now cooked fish from the hot pan.

"Looks good." I said as I sat down, watching her towel swish around as she moved, only now realizing that each time she did it separated slightly displaying a long thin strip of her body, including her curly blond pubic hair. How dumb could I have been not to look for that earlier? I thought to myself as she sat down, the towel spreading as she sat so that her lap had to be bare as she scooted the chair in. My cock jumped at the thought that she was sitting almost naked next to me and I couldn't help but reach under the table and pull my own towel up to expose my cock, just in case she decided to reach over and feel me up.

I saw her suppress a tiny smile as I pulled my hands out of my lap and back to the table, wondering if she figured out what I had just done. The two of us were clearly pushing every limit of being naughty and teasing each other, without crossing that invisible line.

By the time we finished eating our most excellent feast, the water on the stove was steaming and ready for dish washing. I watched her push away from the table and stand up, her towel taking a moment to slide down and cover herself. While she stood in front of her chair waiting, I pushed away, my exposed cock mostly hard and exposed until I stood and the towel fell down over it.

Almost as if satisfied what I had done what she intended, she turned and went to work getting the dishpan filled with hot water and things ready. I stepped quickly into the other room and adjusted my towel so that the gap in the towel was much closer to my cock so that if I wasn't careful I might stick out the slit. I came back and stepped next to her to help by drying the dishes and put them up, noticing a funny little smile on her face that she was clearly trying to suppress. She seemed happy and I wasn't about to ruin that mood.

"Well, that's it." I said as I put the last dish in the cabinet and she dumped the water down the drain. "I need to pull the boat in, want to help?" I said as I walked to the bedroom.

"Sure." She called as I dug out my car keys and gave my now overly excited cock a few strokes.

I walked out with my towel tented out even farther, my cock straining to be touched. She looked down at me and smiled, apparently happy she was having such an effect on me. I also noticed that the towel around her tits seemed to be pulled slightly lower on her chest than before. She followed me out to the boat landing where the car was still parked with the trailer attached. I climbed in and started the car up, my mostly hard cock sticking out of the gap in the towel as I twisted around in the seat to see where I was backing the trailer. It only took a minute for me to line the trailer up with the landing and ease it back in until the wheels were deep enough in the water.

I set the brake and climbed out, walking around to the trailer as Julie pushed the now untied boat around the corner of the dock. I gingerly climbed down the trailer to hook the boat up, my cock swinging freely out the open front slit of the towel as I leaned over to hook the rope onto the front eye. I looked up to see her watching and smiling before I made my way back to the front of the trailer and started winding the handle of the winch.

I cranked and cranked, my whole body twisting and shaking as I wound the handle, my towel suddenly sliding down my legs and pooling on the ground around my feet. There was nothing I could do, needing to keep winding to get the boat onto the trailer, so I stood there in nothing but my flip-flops while I wound the boat the rest of the way on the trailer. With the boat finally snugged to the stop, I was able to reach down and pull the towel back up, fixing it around my waist while Julie watched.

I climbed in the car and pulled the boat up, parking it on the hill and setting the brake before shutting down the engine and climbing out again.

"Well, that was interesting. Now I'm hot again though. Wanna swim some more?" Julie asked from where she was walking up the grassy landing behind me.

"Sure. Want me to go get our suits?" I asked as I turned to her.

"No. Actually we've kind of been playing hide and seek with our bodies since earlier. I think we should just put it out in the open, what do you think?" she asked as she reached between her breasts and pulled the towel, pulling it all the way off and tossing it over the back of the boat. She stood there naked, her full tits rising and falling with her deep, apparently nervous, breaths, her tanned body on full display for me. I stood staring as she took the last few steps toward me and tugged my towel, pulling it off and tossing it onto the back of the boat with hers.

"Now isn't that better?" she asked quietly.

'Uh...Yeah." I answered as she took my hand and led me down to the lake. We left our flip-flops on the bank and slowly waded out into the water until we were chest deep.

"The water seems warmer now, doesn't it?" she asked.

"Yeah, the air is getting cooler. Forecast is for a low of almost sixty."

"Wow. Might need to build a fire at that rate." She called as she pushed off and swam a few strokes out into deeper water. "You coming?"

"You know I'm not that comfortable in deep water." I answered back.

"Yeah, come on then, let's go down to the beach then." She said motioning to the sandy point.

"Ok." I answered, pushing off and swimming, but trying to stay closer to the shallower water. She beat me there by quite a bit and was floating on her back, her bare tits making little islands when I caught up. I stood on the bottom and walked toward her.

"You know. This is kind of fun." She said.

"What is?" I asked, wondering if she meant the same thing I was thinking.

"Skinny-dipping silly! I've never done it before. All the years we've been here I've never been in the lake naked before. It's kind of a turn on, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is that." I answered thinking that I was wanting to fuck her, first cousin or not.

"Too bad we can't go all the way. I've often wondered what it would be like to do that with you." She said, stopping me in my tracks. "Have you ever thought about going all the way with me?"

"Oh, every so often." I answered.

"Kind of a shame we're cousins." She said as she stood up in the water, her tits just barely above the surface. She held her hands out to me and pulled me toward her. "Have you ever wanted to kiss me?" she asked in a hoarse whisper.

"oh yeah." I breathed.

She lifted my hands to her breasts and placed one hand on each one, letting me cup her large soft tits before pulling her hands from mine. "Don't get too many ideas now." She whispered as she put her arms around my neck and pulled my face down to hers.

Her lips were incredibly soft and wet as she pressed them gently to mine. Her tongue gently touched and teased my lips until I opened, and our tongues slipped into each other's mouths, playing a little duel of desire. We stood and kissed for long minutes before I felt her draw one hand from around my neck and move it down to where one of my hands was gently massaging her large soft breast. She pulled my hand down from her breast and pushed it down until she could slide it between her legs. She broke the kiss for a few moments, whispering to me that she wanted me to finger her until she came.

I felt her hand leave mine and wrap around my cock, gently stroking it under the water while my fingers explored her soft wet pussy. She lifted one leg and rested her foot on my knee to allow my fingers better access. Slowly I stroked up and down her slit, running my finger over her hard clit and then back down again until I could just curl the tip into her hot tunnel. Time and again my finger stroked her, her moans vibrating my mouth as she continued to stroke my cock, our embrace continuing unabated as our hands worked each other closer to climactic bliss.

Her tit felt soft in my hand as I squeezed and kneeded it, her hard nipple pressed into the palm of my hand. I desperately wanted to suck her nipple, yet at the same time actually holding her breast and stroking her pussy were more than I had ever expected. My finger continued to stroke up and down her slit, sliding across her clit and then pressing deep into her wet tunnel, working it in as far as I could each time. She slowly pulled us tighter together and broke our long kiss, her exposed tit pressing into my chest as she gripped my neck tightly with her arm.

"Oh shit I'm going to climax." She moaned, her stroking becoming irregular and stronger as the coming orgasm began to build deep within her. "Ohhh...Ohhh...Ohhh!" she squeaked as her whole body suddenly shuddered, her hips jerking in time with her tiny squeeks. She held onto my cock like a handle, balancing herself as the orgasm ran its wave of pleasure through her entire body. I continued to stroke her, driving my finger up into her hot pussy until she reached down and stopped my hand, pulling it back up to her other tit.

"Come here." She whispered, pulling my cock to coax me to follow her as she backed up slowly into shallower water. She stopped when the water only to my thighs and then sank down in it, either squatting or kneeling under the water to bring her tits just above the surface. "I want to see you squirt." She said quietly. "I've never seen a guy do it before."

"Ok." I agreed, knowing that I was extremely close when she came and that it wouldn't take much. She began stroking my cock with both hands, running them the length of my shaft and rolling one hand over my engorged head. "Oh lord. I'm not going to last long that way." I moaned loudly.

"Good." She said, looking up at me with a large smile on her face.

She continued to stroke me, rubbing my wet cock for several more long strokes before I warned her that I was about to erupt.

"On my tits. Squirt it on my tits." She said in an almost begging tone as my legs began to shake.

"Ok." I grunted as the first stream of hot cum lanced out of my overly stimulated cock, shooting clear over her shoulder and landing in the water several feet behind her.

"Goodness!" she giggled as she aimed my cock lower, the next powerful jet splashing on her wet tit. Time and again my body jerked, spurting more white cum onto her tits until it finally eased to a slow drool. Releasing my cock from she stood up, my cum dripping off her chin and neck where it had splashed, and running down her tits to drip into the lake. "That was a lot." She giggled as she rubbed the thick cum around her nipples playfully before dipping herself down into the lake to wash them off. Before standing up she cupped water in her hands and gently rinsed the cum from my cock.

"I think we better go inside before the mosquitoes start getting us." I said, swatting at one that was flying around my head. "I'd hate for that beautiful body to get all bitten up."

"You really think my body is beautiful?" she asked as we waded along the shore to the landing.

"Very much so. I've wanted to see it for years. I'm glad I finally got to." I admitted to her.

"I didn't know." She said quietly as we pulled the towels from the boat and wrapped them around us. We ran up to the cottage and ducked inside trying to shut the quickly growing cloud of bugs outside.

"You know." She said as we stood just inside the doorway, drying ourselves off. "I'd like an ice cream."

"We can go down into town for one or walk down to the campground." I answered.

"I think town." She said as she walked off toward her bedroom, closing the bamboo curtain behind her. I saw the light flick on and could see her shadow moving across in the room, her sexy tits silhouetted on the bamboo making my cock grow again. "So what are you going to wear?" She called to me from the room.

"Haven't decided." I answered as I watched her shadow slip a dress over her head. "How about you?"

"Oh just a little dress." She said with a giggle.

I finally walked to my room and flicked on the light, leaving the door partly open hoping she would come back in again. I found a pair of briefs and shorts and set them on the bed as I sat down to pull on a pair of socks. She flicked off the light of her room and then stepped into mine, reaching for my white briefs. "You don't need these, do you?" she asked, wrinkling her nose.

"Not if you don't want me to." I answered honestly, the thought of going without in shorts with her making my cock surge back to full mast.

"No, I really don't." She said, tossing them toward my suitcase. She stood and leaned against the wall, watching me dress, her eyes traveling up and down my body. "We can take my car if you want." She said as I snapped my shorts closed, finally covering my cock.

"Sure." I agreed, knowing mine was still hooked to the trailer on the landing. She got her purse and handed me the keys before heading for the door. I turned off the light inside and followed her out into the darkness, the nearly full moon already high in the sky, its bluish light filtering through the pine trees to splash in pools on the granite gravel driveway.

I slipped into the driver seat of her sixty-eight nova and started it up. It was a decent car, for its age with a big bench seat in the front. She slid over on the seat until her hip was resting against mine, her arm going around my back. I shifted into reverse and backed out the drive before putting it into first and easing the clutch out to head us toward town. It had been a while since I had driven a three on the tree, but I hadn't lost the touch and we were soon headed down the highway toward town, only twelve or so miles away.

"This is kind of fun, isn't it?" She asked quietly as the sounds of the night filtered into the open windows with the wind. "I never brought a boyfriend up here." She stated, apparently thinking something important for me to know.

"I see." I answered, not knowing what else to say. We rode in silence the rest of the way into town, pulling into the little ice cream place next to the grocery store. "So what would you like?" I asked her as I got out of the car, her slipping across the seat and getting out the driver side with me.

"Chocolate cone please!" she said with a grin as she wrapped her arm in mine, pulling it tightly to her body. I got two chocolate cones and we sat on a bench and ate them, her body pressed tightly against mine.

"That was good. I need to run into the store next door. Do you mind waiting here?" she asked quietly.

"I can come if you want." I offered.

"No. Girl stuff if you know what I mean." She whispered back.

"Ok." I said with a shrug, letting her get up and practically skip off toward the grocery store. It only took a few minutes before she was back and ready to go. I opened the driver door and she slid in, stopping half way across again. I was kind of enjoying the closeness we were sharing, but in the back of my mind I knew that there were limits and as much as my hard cock wanted more, it wasn't reasonable to expect it.

I pulled out of the parking lot and onto the dark highway, headed back toward the cottage. I felt her hand find mine in the dark and slowly pull it over to rest on her bare leg, my fingers gently stroking her soft inner thigh as I drove. I let go of her leg to make a shift and moved my hand back, feeling her place hers over mine and pull it deeper between her legs. I expected to find the material of her dress and was surprised to find only bare thigh in the dark. I slid my hand up farther and soon my little finger was stroking back and forth across her wet pussy lips.

I tried to work it between her legs, but the position just didn't quite allow it. I felt her hand find mine and expected her to pull it away, having gone too far, but to my surprise, she slid down in the seat, lifting one leg and hooking it over mine and the other lifting to prop her foot on the dashboard. My little finger now slipped easily between her spread lips, feeling her hot wet juices.

I was also surprised to feel her other hand in my lap, undoing my shorts and freeing my hard cock. Her hand wrapped around it and slowly stroked up and down its length as my finger rubbed back and forth across her hard clit.

"Ohhhhhhh." She moaned over the sound of the wind, her hips slowly rocking in the dark, constantly changing the angle that my finger was rubbing against. "God that feels good." She moaned as she stroked my cock harder, her own orgasm apparently building. In the moonlight filtering through the windows I could see her almost naked body, the top of her dress pulled down to expose her tits, her free hand busy squeezing and pulling her nipples as my little finger stroked back and forth across her wet clit. "OHHHHHH!" she suddenly cried, her whole body going rigid, her legs trembling and shaking.

It was nearly a mile or more down the road before her body relaxed, and she covered my hand with hers to stop my motions, but not to pull it away from her. "Good lord you can make me climax so easy." She cooed as we rode, her hand gently stroking my hard cock again.

"Yeah, well you have had me on the verge of the same thing for a long time." I said breathlessly, my cock feeling like it was almost ready to explode.

"Oh?" she asked almost innocently. "I've never done this." She said as she pulled my hand from her lap and slid across the seat. She laid down on the seat and I felt her hot mouth close around the head of my cock.

"Oh shit." I groaned, taking my foot off the accelerator to slow down as her tongue licked around my head, her hand sliding up and down my shaft. I slipped the car into neutral and let it roll to a stop on the shoulder as she bounced her head up and down, her tongue stroking the head of my cock while her hand followed up and down the shaft.

"Oh shit. I'm going to cum." I groaned in warning. To my surprise she sucked harder, working her hand faster up and down my shaft. With a huge groan I bucked my hips up involuntarily, my cock spurting a gush of thick cum deep into her mouth. She opened her mouth and gagged, my cum leaking out of her mouth and onto my cock and her hand as shot after shot of cum spurted up into her mouth. I felt her close around my head again, trying to contain the flood. After, I don't know how long, she sat up, releasing my shriveling cock.

"That was interesting. Kind of gross, but interesting." She said as she sat back in the seat.

"Yeah, I'll say it was interesting." I agreed as I put the car in gear and pulled back onto the highway. I could see her sitting with her dress still pulled below her tits, not saying a word as we wound our way down the highway toward the cottage. She finally slid over next to me again as I made the turn onto the long gravel lake road, the tires crunching across the crushed granite.

"Are you upset?" I asked quietly, now that the wind noise was gone.

"No, just thinking." She answered quietly.

"Wanna share?"

"Not yet." She said, giving my arm a squeeze of reassurance.

I pulled into the driveway and down to the cottage, shutting off the lights and killing the engine. We rolled the windows up and she fixed her dress before we climbed out of the car and walked the short distance to the cottage.

"I need a bath." She said as we walked in. She stopped at the stove and lit a match, lighting a burner. In a few moments she had a kettle on to boil and took my hand, walking me into the main room of the cottage and guiding me to the sofa. "I'll be back." She said quietly, letting go of my hand and walking off toward her bedroom. She left the door open, but turned the light on, occasionally stepping into view as she rummaged in her suitcase. She then went through the kitchen to the bathroom, closing the door for a few minutes.

I watched as she bustled around the kitchen and ran some water, finally walking out to where I was sitting with the swim towels, a bath towel and wash cloth and a plastic dish tub of water.

She laid one towel in the tile floor and then stood on it, slowly pulling her dress off over her head. She stood in front of me in the dim light completely naked, her body looking incredibly sexy. She wet the washcloth and rubbed soap on it, getting a little lather before holding it out to me. "Want to do the honors?" She asked with a small smile on her face.

"Of course!" I answered, not wanting to turn down a chance to touch her body more. I started rubbing the soft wash cloth around her chest and tits as she undid my shorts, letting them fall to the floor.

"You're way over dressed." She said, tugging on my shirt.

"Yeah, I guess so." I said, quickly pulling off my shirt and then bending down to pull my shoes and socks off. When I was as naked as she was I wet the cloth again and lathered it up, slowly rubbing the cloth around her body. She turned around for me, letting me wash her back and her sexy little ass. She took the cloth from me and then backed up against me, letting me wrap my arms around her as she squeezed some water from the washcloth over her shoulders, letting it run down her body.

My hands roamed her body, one cupping and gently massaging each breast as my other hand worked slowly down to the juncture of her legs, pressing between them and sipping into her again wet pussy.

"I think we need to wash you too. You kind of tasted like lake." She whispered after squeezing water on her several times to let my hands rinse the soap off her body. She turned in my arms after soaping the rag again and began washing my chest, slowly working her way down my body until she was washing my once again hard cock. "You sure do stay hard a lot." She whispered with a little giggle.

"Yeah, you're kind of keeping me turned on." I answered truthfully.

"Really turned on?" she asked quizzically.

"Oh yeah."

"Would you do something for me then?" she asked as she rinsed the rag and turned to start washing the soap suds from me.

"Sure, anything."

She dropped the rag in the basin and picked the towel off the wood stove where she had set it, slowly drying me off. Silently she stood, waiting for me to dry her, which I gladly did. Without a word she stepped to the recliner that sat by the sofa, pulling me by the hand as she did. She let go of my hand and put the towel on the seat and then sat down on the edge of the chair, leaning back and hanging one leg over each arm. "I want to know what it's like to get licked. My boy friend though oral sex was gross."

I smiled at her and knelt down. Little did she know that I loved what I was about to do.

I gently kissed her left thigh, slowly working closer to her pussy, kissing my way inch by inch closer, each kiss a tiny lick with the tip of my tongue followed by a soft wet kiss. I worked all the way to her meaty lips and then suddenly pulled away, moving my kisses to her other thigh way down by her knee. Again I kissed slowly, kiss after kiss toward her pussy, her hips rocking involuntarily as I grew ever closer.

"God you are such a tease! I love it!" she moaned as I blew hot air across her sopping wet pussy. I spread her lips with my thumbs and the slowly licked up her wet slit, tasting her tangy sweetness, the tip of my tongue pressing between her lips, searching for that hard nub. "Ohhhhhh damn." She moaned as I started another long slow stroke up her slit, pressing deeper into her. I found her hard clit with the tip of my tongue and closed my lips around it, giving it a gentle squeeze before letting it slip from between them.

"You like?" I asked as I moved my hands, freeing one while I licked up her slit again.

"Oh yes!" she moaned as I flicked my tongue across her hard clit. I pressed my middle finger slowly into her hot tunnel as I licked another trip between her soft lips, pausing to pay extra attention to her hard clit. My finger slid easily into her sopping wet tunnel, her velvety softness caressing it as I reached deep, curling it up so I could stroke the top of her tunnel. "OH GOD!" she squealed as my finger found that little soft spot, sending little jolts of electricity through her whole body.

I concentrated on her clit, alternately flicking my tongue across it and licking it with my tongue wide and flat, all the while my finger stroked that little spot on the top of her tunnel.

"Oh god I'm going to climax!" she squealed as her whole body convulsed, her pussy gushing juices out around my finger and running down my hand and arm. Her body bucked and jerked on the chair as I continued to attack both her clit and her tunnel, slowing only when she begged me to, pushing my head away from her over stimulated clit.

"Guess you like that." I said with a grin.

"Oh yes. Go get my purse, please." She panted.

With a shrug I walked to the kitchen and got her purse off the table, bringing it back to her where she still sat with her legs draped over the arms of the chair and her pussy spread wide. She dug in her purse a moment and then pulled out a small blue foil pack that was obviously a Trojan condom. "Come here." She said, ripping the packet open and pulling out the rolled latex condom. I stepped between her legs and she reached out stroking my rock hard cock a few times.

"Ever had one of these put on you?" She asked as I leaned forward, holding onto the back of the chair.

"No, always done it myself." I answered as she placed the cool latex on the head of my cock and began slowly rolling it down my fat shaft.

"You're pretty fat. Just go in me easy, ok?" she whispered as she pushed the last few rolls down to the base of my cock and then pushed my head down, rubbing it up and down her wet slit.

"Oh god." I moaned as I slowly pushed into her sopping wet pussy, trying to give her time to expand around me.

"Oh so big and fat. Damn, I don't think I can take all of you." She said as she panted with excitement. Slowly I let more and more of me sink into her as the chair rocked back farther tipping her pussy more and more upward toward me. Finally I felt my balls press against her ass, my cock fully inside her pussy, some place I never thought it would be. "Oh god you're so big." She moaned as I started slowly stroking my length in and out of her, the chair rocking helpfully as my pace quickened.

"Oh shit. I'm going to cum!" I grunted through clenched teeth, her tight tunnel providing more stimulation than my excited system could handle.

"That's it. Cum for me." She moaned, her feet moving around and hooking on my ass, helping pull me deep into her with each stroke.

"Oh god." I grunted, knowing I was close to doing just that.

"That's it. Cum for me!" she coaxed again, my body suddenly jerking and spewing shot after shot of hot cum into the condom. "God I wish I was feeling that fill me up." She moaned as she rocked her hips, grinding her clit against me and causing her own climax to trigger yet again.

I pulled from her as my cock began to shrivel, not wanting to let my load leak into her if the condom came off too soon. I pulled it off and dropped it on the towel before leaning back down nestling my cock between her lips, my head sticking up toward her face obscenely.

"Never thought I would be having sex with you." I whispered.

"Unhappy?" she asked, looking up at me, her eyes searching for an answer.

"Not at all. Just was always attracted to you, just never thought we would do this." I answered honestly.

"Yeah, me neither. Not until we were playing in the water today. Seems like the more we played the more I wanted."

"Yeah, I know that feeling." I agreed.

"It's getting late. Do you want to sleep with me?" She whispered, almost as if she was afraid I would say no.

"I was going to ask you the same thing." I said as I pushed myself up off the chair, pulling her along with me. We turned off lights as we went, finally making our way into my bedroom, only the moonlight filtering in through the window for illumination. I crawled into the bed and held the blanket back for her, letting her climb in before pulling the covers over us. She snuggled against me, one leg laying across one of mine, her soft tits pressed against my side and chest. I felt her hand gently cup my softened cock, giving it a gentle squeeze as she lifted her face to mine and kissed me on the cheek.

"Thank you." She whispered before snuggling down against me again.

The morning sun was reflecting off the lake, little beams of light dancing on the ceiling from the gentle ripples as they came through the large front windows and the open bedroom door. Part of me had a hard time grasping that I was spooned against Julie, her bare body pressed tightly to mine, my hand cupping one of her soft breasts. The thoughts of the previous day and evenings fun had my cock quickly growing, its hardness pressing between her legs.

"Hmmmmmm" she murmured, still half asleep. She lifted her leg to let my cock slip between them and then let it down again, idly stroking my head as she pressed my shaft up against her pussy.

Her stroking of my head soon had my hips rocking gently in time with her fingers, my hard cock stroking back and forth across her wet lips, slowly working deeper between them. I squeezed and massaged the tit I had cupped in my hand, letting her hard nipple protrude between my fingers so I could squeeze it.

"Ohhhhhh." I moaned quietly as my hips pressed back and forth sliding my mushroom head across her hardened clit.

"Mmmmmm yesssss!" she whispered as she pushed my head deeper into her slit, allowing it to engage into her tunnel and then slide slowly and deeply into her.

I continued to push my hips against her, driving my cock now in and out of her pussy, the exquisite sensations of her bare tunnel against my cock driving me crazy. I felt her fingers touch my cock every so often as she busily stroked her clit with her free hand. Her moans of pleasure growing by the moment.

"Oh shit. I'm going to cum." I groaned, trying to hold back. I pulled back as far as I could before plunging forward again, driving my cock out between her legs just before I erupted. She cupped my spurting head in her hand, containing much of volume of cum that my pulsing cock was spewing out as my body jerked and twitched.

"Hmmmmmm that must have felt good." She whispered as she slowly pulled away, sliding out of bed to find something to do with her handful of cum.

"Yeah it did." I panted as I lay back, the coverers tossed back and exposing all of me to her view. She wiped her hand with one of my t-shirts and then climbed back on the bed, swinging one leg over to straddle my hips. I looked at her sexy body above me and slid my hands to her back, pulling her down until I could gently suck one of her hard nipples into my mouth.

"Mmmmm I like that." She cooed as I swirled my tongue around her nipple and then sucked it into my mouth, suctioning it deeply before letting it slide from my lips and moving to the other one.

"So do I!" I said between mouthfuls of her soft round breasts. I let one hand slide down her body and between her legs, gently stroking her pussy and exposed clit. She lifted herself and spread her legs wider to give me better access, my fingers slowly stroking up and down her slit and across her clit. We lay like this for some time, my mouth going from nipple to nipple as my fingers teased and played with her pussy. I felt her reach behind herself and find my cock, gently stroking it and coaxing it to start hardening again.

"Ohhh that's it. Get hard for me. I want you inside me more." She said in a husky voice, rubbing the head of my cock back and forth around her wet pussy lips, competing with my fingers for access to her deep tunnel.

"Ohhhhhh." I moaned around her tit as she held my partly hard cock to her opening and pushed back against it, working it fully into herself.

"Yeah. That's it. Ohhhhhh so good." She moaned as she began to slowly rock on my cock, its hardness growing inside her by the second and her clit sliding along my finger. "Just like that. I love what you're doing just like that." She mumbled as she rocked, her breathing growing more ragged by the breath. "I'm going to climax around you. Do you want to feel me climax? I wish I could feel you fill me with your hot juice. MMMMmmmmm so nice!" she whispered as she rode me, my cock feeling her pussy gently clench around my hard shaft, little spasms of pressure running up and down its entire length. "Can you feel me?" she whispered urgently.

"Uh huh!" I grunted as I sucked her tit and felt her pussy clenching and squeezing my cock. Part of me wanted to let go and cum inside her, but a much bigger part was scared of getting her pregnant, something that would devastate everyone. No, I had to hold back and not cum again, at least not inside her.

"Uh huh...So good. I can feel you getting fatter. I can feel your hard cock growing inside me. I want to feel you fill my pussy." She mumbled, all the time riding my cock harder and faster.

"Oh shit oh shit oh shit!" I panted, trying to not cum inside her hot pussy. She bounced on me harder, her ass slapping against my thighs as the whole bed bounced and squeaked loudly.
