
Accidental Nympho Sister



No one could have predicted that Dr. Ledgard's machine would have the effects that it does. The human mind is still vastly unknown.

That's why General Hamilton requested an immediate promotion for the doctor, in hopes of turning the frequency machine into something that could potentially serve the country and it's national security interests.

On the doctor's desk was a list of potential candidates for the new project. They were all young adults, and they were all medical school graduates who fully understood these processes, and were willing to make some money from it.

It was decided early on that the candidate would be an attractive young female with an inquisitive mind, religious, tepid when it came to sex, and had a large family. It would make the experiment much more realistic if the subject had more conflicts and barriers to becoming a nymphomaniac.

"You're doing us a great service," General Hamilton said, after observing the doctor at work. "We greatly appreciate your efforts."

Dr. Ledgard gave a soft sigh. "I'm always happy to be of service, but I think we should disclose all of the details. I don't want a repeat of my previous mistakes."

"If it means that much to you, fine."

"Thank you," the doctor replied with a sense of moral relief.

The General sneered. "Just get it done. As your previous report had stated, it's virtually harmless. You want to study the human brain? Here's your chance to continue your work."

With a lecherous grin, the General gave another look at all the research documents and state-of-the-art equipment in the new lab. Then he left.

Once alone, Dr. Ledgard looked through the pile of candidates again. After an hour, a decision had been reached and the report was started.

Case File #002

Sara Carter: She is our next test subject after having signed all the agreements and waivers. Sara is a 29 year old medical school graduate who is currently finishing her first year of residency. Her record is clean. Her academics are rigorous and her grades are top tier. She's had a long term boyfriend in college. There is no evidence of any sexual promiscuity. In her younger days, she spent a lot of time with the church for community service. Perfect for this research.

Dylan Carter: He's the younger brother. Age 20. He attends a nearby college. He's athletic and smart. Handsome too. A perfect counterpart for Sara.

Julie Carter: The matriarch of the family. 51 years old. She owns a small catering business. Her son still lives at home and Sara still sleeps over during the holidays. There is no husband in the picture, so she runs the household. From the looks of things, she is prim and proper. A great role model. Perfect for our research.

Objective: To convert Sara into a nymphomaniac. Originally, it was irrelevant whether the subject is aware of this goal or not. But now, for ethical reasons, she should be made aware because the results could have extreme consequences.

After reading all the files, looking at their family pictures, and going over their medical records, Dr. Ledgard was content will all the information and felt there was enough to proceed.

A message had been sent out to inform the research candidate of her selection.


It was Sara's first time home after completing her first few months of residency. It had been a grueling year and the opportunity to spend some time home was just what she needed. But when the message came from Dr. Ledgard's office that she had been selected as a participant in the study, she jumped at the chance.

Besides, according to the documents, it would only take a part of her free time. And working with the esteemed Dr. Ledgard would look amazing on her resume. The pay was pretty good, too.

After having completed her first meeting with Dr. Ledgard, she rushed to tell her Mother the good news, who was busy in the kitchen wearing an apron.

"How did it go?" Mom asked, stepping out of the kitchen where she was baking homemade pizza for a family lunch.

Sara beamed. "It was incredible. The lab looked like something out of a movie. Seriously. I've never seen anything like it before. And everyone on the research team was super nice. These people are geniuses."

"I'm so happy for you. Who knows, if they like you, maybe they'll hire you someday."

"God, I wish," Sara said gushingly.

"Speaking of which, having you back for the holidays has had a nice effect on your brother."

"Oh yeah? Is he finally cleaning his room now?"

"How cute," Mom replied, amused. "No, he's decided to take pre-med classes. You've really inspired him to do some good in the world. It seems like he's really connected with all the things you've been saying about your residency training."


"It is. He's a smart one, just like you."

Sara pondered for a moment. "You know, one of the researchers today asked me about my household. They wanted to know about my brother and home situation."

"Any reason why?"

"They said they'll tell me at a later date. But it was mentioned that if Dylan wanted to be involved in this, that it would be welcomed. They'll give him a small job to make things easier. I just didn't think Dylan would be interested. If I had known, I would have said something."

Mom smiled, "He's upstairs. You should go up and tell him the news. We can all talk it over during lunch."

"It smells delicious. I'll be right back."

Sara rushed up the stairs to break the good news to her brother, who now apparently wanted to share the same medical ambitions.

Her brother's room was just down the hall and she knocked on the door. With approval, Sara entered the bedroom, where her brother was playing Batman: Arkham Knight on the Xbox.

"Cool graphics," she said, looking at the screen. "Video games have really come a long way. Remember when we used to play Mario together?"

"The good old days," he said, pausing the game.

"I hear you're setting your sights on pre-med."

"Is that what Mom said?" he asked.

"Yeah, why? Did she speak too soon?"

Dylan measured his response. "All the residency stuff you've been doing the past year has really made you a walking stress ad."

"Gee, thanks dude."

"No seriously," he replied. "I still have the urge to do it. I really want to make a difference in life."

"You can, you just have to work really, really hard."

"That's the problem," he sighed.

"Don't think you could cut it?" she asked, sympathetically.

"I know how hard the workload is. I mean, becoming a doctor is serious stuff, and I don't know if I can handle it."

This type of anxiety and feelings of self-doubt had really struck a chord with Sara. She knew how daunting it was for anyone to try and find a career. She decided that before filling in her brother on the potential offer from the lab, she first needed to give him serious insight into the medical field.

"I'll just describe one morning of my residency," Sara said. "So you can get an idea of what I do."


"I get to the hospital early, and I check on each patient's charts, making sure their blood pressure and oxygen saturation levels are measured, then I explain all the diagnostic procedures and therapeutic plans to both supervisors and patients. That's just the beginning. I stay ready to assist any manual parts of the care. It's like that the whole day."

"Sounds tough," he said.

"It is. But it's highly rewarding work."

Dylan paused for a moment. "I've always done well in biology and science. I think it should be enough to motivate me through pre-med."

"Interest in human biology and science isn't enough. Having to learn thousands of pages of reading material is actually the easiest part. You also have a great responsibility to your patients and colleagues."

"Does it come with great power too?" Dylan quipped, gesturing to his Spider-Man poster on the wall.

Sara laughed. "Good one. And actually, it does come with great power. Why don't you find out?"


"With a mock-female-patient to practice on. You'll be given small tasks. Some responsibility. Probably a few scientific things to give you an idea of what it's like being a doctor. You'll likely be tasked with recording her information and so forth."

"Is she hot?" Dylan jokingly asked.

"Really, really hot."

"Who is it?"

Sara winked. "Me, who else?"

"Hmmm.... I'm assuming this has to do with Dr. Leger's experiment."

"The name is Dr. Ledgard," she clarified. "And yes, they mentioned a small job opening. Now that I know you're interested, we should definitely team up."

He smiled, "Count me in. I'm now at your service."


The lab was in a small section of an underground facility, not far from the downtown area. It was accessed through an imposing government building guarded by soldiers in camo who were all business when Sara arrived at the gate. They asked for her papers when she pulled to the checkpoint and, after consulting a computer in the guard shack, returned them to her and waved her through.

When she arrived, a few members of the team greeted her with smiles and showed her to the procedure room. She was asked to sit on the exam table and her vital signs were taken by a particularly friendly woman in green scrubs. In the other corner of the procedure room, another woman calibrated a small machine for the day's session.

Dr. Ledgard appeared after a meeting with government officials and sat down across the table from Sara. They exchanged pleasantries, then Dr. Ledgard handed her a file.

"Take a moment to read that over," the doctor said. "I wrote it myself. Everything is simple and in plain English. You should be able to comprehend it immediately."

Sara opened the folder and saw a typed report, which she was able to skim through since it was an easy read. The content seemed jarring. When she turned the pages, she saw sets of pictures, featuring a young man and a mature woman engaging in all sorts of lewd sexual acts in the living room and kitchen.

"What do you think?" Dr. Ledgard asked.

"Riveting," she blushed.

"Do you believe the content of the report?"

Sara searched for the most polite way to phrase her language. After all, in med school, Dr. Ledgard was the talk of campus and many of the professors.

"I do think it's interesting," she said diplomatically. "I'm sure there are ways of actually making this happen, psychologically speaking."

Dr. Ledgard raised an eyebrow. "But do you think that these images are real, and that a medical device could override the inherent taboo of incest, causing this ordinary mother to act in this manner towards her own son?"

"Yes, it seems logical that a device could do that," she answered. "But I also think that, you know, there might have been underlying feelings. Who knows, maybe the device merely nudged them to act on latent desires. Or maybe the device never worked at all, but the subjects thought it did. Sort of like a placebo effect that caused them to act on their own desires."

"Interesting," the doctor noted before pushing on. "Ms. Carter, I going to be very blunt with you for a moment. Have you ever sexually fantasized about your younger brother, Dylan?"

Sara was aghast. "No, never."

"How about your mother, Julie? Have you ever had deviant thoughts about her?"

Sara was appalled. "No, absolutely not!"

"Do you believe that this machine has the ability to create a powerful, magnetic sexual attraction between you and a member of your family? Much like the nymphomaniac tendencies shown in the mother/son in the photos?"

With an inquisitive eye, she sifted through the photos again. The people in the photos had sex passionately, had equally as rough oral sex, and if Sara was seeing things correctly, the male subject was ejaculating in the mother's food, then she happily gulped it all down with pleasure.

"Honestly," she said. "I'm not completely sure. I still think there was some sort of mutual attraction prior to the experiment. But I don't think it happened out of thin air."

He slowly nodded. "I appreciate your honesty. And I enjoy your skepticism. You're very smart and an independent thinker. That's partially why I've chosen you."

She blushed. "Thank you, Dr. Ledgard."

"Are you still interested in participating in the study?

"Yes, of course. Why?"

"I am going to amplify the power of the frequency today," the doctor said.


"Then we'll see what sorts of attractions you have for your brother, or your mother."

Sara gasped. "I'm certainly not attracted to either of them. That's incest. It's gross."

"I'm glad you feel that way. We need to test the machine to know whether the previous experiment was a fluke or not."

A sudden sense of doubt crept over Sara. Incestuous thoughts were the furthest thing from her mind, but this was a government lab with a highly renowned doctor. If they were working on a theory, then there was a strong probability that they were on to something big.

She shuddered to think about what may happen to her.

"What... ummm... are the chances?" she asked hesitantly. "That I'll..."

"Become a nymphomaniac?"

Sara felt her cheeks warm. "Yes, that won't happen, will it?"

"That's what we're hoping to find out. After a week or two, we'd like to administer a polygraph test to see if you've committed any sexual acts with any member of your home."

"Oh god."

"I understand your frustration," Dr. Ledgard said sympathetically. "Which is why we're going to increase your compensation. You'll be rewarded even further, financially speaking. I'll provide glowing job referrals for you. And I will personally recommend you for any internship or job opening in this department, should you wish."

It was the news Sara had been hoping for all this time. Her future flashed before her eyes. If everything went well, she'd have a bright career ahead of her.

"That sounds amazing," she beamed.

"It does. Who know, the side effects might be nothing. The other experiment could have been a fluke."

"Maybe," Sara said softly.

"In the event that you do exhibit nymphomaniac tendencies with your family, we can fix it in our lab. That should provide you with some sense of safety."

"That's a relief. So if anything goes wrong, assuming this machine does what you're suggesting, then I can come right back and have it undone, right?"

Dr. Ledgard paused. "Not quite. We've decided to let things play out. You have to stay at your home for the rest of the week. We'll keep in touch by email."

A slight sense of panic was setting into Sara's psyche. If this machine had actually worked the way the doctor suggested, then she could be in for a real problem. But then again, it did sound outlandish and crazy, and the reward for participating was fantastic.

"I can do that," she said.

"You've also mentioned that your brother Dylan wants a job with us, for experience. I think that's a great idea. He'll be tasked with keeping track of your vitals, for brain waves and heart activity. He'll send us a daily report on the findings."

She smiled, "He's going to be thrilled."

"Then we'll begin right away."

With the questioning over, Dr. Ledgard stepped away from the desk and the researchers hooked up a set of wires to Sara's face and body. A small, advanced looking device was carted over to them, and a small antenna was pointed straight towards her head.

"Initiation in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1," Dr. Ledgard counted and then through one final switch. "Subject Sara Carter exposed to devise emissions December 20, 2018 at 10:23 a.m."

The machine was activated. When it made a low, humming noise, Sara wondered if she had just made the biggest mistake of her life.


In the following days, Sara had been given a new device from the lab. It was something that monitored her body mechanics and brain waves throughout the day. It was a small device that she attached to the waistband of her clothes and there were wires taped to her body, underneath her top.

It was their second day with this object, and while they sat by the desk in Dylan's room, they recorded all the latest updates.

"Everything seems fine," Dylan said, jotting the latest numbers down in a notepad.

They had to do this three times a day and Dylan would email all the results to the lab each night.

"You're quite the researcher now," she smiled.

He smiled back. "This is easy stuff."

"I know, but still. You look like a real scientist or doctor checking out my health measurements."

"That's because I learned from the best," he joked. "And there is one thing I thought was interesting. I've been meaning to ask you about it."

She became more attentive. "Yes?"

"Your heart rate and hormones seem to change at random points. At first I assumed it was your workouts, but when I looked closer, that didn't seem to be the case. Feel anything weird?"

After a brief moment to think about it, Sara realized that the device had been recording her recent flairs of intense sexual thoughts. But of course, she could never tell her brother that.

"Well, you know..." she said evasively. "Women work differently than men. We have different problems and issues, if you know what I'm hinting at."

The excuse seemed to have worked.

Dylan quickly backed off. "Oh, okay. Got it."

"I should have given you some notice about that, but it was kind of embarrassing and I didn't think it would show up on the device."

"It's really advanced," Dylan pointed out. "Now let's get this thing back on you. Lift up your shirt."

These moments were always a roll of the dice. Sara never knew what to expect with her own feelings whenever she lifted her T-shirt. Sometimes it would be fine, since Dylan had seen her in a bikini plenty of times before. Other times, there would be internal chaos.

When she lifted her T-shirt to expose her stomach and the lower side of her bra, things went haywire. She suppressed the feelings the best she could and tried to act natural, even though her heart rate was spiking.

Sara's mind went into a frenzy; 'God, he's looking at my body. I wonder if he wants to rip off my bra and suck my nipples. My pussy is getting wet. I wonder if he can smell my aromas.'

Everything seemed normal on Dylan's end, as he tucked the device into her side and taped the wires to her body.

She looked at him attentively, staring deeply at him while he worked. Had he noticed?

He lifted his gaze, looking at her. "Yes?"

"Nothing," she said, quickly looking away.

When the tape touched her body, and Dylan's fingers grazed her skin, Sara felt like she could have had an orgasm right then and there!

'God, why did I have to wear a bra?' a thought popped into her mind. 'I want him to see how hard my nipples are. I want him to beg to suck on them. I could cum so fucking hard right now.'

She glanced at her brother again, who was dutifully doing his job. Her cunt felt swollen, just like her nipples. She needed... something... anything from him.

In a few more seconds, she'd have enough courage to yank her bra and say, 'Just fucking suck on my tits already. Then bend me over your desk and fuck me from behind!'

It was about to happen, but sadly for her, Dylan pulled her T-shirt down.

"All done," he said casually. "You're free to leave my office. The next appointment is tonight at 8 pm. Don't be late."

She played it cool. "Five stars on Yelp. Plus a good review. See you tonight."

When she got up and left Dylan's bedroom, she wondered how she could possibly survive the rest of the week. How she prayed Dr. Ledgard could reverse this immediately.

At the moment, there was only one other person she could confide in.


Unsurprisingly, Mom was in the living room preparing for the big holiday party tomorrow. She was in the middle of arranging the furniture and she had already finished with all of the decorations.

"Lovely, isn't it?" Mom said with glee.

Sara looked everything over. "It's amazing. You should try interior design if you ever need a side hustle."

Mom laughed. "I'm already plenty busy with your brother and my own business. But thank you."

"I'm excited for tomorrow."

"You should be. I received some fantastic news a moment ago. Some of your distant Aunts and Uncles had extra time freed up and they'll be catching last minute flights."

"Oh really?" Sara smiled.

"Yes, really. It'll be a larger than usual family affair. I'll have to wake up extra early to prepare more food. Trust me, our home will be stuffed."

There were family pictures on the wall, which reminded Sara of how many people are coming for the big holiday party. With her current medical state, she was in even worse trouble, because she would have to spend the whole day entertaining guests, instead of tending to her urges.

"I'm totally screwed," Sara bemoaned, wanting to cry.

Mom cautiously asked, "Are the feelings back again?"

"It's only gotten worse," Sara nearly sobbed.

"My goodness, really?"

"I've had those thoughts again."

Mom gave the most heartbreaking expression. "Sweetie, I think you should end it. You're a mess. I don't like seeing you this way."

"But I've already told so many people that I'm working with Dr. Ledgard. It would be humiliating if I had to back out. They'll think I'm a quitter. That the process was too hard for me."

"Nonsense!" Mom snapped at her daughter. "Everyone knows you're NOT a quitter. You're smart and talented. If anyone disagrees, well, that's their unfortunate problem. Not yours."

"No, it IS my problem! My reputation would be ruined!"

Not only that, Sara had to think about her brother. All of their lives, she was his role model. She enjoyed guiding him. She always enjoyed pushing him to reach his full potential. She always had faith him in. Now, if she quit this experiment, what kind of message would that send?

It was Dylan's first job in the medical industry, and if Sara left, he'd lose his job as well. No way. Sara simply couldn't let that happen. Big sisters have a solemn duty to their younger brothers, she thought.

A great deal of sorrow was displayed on Mom's face. "I'm so sorry, dear. I can only imagine how tough this must be for you. Come here, give me a hug. It'll make you feel better."

They tenderly embraced in a tight hug. It was loving and sweet, something they often shared whenever Sara was experiencing a heartache. Her current situation certainly fell within that criteria. She pressed her face into Mom's upper chest for comfort.

Under normal circumstances, this is where things would have ended. They hug, and Sara would leave feeling a lot better. But this was far from normal. Those deviant little thoughts had returned.

Sara's mind felt like it was spinning: 'Mom's breasts feel so nice. So soft. So delicate. And they're just for me...'

Almost without thinking, her hands clenched her Mother's lower back, with her fingers digging in deeply. It felt a natural thing to do. The most natural thing in the world.

"Sara?" Mom asked.


"Your hands are squeezing me."

Sara gasped and let go of her iron grip. "I'm so sorry. I'm doing it to you now, aren't I?"

While they still held each other gently, they looked each other in the eyes. Sara's expression was of total confusion. Mom, on the other hand, remained sympathetic to her daughter's medical dilemma.

"How bad is it?" Mom asked, trying to understand this.

"Pretty bad. I mean, just a moment ago, I kept thinking about how aroused I'd be if Dylan saw my hard nipples. I just kept thinking of it, over and over again."

"And now?"

Sara gave a soft sigh. "I thought about... you don't want to know..."

"I'm genuinely curious. Tell me."

"I thought about your breasts, from our hug. Horrible, right?"

"What did you think about my breasts?" Mom asked. "Did you want to see them, or touch them?"

Sara's jaw nearly dropped. "Oh jeez, Mom!"

"Don't give me that expression. You're the one with the naughty thoughts in your mind. I'm only asking. Maybe there's something we can do."

Sara gulped. "I wanted to... suck on them. Oh god, I'm so sorry, Mom!"

"You think my breasts are gross? They used to feed you, you know."

"That's different."

Mom shook her head disapprovingly. "No it's not. A mother's breasts are made for nurturing. They're nature's perfect gift. If you're suffering this badly, if you're going through this much mental anguish, then I would be okay with helping you."

"What do you mean?" Sara asked, confused.

"Maybe you need to get this out of your system. Spare yourself. And spare your brother. It's much easier this way."

With great humility, Mom let go of her daughter. Mom slowly and casually undid her top until she was in her white bra. The breasts looked large and inviting.

"But.... Mom...." Sara said, wide-eyed from the undressing.

"What choice do we have? Tell me, what did you want to do with your brother? Or what did you want your brother to do with you?"

Sara gulped deeply. "Promise you won't be mad at me?"

"Darling, this is a medical emergency. It's nothing to be ashamed of. These aren't your normal thoughts. This isn't you."

"I wanted Dylan to suck on my nipples. And I wanted him to bend me over his desk."

"So he can have sex with you?" Mom asked.

"Rough sex," Sara clarified. "Super rough sex."

"Obviously, I can't have that happening during the family party tomorrow-- or ever. So the only thing I can do, as your mother, is to help relieve this tension until Dr. Ledgard can correct whatever is ailing you. Okay?"


"Shhh... Just have a look first. Let me show you."

It was a surreal moment between them when Mom reached behind herself and released the fastener of her bra. When the garment slid slowly off her shoulders, Mom's spectacular breasts were freed for Sara's view.

They were large, shapely globes the size of grapefruits. Age had been kind to Mom. As Sara devoured them with her eyes, she noticed that the nipples were becoming larger and more erect; the areolas the size of silver dollars and an inviting pink color.

Sara gulped. "Can I suck on them?"

"Of course you can," Mom said and opened her arms to her daughter invitingly.

"Will you be mad?"


A dirty thought appeared in Sara's mind: 'How fucking delicious. I have the best Mother in the world. First Mom, then my brother. The perfect holiday for me. No one stands a chance.'

She brought her lips to Mom's left nipple and sucked. Fireworks went off in Sara's mind when her lips made contact. She wrapped her lips tightly and pulled at them with her mouth. She sucked so hard that Mom made a gasping sound.

"No one can ever know," Mom said, rubbing her nursing daughter's hair. "Get it out of your system. Enjoy this. I need you to be at your very best tomorrow."

As Sara nursed on her Mother's tits, she wasn't so sure if that was possible. But this was a welcomed start. Her Mother's hands moved around, and as Sara nursed on the hard nipples, she felt her Mother reaching forward to rub her tits in return.

Could it be? Was Mom enjoying this too?


Despite her worries, Sara took up her normal hostess duties as the party guests would expect. There was a last minute option for her to leave home while the party happened, but that was out of character for her.

There was no way she'd ever let her family down. She loved everyone too much to hide because of a medical issue. Especially since she had been away from everyone doing her first year medical residency.

The party was the same as it always was. Uncles, Aunts, and cousins from all over had come to visit. Mom did most of the schmoozing like always. Dylan was in charge of food. And Sara was tasked with service, which she enjoyed doing.

With a cute yellow dress, Sara went around the living room to make sure everyone was having a good time and was properly fed.

Through it all, she had a chance to catch up with distant relatives and people she was only to see only a few times a year. The Aunts and Uncles showered her with the usual compliments:

'You've become so beautiful!'

'You remind me so much of your mother when she was your age.'

'A doctor? Brains and beauty. A dangerous combination.'

She returned the praises and made jokes about family genes and traits that they all shared. They were medical puns, which people found amusing.

But for all the fun and frivolity, Sara's demeanor made a sudden and drastic change when her brother stepped into the living room. Though he was just coming in to socialize with family, it felt different. Sara had always been the 'good girl' at the family function, but as Dylan chatted and laughed with family, Sara's thoughts were far from good. They were horribly naughty.

Crazy thoughts ran through her head: 'Take him upstairs and fuck him. Yes, even with the family party going on. Nothing will make me hotter.'

She realized that the thoughts were making her pussy wet as they repeated in her mind, growing more insistent on each repetition.

"Are you okay?" Mom suddenly whispered in Sara's ear from the side.

Sara snapped out of her trance, and she turned her attention towards her Mother, who was dolled-up like the perfect MILF.

"It's happening," Sara whispered, while everyone else in the family part was engaged in various conversations. "I'm really sorry."

The only reason Sara apologized was because a few hours ago, they had engaged in another nursing session. It happened in Mom's bedroom while Dylan was in the shower. Mom had exposed both of her luscious tits and allowed Sara to suck on them for a good 10 minutes straight. Mom's nipples even turned red.

"It's not your fault," Mom replied. "What are you feeling?"

They both looked around. The coast was clear and the living room was loud with chatter and laughter.

"I feel like I want to take Dylan upstairs to fuck him."

Mom sighed. "Will a cold shower fix it?"

"Unlikely. God, I've never been so desperate in my entire life. I feel like a drug addict with a serious addiction. I thought it would stop after what we did this morning, but it's consuming me right now."

"Maybe you should handle it already," Mom said after a long pause.


Mom rubbed her daughter's shoulder and spoke softly in her ear. "I remember what it's like being your age. Hormones are raging. Things are confusing. I've tried my best to help you with this dilemma, but it seems that nothing is good enough."

"Are you suggesting..." Sara's voice trailed off as her eyes scanned the busy room, making sure no one heard them. "Please tell me that I'm misunderstanding what you're saying."

"Well, the party is going to last a couple more hours. I need you at your very best."

"Mom!" she hissed.

"Sara, I will not allow you to speak to me like that in my own home, during a family party of all times."

"Yet you're suggesting that I fuck my brother," Sara quipped in a soft tone.

"I'm not saying that either."

"Then what are you saying?"

Mom looked around first. "It's an indulgence, much like food. If I have a slice of delectable chocolate cake, my cravings are satisfied and I'll stop thinking about it for a while. Does that make sense?"

"It kind of does."

Sara thought about her brother: 'Mom is a genius. I want that cock so badly. I want to fuck him while the party is happening. Everyone would be oblivious to the fact that I'm an undercover brother-fucker.'

"It's not exactly 'fucking' as you so crudely put it," Mom explained. "It's more... servicing a guilty pleasure. Think of it that way."

"Are you really okay with me doing... that... with Dylan?"

Mom shook her head. "I'll never, ever be okay with that. Ever. But -- and this is very important -- you know that I have a reputation to uphold. Things have to run smoothly at my parties. Everyone in the family depends on me in that regard."

"You know, everyone does look content at the moment," Sara said, giving in while looking at all the happy faces in the crowd.

"For now. If you and your brother disappear for 10 minutes, tops, then I would be okay with that. I can handle everything myself in that short a period. But I'd need you back immediately. Dylan too. Please be gentle with him."

Sara's eyes widened. "Oh my god, Mom."

"Don't give me that. I'm only looking after you. Besides, isn't this part of Dylan's job?"

Sara grinned. "Come to think of it... medical training can be a dirty job. I'll be back in 10 minutes."


After using all her might to pull her younger brother up the stairs, she was in complete control of the situation and Dylan went right along with it.

In a snap decision, she had settled on Dylan's room for this. She wanted to fuck on his desk. Just like in her naughty fantasies for him.

"Mind telling me what the hell's going on?" he asked.

Sara locked the door. "It's time for me to be honest."


"It's a long story. A really long story."

"I'll settle on the short version," he said.

"I want to fuck."

"Oh really?"

"I'll give you all the details later," Sara told him. "The short version is that Dr. Ledgard's experiment really fucked me up. Badly. I knew early on that this was a possibility. I just didn't believe it."

"Believe what?"

She lifted the front of her dress. "This."

With her dress held up with one hand, she used her other hand to pull her panties to the side to reveal her pussy. It was cleanly shaven and the clitoris was swollen, while protruding proudly.

Sara used the tip of her index finger to dip into her entrance. She held her finger up and rubbed, showing her brother a thick and clear liquid consistency.

"Holy shit," he gasped.

"I know. Don't even get me started."

He gulped. "Is that the source of those weird signals coming from your body?"

"Yes, I haven't been right for the past two days. My pussy is killing me."

He stared deeply at it. "So... umm... why are you showing me?"

"I'll explain the whole thing later," she sighed. "But right now, I need you to bend me over the desk and fuck me like our lives depend on it. Because for me, I feel like I'm dying for your cock."

"What the..."

"Dylan, look here," she said, rubbing her labia. " It's an emergency. I want you in me, I NEED you in me!"

"But... why me?" Dylan asked fearfully, worried of the potential implications of doing something so taboo.

Sara swallowed her pride. "I need your cock. Yours specifically. I've been thinking about you like crazy. It's really freaking me out."

"You mean, because of the experiment, you've..."

"Are you interested or not?" she said firmly, giving him an ultimatum. "These feelings are brutal. Having to explain everything to you is equally as humiliating."

He tensed. "I... ummm... sure..."

"Think of it this way, now you'll have a lesson in the female anatomy. I guess psychology too, since I'm all fucked up now thanks to Dr. Ledgard."

"Well, since you put it like that," he said awkwardly. "How should we start?"

Sara brisked over to him, grabbed him by the dick, and pulled him to the desk. She yanked his pants down and his semi-erect penis was almost ready to go. The horny little bastard was easily aroused by the sight of her pussy, she thought. At least she was under a spell; Dylan had no excuse.

"We've got to be quick," she said, stroking her brother's dick. "Mom needs us back as soon as possible."

"Does she know?"

"Yes, it was her idea."

"Are you sure?" he asked skeptically. "This is the craziest thing I've ever seen or heard."

She could see the conflicting emotions play across his face, lust winning out, as she continued stroking him.

Her inner voice told her: 'Go ahead. Tell him everything. My younger brother needs to know. It's about time he knows what I really am.'

"Mom knows everything," Sara confessed in a low purr. "I told how badly I've wanted to fuck you. How I've wanted to fuck you in your room. I've dreamt about it and I've made myself cum so many times. My fingers have been really busy lately, thanks to you and Dr. Ledgard."

A rush of guilt surged through Sara's body and she felt her cheeks turning beet red. She felt like a zombie who had lost control of her body and mind. She wished she didn't feel the way she did, that she could block the powerful signals her mind and body were sending. She wished she had not involved her dear brother. But she was powerless.

Dylan's eyes widened. "Holy shit."

"That's not all," she continued like she was on autopilot. "Mom tried helping me with this situation. She thought she could alleviate these nymphomaniac tendencies by showing me her amazing set of tits. She let me suck of them. That's right, I nursed on Mom's tits and pulled her nipples with my mouth. I think she likes it too, since she fondled my breasts as well. She moaned a lot too."

He was dumbfounded with arousal. "You and Mom? Nymphomaniac?"

"I know, shocking. It's time for business. There's no time for foreplay. Just get it ready and fuck me!"

Sara was completely under the influence of the frequency waves and she couldn't care less that the whole family was downstairs, having a nice, wholesome time together. Actually, the risk was turning her on even more. These were the nymphomaniac tendencies she had been warned about, and now she was loving every second of it.

To get him fully erect, she grabbed his neck and pulled him in, planting a big kiss on his lips. It was gentle at first, before turning rough and slipping her tongue inside. Their tongues wrestled for a good minute. All the while, she could feel her younger brother throbbing in her hand as she held him.

She pulled back and released him. "You're ready."

It was amusing seeing Dylan so speechless, cock freed, and in admiration of her attractive body, knowing they were about to fuck. She had always been the leader in their sibling relationship, now it was heading towards a new direction completely.

Sara bent over her brother's desk, presenting her beautifully rounded ass. That way, her little brother could fuck her easily while standing. Her juices were literally running down her long, shapely legs. Her pussy lips were swollen and inviting, begging to be filled with his achingly hard cock.

"Your ass is amazing," Dylan said, sticking his index finger into her vagina. "You're so hot and wet."

"Just fuck me already, Dylan! Please! I need you inside me!"

Sara was now over the edge, and she didn't care what the act they were about to commit is called, or that it's wrong by society's standards. All she wanted was to be fucked by her younger brother. Sure, it was nice sucking on Mom's tits, but that did nothing to satisfy the intense craving between her legs. Only her brother could do that, with his thick penis.

She felt him spread her pussy while she opened her legs for him. Inch by inch, he entered her wet cut until he was all the way inside. Despite her tight pussy, it was an easy process because of how fucking aroused she was.

"Oh yes!" Sara gasped and moaned, before realizing that she needed to keep her voice down. "That's it. You're so fucking big."

Dylan started pumping his shaft faster, with an unrivaled force. "Your pussy is amazing. Oh my god, you feel so good. Fuuuuck! I can't believe I've been missing out on this."

"Just be quiet," she hissed, unable to finish her sentence. "Be... ohhh... quiet...."

She could only moan silently, which was incredibly hard for her - she was usually a loud fuck.

While she was being pounded from behind, her submission to her brother was now complete, with her pussy being ravished. Her brother teased her by pulling at her hips and bombarding her with his thrusts, slamming his balls against her pussy lips and gliding his cock through the warm folds of her pussy walls with incredible speed.

It was everything she needed.

Even though Sara was lost in what her brother was doing to her -- and doing so well -- she heard some noises in the hall. She knew the bedroom door was locked, but they still shouldn't be heard.

"Stop, Dylan, there is someone in the hall," she whispered, while trying to put a halt to their incestuous fucking by touching her brother's hip.

Dylan stopped for a second. "They're in Mom's room. Sounds like they're looking at old pictures. I'll be gentle, don't worry."

Sara didn't have the willpower to completely stop her brother; instead she buried her face in the pile of papers they had used to record her data and she pushed her hips back to him, fucking him in return and encouraging him to continue. Dylan's cock was gliding through her canal, slowly retreating back, leaving only the head at her entrance, and then going all the way in again, filling her insides.

Her inner voice re-appeared: 'Finally, I'm a happy girl. All I need is his cum. His cum inside me. Then I can reach between my legs. Scoop it. And slurp it all down.'

The thought of Dylan's cum pumping into her eager cunt had Sara licking her lips. Her body demanded more from her brother. Her body needed to be filled with his seed, to have his cum leak between her vaginal walls and stream down her legs.

After a few minutes of slow, sensuous fucking, the incestuous couple heard footsteps heading down the stairs. Without a word, they sped up their lustful attack on each other and Dylan was again plowing into her with wild abandon.

"They're gone," Dylan said, pumping even harder. "You like it harder, don't you?"

"Yes, yes, yes!!!" she cried.

He groaned, "Where can I cum?"

"In my pussy," she smiled while crying. "I want to scoop it up and eat it right after."

"Really? Oh... fuck!!!"

That inadvertently sent Dylan over the edge as he pounded with all his might, making Sara cry even more. Sara's tears and crying increased as she approached her own earth-shattering climax at the same time as her brother's. They both came at the same time and she could feel her pussy being flooded with her brother's load. She could feel their cum mixing and intertwining together to form a nice cum cocktail during the family party, which would only be for herself to eat.

Sara could feel her brother's wonderful, magical tool begin to soften, but not dislodge from her still clenching pussy. Her taboo desires and sanity-straining needs sated for the moment.

"What now?" he asked, kissing her neck while still buried within her.

She smiled, face laying on the table. "For me, a nice little treat to help me recover my energy. If you may, will you please remove your dick? I need the nutrients."

"Oh, wow."

Sara winced as her brother slowly pulled out, as the still-sensitive head passed by her clinging lips. The cock plopped out of her and was a glistening mess of creamy cum.

She reached between her legs and prepared to insert her fingers and scoop some of the hot cream that dripped from her well-fucked little hole.

Before she could complete the mission that her internal voice had given her, there was a sound at the door. The locked door.

Sara's heart nearly stopped at the sound of the locked doorknob being twisted and turned. Then the siblings heard a key slip into the lock as the knob now turned without resistance.

She knew that there would be no explaining their way out of this situation. With her naked body bent over her brother's desk, ass in the air and pussy dripping with their mingled juices, and Dylan's cum covered cock swaying as it deflated before him, they could have only been doing one thing!

The door suddenly opened, and in a flash, Mom entered the room and shut the door, locking it once again.

"Oh my god," Mom gasped. "You two were almost caught. Your Aunt said she heard strange noises in here. I had to tell them that you had a bruised rib from a recent skiing trip. They believed it."

The siblings stood frozen as Mom frantically approached them, while they were still exposed after having finished fucking.

Sara pulled her skirt down and stood upright. "Mom, you shouldn't be here."

"We have a party to host," Mom countered. "And the noises you two have been making are just unacceptable!"

Dylan blushed, with his penis still out. "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry," Mom replied. "Just get yourself cleaned up. These smells are potent, and the last thing we need is for anyone to smell them."

"There's plenty of tissue," Sara noted, reached over for a tissue box.

Mom shook her head. "No, that won't do. I can smell both of you. The fragrance is strong, since you're both young. If you walk down the hall, others may smell it."

"Then what do you suggest?" Dylan asked, with fluids almost dripping from his cock.

Mom sighed. "The things I'd do for my family."

The siblings were both frozen in place, stunned, as Mom dropped to her knees.

Sara was in awe of her Mother, who lifted her dress and immediately went to work eating her pussy. It was her first time being eaten by another woman, and it was spectacular. All Sara could do was close her eyes and tilt her head back, as the cum cocktail was being sucked out of her little hole. Mom buried her face in that little hole to lap the mingled juices in her messy pussy.

It was the pleasure Sara never knew she needed. Mom darted her tongue inside her trembling daughter, cleaning every inch and centimeter, as far deep as she could go. When she was satisfied that Sara's cunt was cleaned, she pulled away, giving her daughter a brief visual inspection and nodded to herself.

"You're so good at that, Mom," Sara whispered.

"Not that you ever should have known," Mom said, licking her lips and gulping it all down. "Dylan, you're next."

Dylan happily stepped forward. "Whatever you say, Mom."

In an instance, Mom turned her oral attention to the wet cock in front of her, taking it into her mouth to suck away all the excess cum that lingered. It was more of a maternal duty than anything else. But it was just as explicit as any porn scene. Her lips wrapped around the shaft and she took the whole thing in her mouth, giving hard and powerful sucks.

As she watched her mother go down on her brother, naughty thoughts had arisen in Sara's mind: 'There it is. Here's your chance. Mom deserves a little relief. And I could use a taste. It bet she's delicious right now.'

Sara got on her knees, right behind her Mother, and lifted the back of her dress. She pulled the panties to the side and pressed her lips there, making Mom squeal for a moment.

"What's gotten into you?" Mom asked, spitting the cock out of her mouth. "Haven't you had enough?"

Sara just darted her tongue in her Mom's asshole, then brought her tongue down to get a quick taste of pussy, lapping her tongue inside. Mom seemed rather aroused (and tasted like it too.)

When she sat upright, she brought her lips to her Mother and they swapped a quick cum-filled kiss. Mom was hesitant at first, but went along with it and their tongues wrestled with family fluids.

After a few moments, Mom gently broke the kiss with her daughter and touched Sara's cheek tenderly. She gave Dylan a kiss on the tip and stood, gently pulling Sara up with her.

"Alright, my two darlings, that's enough," Mom said, running her fingers through her own hair. "Get dressed you two. Downstairs in one minute."

The siblings dressed quickly, checking each other for any telltale signs of their incestuous coupling. Neither of them minded the saliva as they wore their clothes. It would dry soon enough. Dylan was content with just pulling his pants up. Meanwhile, the ladies shared the mirror and fixed their dresses and hair, not to mention making sure their lipstick hadn't been smeared.

"Okay, let's go you two," Mom said, carting the siblings to the door and down the hall, guiding them to the stairs.

Sara whispered in her brother's ear. "Sorry about that. I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"There's nothing to apologize for," he replied. "But sure, anything you want."

She winked at him as they returned to the family party.


Dr. Ledgard put the final touches on the report while sitting in the lab. Other researchers were there, monitoring heart activities and brainwaves from their two subjects.

In a glass room, which the researchers were focused on, Sara was riding her brother on a bed they had set up. The siblings were both naked as they had intense sexual intercourse with lust-fueled abandon. They were bashful at first, as anyone in that situation would be, but once they got started, they were unstoppable.

"You're a genius," General Hamilton said as he observed the vigor of the youthful coupling. "Just like I expected. I had faith in you and it looks like a job well done. I'm recommending you for a promotion and a generous pay raise."

"I don't do this for the money," Dr. Ledgard replied.

"No? Then what do you do it for?"

"Knowledge," the doctor responded, looking at the incestuous coupling once again.

The siblings finished their strenuous loving-making session and Sara had collapsed onto her brother, with her breasts resting on his face. Her pink nipples were hard and the brother took it upon himself to suck on each of them.

When the researchers called for an end to the live session, Sara climbed off her brother, and a trail of thick fluids leaked from her legs. Reaching between her legs, Sara scooped the warm liquids between her buzzing cunt and sucked her fingers clean.

Sara knelt before her brother and cleaned him with her mouth and tongue. According to the daily reports that Sara and her brother had submitted, this was something of a daily ritual for them. Foreplay, sex, and an 'oral cleanup.' Their mother, it seemed, had helped to ensure that everything was under control.

The End
