
Chapter 39: No title (Edited)

So it's been a day since the whole Lucemon battle. His goal was to take over Ygddrasil and bring back his dead lover, Ophanimon who died in a war in the digital world. I was able to relate to him, as I also lost the woman I loved.

However something seem to really made me think when he said something.

Lucemon:"I don't know, I felt really angry and my head felt hazy, I felt miserable I just wanted to lash out at the world."

Issei:'I see someone really did manipulate Luce, not only that, the way Ophanimon died is major sus.' She was sent as reinforcements along with a few other digimon in the war.

Ddraig:((Looking at your memory folder, I read the file called evil digimon and they could be a few suspects maybe it's one of them!.) I made something like a mind palace with a library of my memories, it made it easier for Ddraig to access info in my memories and such with a thought, the private stuff is kept at a deep deep deep deep part of my mind, with a shit ton of mental guards I put up in my spare time.

Issei:'Maybe but I wonder which one?'

Issei:"So Daemon how you feeling literally had fish your data out Arkadimon."

Daemon:"I am okay, as my Lord Lucemon has bowed to you, it's only right to do so as well." The other demon lords agreed Belphemon was in Sleep Mode.

Sol:"Should we wake him?"

Issei:"Nah! Let him sleep. Anyway make yourselves at home, I'm trying to bring Leviamon back but restoring his data will take some time."

Daemon:"I don't know what came over me, it's like I lost my sense of self." sighing I sat down again.

Issei:"I know and the way your lover died Lucemon, I think it was planned." I said with a solemn look. He looked suprised.

Lucemon:"But how?"

Issei:"She was sent as reinforcements right, and you said no one had zero knowledge about this other than a few others right?"


Issei:"Who were you no. What enemy were you fighting ?"

Lucemon:"A powerful digimon known as Mephistomon." Dread immediately filled me. Mephistomon was a the digivolution of Apoclymon the final villain for the first season of digimon anime in my world. I read about him in the wiki and he also had another digivolution. Lucemon however continued.

Lucemon:"He was defeated by a white Imperialdramon with wings instead of a cape."

Issei:"That's Imperialdrmon [Paladin Mode] he's the guy who made the royal knights however he didn't join them."

Lucemon:"I see, was already drowning in my own grief and self-pity at the time."

Issei:"Well I gotta go now I have school see ya. Just take it easy, okay friend!" he nod.

And so it's been a week since I went to digital world, during this time I kept grinding in my new ID's with my digimon and with the time dialation, I don't have to take week offs to spend time with my parents and friends.

My manga has also been doing well the reviews has been great so far. Right now I'm in my room, doing something I probably should have done in a long time.

A rock floated in my arms it slowly started to turn into metal. I then heard a ding.

[New skill acquired-Ferrokinesis-(Lvl 1/100)]

Issei:"Man this was easy."

Ranna:((Of course it is getting metal or steel magic is hard as hell in my world for the guys over there, but here your stats are insane.))

Issei:"I know the structural make up of metal, and pretty much all the metals and stones I have...what if." I closed my eyes and began concentrating and the metal turned to gold.

Issei:"huh? It works?" I then turned it into mythril.

Ranna:((Your are insane!))

Issei:"Nope just smart!" I then turn it into a diamond. Stones like diamonds are great for storing mana and different energies and turning them into magic stones. Though I can artificially make them.

I then looked to Bahamut who was in a human form fighting Riza and Sol. Giro and Luna are spending time together she had a crush on him for a while now, so she probably confessed.

Issei:"I should go now Mom and Dad will be back soon. Hope the Ultra sound went well."


I was just finishing up cooking dinner when Mom and Dad came in they looked dazed.

Issei:"Are you two okay?"

Miki:"Issei, I'm having twins!" I dropped the dish I was washing breaking it.


Gorou:"Ones a boy the other is a girl."


-School/The next day/Lunch time-

Rika:"So their twins congrats."

Totsuka:"Congrats man!" said Totsuka as he slapped my back.

Issei:"Yeah yeah." But still I'm worried this universe isn't safe guess I'm gonna have to do something about.

And do something I did.

Issei:" Done. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Above me floating were a pink magical girl stick and a red katana. These are Sacred Gears I made for my siblings. I've also been slowly feeding my parents Body tempering pills, though in small amounts and intervals where they would take their baths so they started to look younger and even more attractive as the days go by.

I punched Great Red in the face with a Dragonified fist but he dodged and threw a roundhouse kick to my face. But I blocked with my scales. We then back off a few meters.

Great Red:"Not bad you've not just surpassed me in magic you now beat me in physical strength."

Issei:"Dude ever since I beat you've training I can tell."

Great Red:"Hahaha! Yeah I have been thanks for those gravity bands by the way."

Issei:"No problem!"



Name:Issei Hyoudou(Aaron Cooper)

Title: Mana God's Successor.V2/Digimon Tamer/Scarlet Dragon Emperor/

Lucky Star

Lvl:256/Next Level 4%













[Stat points:1,750/Munny:110,894,999/Gold:108,259,601]



Great Red punched me in the face getting me out of my thoughts. In that second I used my scales to block his punch the millisecond his fist was about reach an inch of my face.

Great Red:"Not bad you've managed to improve your speed."

Issei:"You bastard! *sigh!*"

Issei:"I'm gonna try something, I want you turn me back to normal if anything goes wrong."

Great Red:"Okay man, but what though?!"

Issei:"You'll see." I then went a few more meters away from him and my body began to start getting covered with red scales and my eyes became green and the size of my body slowly increased. I turned into a dragon, I looked like an older Junior, though slightly different than Ddraig.

Issei:"This is diffrent." my voice boomed out through the entire dimensional gap. This is due to completely mastering Dragonification.

Ddraig:((You look alot like me in my younger days but slightly different.))

Great Red:"Not bad kid, but you should get used to fighting in this form."

Issei:"I agree, ya mind ya helping me."

Great Red:"Sure I don't mind helping a bro out."
