
Intermission 10: A certain girl and her misunderstandings

What should I do?

With complicated feelings, I used both hands to lift the silver basket full of red apples and looked closely at all the details.

Turning it, I noticed that on both sides it had the design of a yellow dragon with its wings spread out behind two black spears that formed an X.

Up to that point, I guess the basket could be considered 'normal', but it was completely embroidered with silver, yellow and black colored metal threads.

I did not know what the black wires were made of, but I had a vague feeling that the other wires were silver and gold. Although I think so, I can not be sure, I've never seen these two metals in person.

All I know is that it seems to be normal for nobles to wear gold in string form to show their wealth.

But just thinking about it made me anxious. If it was as I was thinking, that drawing was the crest of a noble house.

Although I am a peasant, I know it is common knowledge that when a nobleman presents an unmarried young lady with an extravagant gift, he is proposing marriage to her.

But since it seems the nobleman who gifted me already has a wife, he probably wanted me as a second wife or at the very least wanted me as a concubine.

Even though I tried to refuse, he was so insistent. He kept claiming that it was a gift for because I had guided him to the inn. In the end, to make me accept, he even grabbed my hands and made me hold the basket without letting me refuse.

At that moment, I was afraid of his wife's reaction, but when I looked at her, all I got was a kind smile and a nod of her head. It seemed as if she was giving me her approval.

She seems to be a good person, so I guess he must not be a bad person, but still...

When he helped me, I could see that he was powerful and seemed to be an explosive person. Just remembering that, I ended up accepting it because of fear.

Lowering the basket, I sighed deeply.

I didn't want to let my parents know about this, but I think I'm going to have to talk to Mom....

As I thought about it, I remembered what happened a few weeks ago when a viscount's son publicly lashed out at a woman's family. It all happened because she didn't want to sleep with him.

I didn't want to involve my parents, but I had no choice...

In the evening, when all of us were in home, I told my parents what had happened. In the end, my mom's advice was that I should accept the proposal since I was already 16 and I was in a marriageable age. Then, if I could become a nobleman's wife, I wouldn't have to worry about it for the rest of my life.

As for my Dad, he said that if I think the nobleman is someone dangerous, I should carefully refuse.

Being against my dad, my mom offered to go with me, but I refused.

To be honest, I inherited my dad's cowardly and cautious personality, so I intended to refuse the proposal.


At noon of the next day, I was heading to the inn that I had guided him to yesterday. Since the chance of him being there was greater at noon, that was the time I chose to go.

Of course, since the goal was to refuse the proposal, I was taking the basket with me, but it was empty now since it would be an act of bad manners to return food.

Plus, the fruits he gave me were delicious, they were completely different from fruits I've ever had.

Since this town exists for the sake of keeping the fortress supplied, there are several plantations. Being one of the farmers, Dad sometimes gets old fruit and seeds for a low price.

But in recent days, due to the war, it is not possible to get food at the usual price. Since the fortress is stockpiling a lot of food, the price of everything has skyrocketed.

While I was lost in thought, I realized that I was already near the inn. To my surprise, the person I was looking for appeared. Immediately I tried to gather my courage and approached him. But the closer I got, the more nervous I became.

The main reason was the fact that he was wearing a completely different outfit from yesterday. It looks very expensive compared to the clothes from before. Now it seems even more difficult to talk to him.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm myself down, but the next thing I knew, we were already face to face. Because he had his gaze on me, I suddenly bent down out of fear.

"E-excuse me."

Even though I tried to act and speak normally, the nervousness I had at the thought of his possible reaction was enormous. But still, since I had already approached him, I straightened my body and tried to continue.

"Tha-thank you for yesterday, th-there's your basket."

"You didn't have to return the basket, it was part of the gift."

His expression didn't change, could it be that he wasn't displeased that I refused his marriage proposal? Putting my doubts aside, I'd better try to avoid his wrath.

"Bu-but it loo-looks too e-expensive, I-I-I can't take it."

I lifted the basket with trembling hands, hoping he would take it back.

"Just take it, you can sell if you don't want to keep it."

Although he spoke nonchalantly as he seemed to prepare to move on, I felt chills run through my body.

That's exactly how it happened!

My heart skipped a beat as I remembered the scene.

The viscount's son made it look like he didn't care, but eventually came back later and publicly lashed out at everyone.

I can't let this happen to my parents!


I wanted to prevent something bad from happening, but I didn't know what to do.

Inadvertently, my hands holding the basket began to shake even more while wondering what might happen if I failed.

I don't know what to do, my heart is beating so hard and fast I can hear it clearly.

But out of my expectations, he reached up and wrapped his arms around me, placing my head on his hard chest.

Not stopping there, he ran his hand over my hair and whispered something in my ear.

But I was so nervous I couldn't pay attention to his words, and all I could understand was 'fear' and 'hurting you'.

He-he is threatening me?!

The thought of what he might do to my parents only increased the tremors in my body.

But even though I was scared, I needed to appeal to him.


I can't, I can't even complete a sentence properly. I could already feel the tears starting to well up in my eyes.

But at that moment, the tightness of his embrace on me increased a little, at the same time I could feel a warm sensation coming from him.

It's the same feeling as when I had nightmares and my mom comforted me...

As if the fear from before was just an illusion of my mind, my trembling stopped as a comfortable feeling filled my body.

"Don't worry, you can rest assured, I won't hurt you."

He whispered in a comforting, warm voice.

We were so close that I could feel his warm breath in my ears.

Making me even more comfortable, he stroked my hair again. Unlike before, this time it felt different. His hand felt softer. Somehow, that made me feel more at ease to the point that I momentarily closed my eyes.

It's totally different from the feeling I had before...

I think this nobleman must not be a bad person. He also seemed to treat his wife well.

I think it's like Mom said, I'm old enough to get married, and if he's a nice person, why not? Better him than people like those yesterday.

Releasing his grip on me, his brown eyes that oozed confidence looked directly into mine.

"Are you calmer?"

His intense gaze that seemed to be assessing me made me feel embarrassed.

Despite nodding slightly at his question, I thought it would be better to answer him properly.

"I'm better now, sorry about before."

I could talk normally around him!

That should be some kind of sign!

As I was drifting off in my thoughts, I realized that the basket in my no-more-trembling hands had gotten heavier. When I looked, it was full of fruits, some I had never seen before.

"Don't worry about it, just accept the basket as a form of thanks for yesterday."

He said with a gentle smile.

I wonder if it's really all right for a peasant girl like me to marry a nobleman...

Strengthening my resolve, I decided to find out.

I tried to look directly into his eyes, but although I didn't feel fear or anxiety like before, I ended up looking away.

"Is it okay for someone like me to receive this gift?"

A warm smile formed on his face.

"Yeah, it's all yours, you can do whatever you want with it."

He confirmed it!

He doesn't mind marrying someone as ordinary as me!

Even though just a short time ago that thought made me afraid, it was different now.

Thinking about it made me feel a strange sensation in my chest. Even if I said it, it wasn't bad, it was more like weirdly good.

Is that the chest tightness that Dad said I would feel when I fell in love?

Since he was serious about it, I can't let this chance pass me by. I have to do my best to be a good wife!

"Then I'll do my best not to let you regret it."

I said as I looked resolutely into his eyes.

"Yes yes, do your best."

Bringing his hand up to my head, he patted me.

This is how dad does it when he is showing affection to mom and in the end, they end up hugging or kissing.

I immediately became nervous.

Even if I had agreed to marry him, I couldn't do that.

At least not here!

Just the thought of doing that with him makes my heart soar again and I ended up looking down.

As I thought about what to do, he kept his hand on my head.

I wanted to look at him to see what kind of expression he was making, but I was too embarrassed to do that. I couldn't see it, but I was sure even my ears were red.

He removed his hand from my head as he said, "I have a proposition for you."

He's going to openly propose marriage here?!

As I thought about the possibilities, I felt both of his hands on my shoulders.

"Do you want to work in my restaurant?"

Although I inexplicably felt a little disappointed, I understood his intention.

Since I said I was going to do my best, he must be giving me a chance to show my efforts.

That's good, but I can't cook...

Even if it makes him disappointed, I think it's better to be honest and tell the truth like a good wife would.

I bowed apologetically to him.

"I can't cook, sorry to disappoint you."

With my head down, I raised my eyes in an attempt to see his expression, but it hadn't changed.

"No problem, you can work as a waitress, what do you think?"

He must be doing this to let me show my determination as a wife.

Gaining confidence, I raised my head and said resolutely.

"You can leave it to me, I may not have experience, but I'll do my best to learn fast."

As if approving of my determination, he nodded.

"That's great. In a month at the latest, I'm opening the restaurant, so you can go get ready."

Does he mean I have a month to say goodbye to my parents and move in with him?

While I still had some doubts, he told me where his restaurant would be built and when I should go.

After we said goodbye, I felt as if the warm and pleasant feeling from before was gone. It was as if something was missing.

Is that the feeling Mom said I would feel when I was away from someone I love?

As I tried to understand my feelings, I realized I didn't ask why he chose me.

I know my mom says I'm pretty, but in this case I can't take my mom's word seriously, can I?

At that moment, I finally realized that I was getting the stares of people on the street.

With my cheeks burning with embarrassment, I gripped the basket handle tightly and ran as fast as I could back home.
