

"However," Fern began, "A few years back when the princess was but a tender age of eight, the chief of the water fairies and I uncovered old records in the mines."


"It was records of a diary of the eldest of the seven dwarf brothers." Fern explained, "The era it was from did not mention the princess that received the three wishes, but it mentioned a different princess from the era of the Beautiful Queen."

"Oh?" Malleus hummed in confusion, "However, it's not pertaining to the previous princess I was looking for... May I ask why you brought up this topic?"

"The reason being that the records written in there shows another side of the Beautiful queen. One that displayed a more distasteful side of her or perhaps one where she underwent the hardships that stems from her pursue of great beauty." Fern explained, "During that time, the dwarves returned to their cottage and discovered that there was an intruder in their home. Upon investigation, it was revealed that the step daughter of the Beautiful Queen had fled deep into the forest under the guidance of wild animals whom she had unintentionally tamed through her charm. It was revealed that the princess was escaping from her castle due to her stepmother's pursuit to take her life in the name of being the fairest."

"Who knew that the Beautiful Queen had bore such malicious thoughts in the past..." Malleus muttered in surprise.

Fern nodded, "Especially when we only seen records of her achievements and fame before. It's difficult to believe that such a thing had occurred before. However, my story is not done yet."


"Out of pity, the dwarves allowed the princess to reside in their cottage and they would protect the princess from her stepmother's pursuit. The princess had a generous heart despite her naïve outlook on others and life. While the dwarves worked from dawn to dusk, the princess did all the chores. it was discovered that, over time, the queen had diminished her duties and role in the castle to that of a lowly peasant no different to a slave. She used to be dressed in ragged clothing and did not have gained the complete education that a princess should have been given. Despite this, she offered to take care of the chores that the dwarves had pushed aside due to their busy schedules, including making meals and taking care of hygiene."

"I did not think there would be such a member of royalty who could still think so calmly yet naively in such a circumstance. Had she not cursed for having such a mother even once?" Malleus pondered aloud in confusion.

Fern shook his head, "Not once, did she cursed her mother or hated her. The dwarf only mentioned how distraught and heartbroken she was upon learning her mother's wish for her death from the assassin her mother sent after her."

"An assassin?"

"A long time ago, the queen once had a very loyal hunter by her side who worshipped her and her beauty. Despite that, the princess's charm won him over. By which I mean, he remained loyal to the queen despite letting go of the princess and lying to the queen of her death." Fern explained, "That princess lived well until the queen discovered that her step-daughter lives and decided to change her form into that of an old woman. With the poison apple, she deceived the princess who choose not to heed the warnings of the animals around her and took a bite of the apple. The animals turned into a frenzy when they saw the princess had taken the apple and already dashed to the mines where the dwarves were. They rushed over and presumed the princess was dead. In response and a fit of anger, the dwarves hunted down the queen who was on the run to return to her castle and revert the spell. However, along the way, heavy rain poured, and she slipped into a ravine. A boulder they were trying to push down a slope got struck by lightning and fell on top of her."

"So even she received her punishment." Malleus frowned, "It's to be expected... However, I can't help but pity her. All of her efforts poured down the gutter. All just so she may become the most beautiful in the land. Ruined due to her greed and dislike for her step-daughter."

"The Queen lived." Fern shook his head, "However, she became paralyzed and could not perform the most complicated alchemy recipes after that. As such, she was unable to return to her former beauty. Despite this, there are still those who remained by her side and this was what taught her that beauty was not everything, even if she wanted to pursue just that. Thus she began to correct her ways after that event. However, the princess discovered another record when she was but a child in Pyroxene. It was in the ruins of another castle. We discovered that that princess who took the apple had a soulmate prior to the pursuit. After her passing from the apple, the dwarves felt saddened at the fact the princess has died despite her beauty and crafted a glass coffin to place her body in there. It was during the crafting period that they noticed the princess's state of preservation as she remained in a coma-like state. The prince from the other kingdom came by and noticed the princess as his soulmate he had been searching for. The prince broke the curse and the princess awakened from her death-like state. When I heard of this, I thought that perhaps the princess had something similar which affected plants rather than wild animals. However, even now, this is unknown. This field not only helps those recuperate but it also helps measure the energy I tuned with nature and wildlife. As you can see, the princess has done something unimaginable once again and put the entire field to flower."

"Is it uncommon?"

Fern nodded, "It is rare. Even when I measured my capabilities, I was only able to make half the field flower with much difficulties and it was said that I was the strongest ever recorded in our history. However, the princess had broken that record just by sleeping in the field. It is a first ever recorded. It was once mentioned that the princess you speak of once also had such an ability where she was very easily able to tame the animals around her. Perhaps, you can find more clues about her from sir Robin."

"Sir Robin?" Malleus looked to him in confusion.

"Sir Robin is the most loyal retainer of the king and an old friend. Whatever happens, he has a tendency to want to get to the bottom of it. Should he ever see injustice, he enjoys playing the role of karma by throwing pranks of the same level of the injustice. Due to this, he is not well liked by others, but no one can doubt his loyalty to the king. For your race, however, it may not be as easy. He has no fear for dark faes, but he does not like the aura your kind gives off. If he does not like your aura and demeanor, he will not interact with you even if you go after him. He may even take the offensive."

"But I really want to know more. Chief Fern, is there any method we can follow to allow us to get answers from him?" Malleus responded.

"Hm…." The fairy hummed to himself, "Why not go seek him out yourself?"


Fern nodded, "He's not a bad fairy, regardless. Talk to him normally and he may just answer your questions."

"But you just said he does not like dark faes. Surely, he would not speak with me as I am a dark fae as well." Malleus questioned in confusion.

"That guy is so casual, he would hardly cared if you barged in there while he's showering to ask him a question."

The two jumped in bewilderment as Peony's voice cut through their conversation. Her potion wore off revealing a rather feminine-looking guy before them. Peony grumbled seemingly rather annoyed, "Can't you guys quiet down just a few octives lower while someone is sleeping? Also, what are you doing here, Malleus? Aren't you suppose to be in the house now that you have allowed yourself to be captured?"

"Allowed yourself to be captured?" Fern raised a brow.

"Oh? You believe I allowed myself to be captured? Why would I do something as foolish as that?" Malleus looked to her with a raised brow.

"Cause the fool decided it was too boring being the prey that they turned themselves in and give someone more work." Peony shook her head in dismay, "Can't I get a shut eye for once? I already gave you a bed time story. What else do you want?"

"The tale of the king of primates-"

"Hell no." She stated bluntly, "That story requires you to understand eastern cultures and systems as well as religion. Moreover, I'm too lazy to spend a week relaying each and every single details to you. By the time, I'm done with the prologue, it'd be one whole day without food, water, and sleep."

"Such a long story exists?" Malleus pondered in confusion.

"It's called a chronicle for a reason." Peony grumbled as she wipes a sleepy tear away with a finger and yawned softly, "It's also one of the four greatest novels of the red dragon kingdom in history. If you're done now, go back to bed, or just let me sleep a little longer. Geez…"

With that, she curled back onto the flower field till she suddenly sat up and called over to him, "If you're looking for Robin, don't bother going to the fairy gala or fairy kingdom to find him. I was told he went to Kingdom of Heroes with Father so he won't be home. You finding him in the fairy gala, won't be so easy. It will have to depend on luck."

"Aren't you worried our guest will receive the end of Sit Robin's wrath?" Fern sighed, "At least give him some advice."

"We're talking about someone who knew about the plot to steal from royalty's grasp and yet let it slide. At the same time, the very person who could care less if the person before them is either a boy or a girl. Would it really mattered if he was at the receiving end of Robin's wrath? Personally, I'd like to see it happen and bet who would win in a match."

"Princess!" Fern cried out in disbelief over her usual shameless behavior, "Must you be like this again?"

In contrast, Malleus chuckled and smirked in amusement, "The princess of Fairy kingdom has the gal to bet between her own retainer and the prince of another kingdom? How amusing… Should that happen, I surely hope you become satisfied with the outcome. I'm eager to see this retainer that has the power to defy me!"

"Of course, he can defy you." Peony stuck her tongue out at him, "You aren't his lord, after all. There's also mother, father and me. Why should he listen to you? Not only that, I doubt you'd be able to make him listen to begin with."

"Would you like to see it be done?"

Peony huffed, "I trust his abilities for better or worse. Since you want to go see him, then I may as well warn you not to let down your guard. Anyway, what brought you here? You can give up on another bed time story."

Peony had only just finished checking on the conditions of the mines before helping the small fairies return home in peace. She had been sleeping so well for once in a very long time only for it to be cut short just because someone didn't like their bed time story! Hateful!
