
A Decent Show

"I suppose this year's VDC might not be as good..." Lotus concluded with a heavy sigh, "Both sides have been given a heavy blow after all..."

"A heavy blow?"

Lotus nodded, "They might not look like it, but there was a fight that went on and the group all took a beating. Then, there was Niege who had been manipulated by someone to sing for everyone till he became so tired. However, nobody outside knows about this."

"Seriously?!" Idia looked to her in shock once the dancing was over, "How do you know about this information?"

Lotus scowled and grumbled in disdain, "Cause I was the one who had to treat both groups after that whole ordeal!"

She sighed and continued, "And here I thought I could take a break today and just enjoy the culture festival, but I ended up receiving more work... If only everyone can just enjoy the festival without any mishaps... I've been running around from this morning till now. However, I absolutely don't want to miss witnessing modern human culture of today, so I still came here to see it."

"Sounds like you didn't have a pleasant time yourself." Idia sighed.

"Well, it looks like it's all worth it by the end of the day." Lotus wore a dry smile as watched the next group walk up, "To think that Vil even took a pain-relieving potion too."

"He did?" Idia looked up in surprise.

"Ah," Lotus nodded as the announcer called Niege's group onto stage next, "No matter what you do to change your appearance and condition, there will always be a side effect. Thanks to that, the idiot became so tired after the dance that he almost tripped while getting off stage. I also don't need to take a closer look at his eyes to see that they aren't focusing too well either. I think I understand now why he uses the term 'potato'."


Lotus sighed, "Forget it... Given the current situation, I guess it is a decent performance on their end. But, the dance..."

Idia looked to her in disbelief and surprise as he whispered to himself in his usual hurried fashion as if performing a tongue twister, "Did he actually just roasted and called Dorm Leader of Pomefiore out without batting an eye?! Scary! Too Scary! Seriously, is Lotus in a feud against him?"

As the music began, the happy and jumpy tune began as well. However, like NRC Tribe, Niege's group wasn't doing too well either. As Idia watched, he could also see that the group was just as tired as well. As he thought, he couldn't get to watch the last two with great spirit seeing that their movements were as good. However, taking a quiet glance over to Lotus, he was relieved to see that she also wasn't interested in the performance either. Yet, it was strange to see someone actually watching their performance and critiquing each one as though she was a judge. But, didn't she say that she lived in a remote place? Why would she be critiquing them so carefully for something that's entertainment?

Lotus watched the performance carefully noting each of the loud and bold moves. It was clear that, although the song was a bit too cheerful for her taste, the song was carefully put together and expertly executed with the dance. However, that was the same for the other party, NRC tribe. After the song ended, she had come up with a conclusion as the crowd cheered loudly. She sighed, "Both are well-matched... However, with my current taste in music and dance and their conditions, I guess I won't be able to give them an honest opinion over which is better."

Idia nodded with a heavy sigh, "I don't even feel like waving the light sticks..."

Lotus wore a dry smile, "Why not wave it once for Ortho? You know that he'd want to do this at a show. If I get a chance next time, I'll definitely bring Ortho along. Since he has a simple and happy personality, I'm sure he'd enjoy attending a show like this. You can even take him to one using this spell. I wonder if I can make a stone for Ortho..."

"It's all right." Idia responded bluntly with a sigh as he waved the stick unenthusiastically, "I don't want to leave to the outside often anyway."

"I see." Lotus nodded and handed him the original manuscript, "Then, I'll just leave the spell in your hands. I've tried to study the spell to the best of my ability, but it seems that I won't be able to continue without higher technology and knowledge. So, I'll leave it in your care. Maybe you'll have a use for it in the future for something else."

"Seriously?" Idia looked to her in disbelief as he took it in his hands, "You'd actually give something as valuable as this away?"

"I'm not joking." Lotus responded bluntly, "However, this spell also carries its risk. The one I gave you is the safer version. The original has many loose ends that, if you use it, I can't tell what side effects it can have. That's why I took so long to tie up those loose ends before having others use it. If you do wish to study it, you shouldn't do so on your own or without safety precautions. That spell is still too mysterious. Hence, I advise that you should try to do so when you're a little older, but never alone. I have no interest to study this spell. At first, I thought it could help me in my own research, but it turns out to just be a spell used for hiding and concealing your presence. Since I already have this condition already, I don't want something that makes me non-existent. However, maybe you would have some use for it in the future."

"Your research?"

Lotus nodded, "It's a medical research I've been working on. I had thought that this spell was used to help treat illnesses in the past, but I was wrong. Hah... It was a waste of my time... If you don't want it, I can just toss it somewhere else. If Azul-senpai didn't mention your problem, I would've already tossed it out thinking it had no use."

"I see." Idia sighed, "I guess I'll just put it somewhere in my room, then."

He had thought that it was just some random piece of old paper, but he didn't think that this piece of paper would be so difficult to decipher. Perhaps he can take it back and see if it's of any use or not?

"Great!" Lotus wore a wide smile once she heard this before she added, "The kid would be pretty worried if it wasn't placed into proper use."

"The kid?"


"The National Wizarding Boarding School Joint Culture Festival at Night Raven College! This concludes all the performances for the music presentation, the Vocal & Dance Championship! Would the representatives from every school please come on stage!"

As the crowd screamed and screeched, Lotus covered her ears with a grimace as she muttered, "So loud..."

"Eh, really?" Idia muttered in confusion, "But, this is how most shows are."

"I see..." Lotus sighed, "Well, I can't fault them for their enthusiasm. The competition was pretty exciting, after all, and they have people they've decided to cheer for. I wonder if Vil and the other still have a chance against Niege..."

"Do you really think that they'll make it?" Idia sighed, "Personally, I don't think it's that good, but I guess you got to give them credit with their current condition."

"If we're talking about credit, then Niege and the other dwarves also deserves it too." Lotus added, "Despite having been manipulated to sing all day, he still managed to pull a show stopping performance as well."

"Do you like his music?" Idia questioned curiously, "Personally, I still prefer Gakemo. Still, just what songs do you prefer?"

Lotus wore a small smile, "I guess, it would have to be a more soothing one without creating a the upbeat notes. Don't get me wrong though. It's good, but I still prefer calming music of the old."

Since her last life, Lotus hated the upbeat notes when she always have to tackle the fierce advances of nobles from other races. It was much different to her own race that rarely ever wished to harm her. Those who do still had to face the punishment of having plotted against her. From that, she had to face many emotional challenges that comes from both types of events: bring down her own kind and punishing her own kind even to their death. Just because she was the one who personally raised all of them, didn't mean she can continue to treat all of them as her own child. It was only during these times that she often yearned for the performances set up in the kingdom of one of her sister or wished to hear the soothing music played on the guqin by her elder brother. Those are the things that often helps calm her down a lot. However, due to her role, she could seldom enjoy such luxury.
