


I had been so lost in constructing scenarios for the evening ahead that I was surprised to see how far I had come.

There stood a lone structure, reaching the sky. It was left disregarded with no one near it. Over time the bricks had weakened, the paint wore off and layers of dust coated over it. The building surely looked aged.

It had been abandoned but was taken over by pigeons fluttering in the rooms and nesting by the windows, spiders building webs, and bats sheltered here for the night

From the street, it looked like nothing. There were a few weary double doors painted racing green. They were closed, which meant nothing; each door had a frame on top. The door had some bullet holes in it though, that's not so good. Maybe the shooter took up residence here. I shouldn't go in, not even alone, but there's part of me that's indignant that anyone else is in there.
